Name: CharmedLife19 reviewed Mr. and Mrs. on Aug 11, 2006 06:58 am
I loved it. It made me smile. Except the part about Hermione, but from the start we knew there would be a funeral. Great job!
Name: mary reviewed Mr. and Mrs. on Oct 30, 2005 11:25 am
yeah cute fic! i love the ending. poor ron.
Name: Luna reviewed The Funeral on Oct 10, 2005 08:57 am
Wonderful! :) Please continue, this is a damn good story! :)
Name: Loreena McKennitt reviewed The Funeral on Oct 09, 2005 08:25 am
Darn it! Are you done? That better not be it all...or is there a sequel? and that was only 3 weddings. AH! I'm so confused. lol. Good story though. I like. I like.

Author's Response: That's not it- there is a 4th wedding, the chapter just needs a beta to correct my mistakes and post it :) Wonder who the 4th wedding will be.... :P
Name: Loreena Mckennitt reviewed Lavender and Blaise on Oct 09, 2005 08:18 am
Holy crap. So many terms i didn't reconize. lol. Hermione die? That's sad, but she dies in my story, too, so....good job. gonna read about her funeral now. =) i mean, holy crap, i'm horrible. =( there we go.
Name: MrsDanielRadcliffe reviewed The Funeral on Oct 07, 2005 12:40 am
Good interim chapter, but you should avoid using direct quotes from other places without citing it in your Author's Notes at the beginning of the chapter.

Author's Response: Hey- thanks but I did at the beginning of Chapter 3 site that "fans of the 1992 movie the Cutting Edge with DB Sweeney and moira Kelly" would recognize bits of dialogue. I can't put notes in the actual story so I don't know how else to phrase it. Putting dialogue in the AN would give things away.
Name: Bina reviewed Lavender and Blaise on Oct 04, 2005 02:18 pm
This is an interesting story, full of nice vignettes and moments in these characters' lives. I look forward to reading the rest.
Name: slythergal reviewed Lavender and Blaise on Oct 03, 2005 04:53 pm
Another great chapter.
Name: hpfan00 reviewed Lavender and Blaise on Sep 30, 2005 03:18 pm
I love this story and I can't wait for the next chapter. Hope it's very soon!

Author's Response: New chapter is up! Hopefully ya'll can get it soon. I am glad you like it. Thanks for reading!
Name: Citrus587 reviewed Lavender and Blaise on Sep 30, 2005 12:30 pm
Super job with this story! I am totally drawn in. It's a story which enables me to leave the real world and completely immerse myself in HP world. I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response: I love immersing myself in HP. I am starting to believe it is real! JK- but I sometimes wish it was! Thanks for your kind feedback
Name: beckysue2 reviewed Lavender and Blaise on Sep 29, 2005 05:48 pm
I loved the lines from The Cutting Edge! Great movie, that! I can't believe you killed off Hermione though. Poor Ron!

Author's Response: Someone should do a CUTTING EDGE story where Draco and Ginny are ice-skaters- NOT REALLY J/K but the banter between Kate and Doug in that movie really reminds me of what Draco and Ginny would have

Author's Response: Oh yeah- I love Hermione but someone had to provide the funeral part of it. Ron will be ok... well if his lil sis ends up with Draco maybe not!
Name: kim reviewed Pansy and Neville on Sep 28, 2005 02:25 pm
Amazing. :) It has this sweet simplicity to it that I just can't explain. Great job! - hope you update it soon, I'm curious to know what exactly that title of yours means.

Author's Response: Thanks Kim- by now I reckon you're getting the title... yes someone must perish for it
Name: SlyKat reviewed Luna and Gregory on Sep 28, 2005 11:21 am
I can tell your story is going to be unique and interesting! Keep it UP!

Author's Response: Thanks! I was thinking about Kim's response- wonder if it should have been Draco's funeral after Ginny's brothers all killed him? hm... J/K
Name: hufflepuff_luvr reviewed Pansy and Neville on Sep 27, 2005 07:10 pm
Great story. I'm really enjoying it. Yes, Draco is out of character, but we all need a little "nice" Draco in our lives. I also like that though Neville is with Pansy, she and Ginny aren't all buddy-buddy. Can't wait for updates.

Author's Response: Yes "nice" Draco is my dream man hehehe- just kidding I married my dream man but I think people can change so gotta give Draco the benefit of the doubt
Name: ronlover reviewed Pansy and Neville on Sep 27, 2005 11:26 am
I like it. Draco is totally out of character...but I like it. Update soon.

Author's Response: Thanks! I like thinking that perhaps Draco has 'grown-up' a bit since his Hogwarts days. But, a bit of the Draco we know from Hogwarts will probably surface at some point. :)
Name: daisymama reviewed Pansy and Neville on Sep 27, 2005 05:31 am
So cute!! I think this is going to be an adorable story.....I love good fluff!

Author's Response: Yes good fluff is always needed. I am in wedding mode... my anniversary is coming up on Oct 16, so I felt the need to relive the romance hehehe :)
Name: Dracosbaby reviewed Pansy and Neville on Sep 26, 2005 07:01 pm
aww...I love it! I can't wait to see what happens! I love how you've characterized Ginny and Draco. I can definitely relate to her because I know a lot of people that are getting married and having kids. Great job!!! Please post the next chapter soon!!!

Author's Response: I was in need of some fluff so I just went with it. :) I know Ginny and Draco are a bit out of character, but I suppose they've grown up a bit. But I promise the *real* Ginny and Draco will show themselves too! ;)
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