Reviews For Vineyard Summer
Name: jcap1526 reviewed Find a Lover on Aug 29, 2009 04:55 pm
I'm so glad she was dreaming. I find I can't continue a story and I get very angry with cheating unless it's what brings the two antagonists together. Glad they made up and that Ginny was questioning their relationship. Very real.

Author's Response: :D i wanted my readers to be freaked out by the dream, and so far i think i've succeeded. I should probably apologize for that! LOL. i hate it especially when there are d/g stories that involve them with anyone else. I would never really write her & Ulrich into my story (despite what my beta's think i should do!!!!!). thanks for reading!
Name: nacilme reviewed Find a Lover on Aug 29, 2009 04:03 pm
You are absolutely mean! An cruel! An definitely want US to die from a heart failure!
You really got me nervous about that damned dream of Ginny. 'Cause that was never what Ginny would do. It would be completely mental, and out of proportion, and crazy beyond this life. And I thank you for making it only a strange dream and starting to get this sweet D/G train back in tracks. Though I can't deny that after, when our couple was getting along again, I felt excited about how this episode related to recent events in my favorite series by now, True Blood. Really similar, but still have the same power to thrill us.
I rally adored this chapter and you completely made up for the last one!
Keep going that I'll be here to review it next time!


Author's Response: LOL! i did really want my readers to be freaking out over that dream, so i guess i succeeded! i haven't seen True Blood (the result of not owning a TV & being told i can't rent the DVDs when my daughter is around) but I have read all the books in the series. however, i was told they're nothing alike, so.... i dunno! i'm glad this chapter made up for the last one ;) thanks for reading!
Name: Jack Tamara reviewed Change, Now It's Time For Change on Aug 21, 2009 07:29 pm
This is really good. The funny thing is, I saw this fic about a month ago, read the first chapter, and deserted it, thinking, "eh. whatever". Then, I read some of your other fics, which I really liked. So, I went and read all your fics, and decided to give this one another try, thinking that I'd give up if I still wasn't feeling it by chapter 3. So, I started reading it, and made it all the way to Chapter 13, thinking, "Wow. This is amazingly good." So, never judge a fanfic by its first chapter, I guess. Lesson learned. Good job to you, Jessica K Malfoy. Please update this fic soon! I thought Ginny shouldn't have been so manipulative, especially since she's spending Draco's money like that. But I guess, I kinda see how she might be upset. But still. And the end part, where I guess it could be considered rape, please don't turn this into a rape fic. I mean, I know it's really serious and tragic, but I want to know more about Grace and Har and the war and what happens. Anyways, enough rambling. I see that it has been nearly four years since this was first started, and I'm just really glad that you're still updating regularly. So, I guess, bottom line, good job, and please update soon. :)

Author's Response: thank you. it has come a LONG way from what was originally intended for a nice, sweet, fluffy piece. the next chapter is mostly ready - it's being "grammared" by my beta so as soon as that's done i will post it. this is definitely not a rape fic. i think most my readers will be pleased with the next chapter. there is alot i could say, about ginny being manipulative and all that, but that might give away too much of what is to come!
Name: youGOTTAloveDG reviewed Change, Now It's Time For Change on Aug 21, 2009 06:15 pm
your still working on it right? your not gonna let it end on a sad note right? please finish soon i love a happy ending and i wany him to be good :(

Author's Response: chapter 14 is with my beta and chapter 15 is being written, so no worries! thanks for reading :D
Name: pask611 reviewed Change, Now It's Time For Change on Aug 21, 2009 12:14 pm
this is deffinitly the best draco and ginny story i have ever read. please add me to this amazing story.

Author's Response: well thank you very much! *blushes*
Name: Dracogirl reviewed Change, Now It's Time For Change on Aug 19, 2009 04:56 pm
I actually read this right after it posted, however it took all this time for me to review because I didn't know how I felt about this chapter (that's a good thing). I felt a strange combination of being angry, annoyed and confused.

I'm angry at Draco for losing control the way he did - he should have dealt with his emotions better and I was angry at Ginny for playing games and pressing his buttons.

I know they're young in this fic, but dang they really annoyed me 'cause they didn't talk about what was bothering them. She was pissed, he was pissed; and neither knew what the heck the other was pissed about.(I'm not sure they even know why they're pissed.)

Maybe I missed something, but I was sooooo confused. Ginny felt Draco was using her but why? I read this chapter a couple of times and I'm still not sure I get it. I mean she kept saying he was using her; I'm guessing it's because he hasn't opened up to her?? But early in the chapter, even before she was pissed at him, I guess this is Ginny's POV 'Draco spent money with no consideration of cost.....And the odd part, or maybe the best part, was that Ginny was getting used to it.' Well later on she's thinking that it's petty to spend his money but 'he's been using me. I look forward to your next update, maybe something fluffy that won't have me agonizing over D & G for days.

Author's Response: i'm glad you felt all those things! that meant the chapter did what i wanted it too! both of them are acting like babies because they're both young and don't know how to deal and... well, we'll get to that in the next chapter. i would love to answer all your concerns here, but chapter 14 is with my beta so it will be posted this week (i hope) and then, i think that will answer your questions! thanks so much for reading and leaving me a review!
Name: jEllieBean reviewed Change, Now It's Time For Change on Aug 15, 2009 02:10 pm
Aww . . . poor Ginny. Update soon!

Author's Response: yes, poor Ginny! and i will. hopefully it will be this week :D thanks for reading!
Name: Regan reviewed Welcome to Tuscany on Aug 13, 2009 06:44 am
I usually don't leave comments because I always feel too intimidate to do so in another language and I'm afraid my english isn't really that good ^^
But, since I'm italian I figured I can help you with those 3-4 sentences in the 7th chapter ^^
*Buon pomeriggio. *Salve signore. Cosa posso fare per lei oggi? *Il vestito in vetrina, quello dorato. Starebbe benissimo su mia moglie. Voglio che lo provi (in italian we usually use conditional so it would be "Vorrei lo provasse" but maybe you just wanted to stress how Draco is used to command around). *Per il Carnevale? *Una scelta molto buona. Da questa parte. *Entri qui. *Cosa ne pensate?

That's it, I know it isn't really vital to have it grammatically perfect since probably no one will understand but i thought it was nice ^^ Sorry for my bad english >.

Author's Response: thank you VERY much! i know zero Italian and i just used the website to translate. i had a feeling it wasn't totally accurate! and your english is just fine :D
Name: Licentia poetica reviewed Change, Now It's Time For Change on Aug 11, 2009 08:44 pm
Hhmmm. "Fluffy, among other things." I guess this was NOT the fluff. I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter...didn't like either of them very much. She was "punishing" him in a very manipulative way and though she gave him tacit (and verbal) permission, it was still rape when she said no. Hopefully you'll let them work it out, but you've got your work cut out for you!

Author's Response: yes, this would be the other things! my work is going along very nicely, so no worries. things will work out :D thanks for reading.
Name: dancingonstars reviewed Change, Now It's Time For Change on Aug 11, 2009 10:55 am
an amazing chapter! dracos not looking so good now lol will he come and comfort ginny and be the draco grown to love at the vineyard? hurry and post the next chapter. i cant wait.

Author's Response: the next chapter will hopefully be up this week. thank you so much for reading. i'm pretty sure that there will be at least an attempt on Draco's behalf to quit acting like such a jerk!
Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Change, Now It's Time For Change on Aug 10, 2009 11:51 pm
Oh. Poor Ginny! I'm almost crying.

Author's Response: it always makes me happy when i get strong emotions from readers! thanks for reading and i hope the next chapter will make you happier!
Name: Ritata_urp reviewed Change, Now It's Time For Change on Aug 10, 2009 05:13 pm

Author's Response: LOL!
Name: Hibo reviewed Welcome to Tuscany on Aug 10, 2009 11:47 am
I felt that this was your best chapter yet, truly amazing (which is kinda creepy considering what transpired).

I think part of what made it so great was that their relationship was too good to be true, especially considering the war and their past, you know? It all would have been to easy if it continued that way (though don´t misunderstand me, I really like this story and I´m pretty much hooked). And although I do agree that it wasn´t rape and want Draco and Ginny to be together, I hope she won´t give forgiveness to easy. Poor Gin, she must feel so alone in all of this.=(

Anyway, whether it is fluff or angst, it seems to always be high quality when you write it!^^

Sorry for the essay, and keep up the good work!
Name: choravenclaw reviewed Welcome to Tuscany on Aug 10, 2009 07:55 am
=Di'm glad to hear this, all of this!
And thanks!
Not only for picking up where it stopped but also for saying i'm not meddlesome,a lthough i know what a pain i can be sometimes
Do you know when it will be up?I have some serious problems with waiting an my nails have been suffering for it, yes i still bite my nails.
Also i'm getting extra large with the compulsive eating in order to calm my nerves...anyway, do you think it's gonna take long?

Name: Gin Kiohikari reviewed Welcome to Tuscany on Aug 10, 2009 06:30 am
Ooh! Nice chapter!
Name: KarmaKiller20 reviewed Change, Now It's Time For Change on Aug 10, 2009 06:16 am
omg, i think your best chapter ever! i don't even know where to begin -- it's all good. the beginning where it's all tense cuz you don't know what's going through draco's mind, when she met up with the german and you didn't know if she was going up with him (i kinda thought she was), the last part where you don't know what's gonna happen next.... all's i can say is that i'm sure your next update is highly anticipated :)

Author's Response: thank you! the next chapter should be up this week, so hopefully it will answer your questions!
Name: MandiKender reviewed Change, Now It's Time For Change on Aug 09, 2009 08:54 pm
i really fell bad for ginny in this chapter... and i hope that they can fix their relationship to the point where they both trust one another. On a happier note: I LOVE that you used Motley Crue as the title. I am a huge fan and i love finding others who enjoy their music :)

Author's Response: thanks! i had just come home from Crue Fest when i posted this chapter and that's what was stuck in my head :D
Name: ExquisiteBeauty reviewed Change, Now It's Time For Change on Aug 09, 2009 06:55 pm
She shouldn't give in so easy!

... sometimes, I really angst and this is one of those moments. I kinda want to see Draco suffer a bit... is that weird? Haahha.

Author's Response: not weird at all! Ginny kind of wants to see him suffer too :D
Name: choravenclaw reviewed Welcome to Tuscany on Aug 09, 2009 04:33 pm
Totally reminded me of Lolita, also Audrey Hepburn (althought she only acted with older man because none of the younger ones were good enough to be by her side but that's a whole other story)
Ulrich is the kinda guy you meet and feel attracted to in a weird creepy way, the you meet and flirt but never has the guts to go through with it.
So it was perfect, from the first to the last glance, it was magnifique!
It wasn't a RAPE scene, it was concensual, just in a different kinda of way, her body always responds to his but her mind didn't want to at that moment(if that makes any sense).

I'm dying to see what his apologies will be like.
Also could you please continue the next chapter where this one ended?
It would really suck if all of a sudden in the next chapter they were already on their way to a different place or something like this.
The next chapter should begin with him coaxing her out of the bathroom or Ginny coming out to find him asleep or just not there, i don't know, but definately pick up where it left, please don't let this get mucked up.
*twinkling eyes* PLEASE say yes to this!

I know i'm more meddlesome than a beta, but is just that i'm not good with creating things, to make up for it i'm really good at getting things that re already made and making them better, even if it's only vocabulary.

Sorry about the rambling , i tend to do that a lot.

Do you know when you're gonna post the next chapter? Or at least if it's gonna be this long or shorter?


Author's Response: The next chapter is mostly written & its just as long as this one, if not a bit longer. & yes, it picks up right where this one ended. You aren't meddlesome at all! I like knowing what people are looking for so I can work it into the chapters!
Name: wes-emerald reviewed Change, Now It's Time For Change on Aug 09, 2009 03:43 pm
Oh... My...God... i am speechless... you are an awsome writer

Author's Response: thank you very much!
Name: patronus117 reviewed Change, Now It's Time For Change on Aug 09, 2009 08:26 am
love this chapter! i just hope draco feels super guilty for how he treated ginny

Author's Response: Oh he does. Of course it may be for very Draco like reasons....
Name: DracoGinnyLover reviewed Change, Now It's Time For Change on Aug 09, 2009 06:58 am
Well, that was nothing like I was expecting. It was a wonderful chapter. Showes that everything isn't always pretty. I can't wait to read the next capter to see what is in store for them when she finally leaves the loo. Good Luck with it! :)

Author's Response: thank you! the next chapter should be up this week! :D
Name: Xme reviewed Change, Now It's Time For Change on Aug 09, 2009 02:59 am
poor ginny.., but it was very well written

Author's Response: LOL, thank you
Name: bellatrizM reviewed Change, Now It's Time For Change on Aug 08, 2009 03:40 pm
wow, i am out of words. i loved the chapter, truly did.

Author's Response: thank you :D
Name: Nevermindme reviewed Change, Now It's Time For Change on Aug 08, 2009 03:00 pm
Your writing just took on a whole new level of depth. Just when the characters started to seem predictable you give us a irrational decision and a rape scene. Even though I hate Draco right now, I loved this chapter. I can't wait for the next one!

Author's Response: Ginny kind of hates him too :D thank you for the 'depth' comment. the story is starting to really get going to all the things that have to happen before they ride off happily into the sunset. or will they....?
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