Name: hippoclit reviewed Where The Hell's Ginny? on Mar 30, 2008 11:46 pm
oh noes! oh ginny, how can she do this to him.

btws, excellent fic so far. am enjoying thoroughly. even though they only almost got it on so far.
Name: raven_dark reviewed Where The Hell's Ginny? on Jul 18, 2007 02:08 pm
man... I love this Ginny!
Name: Anonymous reviewed Where The Hell's Ginny? on Jun 25, 2007 06:33 pm
i love this fic, there's so much going on and i love draco's reaction to everything.
i am also hating ginny for the pain she is putting draco through.
and you have a wonderful way with words.
Name: spider reviewed Where The Hell's Ginny? on Apr 22, 2006 06:56 pm
Wow. That was definitely a lot to digest in one chapter. I've been reading your (magnificent) story and not thinking that Ginny was capable of speaking five sentences at a time, more less scheming away all this time and jumping off to get married. I definitely did not see that coming. I feel awful for Draco.
Name: runescarlet reviewed Where The Hell's Ginny? on Mar 30, 2006 05:16 pm
waaaaaaaaaaah! *cries*
Name: imelda reviewed Where The Hell's Ginny? on Mar 28, 2006 04:51 am
This fic is just so surprising. I don't have anything more constructive to say, I just wanted to reiterate that for the zillionth time. I can never see anything coming.

Btw, "Oh, and, yes, his goddamn heart, that useless piece of trash that he was better off without" is a fantastic line.
Name: Jewels reviewed Where The Hell's Ginny? on Mar 26, 2006 07:03 am
AW! Poor draco! Oh no! bloody ginny! argh! MARRIED!!!! MARRIED???? how COULD she!!!!! Oh dont worry can have me instead ...:D

Brilliant writing. Nice twist. :)

Author's Response: I know. She did. What can I say? Glad you approve of the writing and thanks for that review. It made me laugh and laugh and sort of want to cry. - fallenwitch
Name: Yemeron reviewed Where The Hell's Ginny? on Mar 25, 2006 04:29 pm
No! Say it isn't so! Obviously, there's a good explanation for Ginny's marriage to someone other than Draco. I can't wait to find out what it is.

Author's Response: It isn't so, but it is so! Sorry. It's good to know that at least one reader out there is willing to hear IF Ginny has an explanation! More info is on the way! Thanks for your review. - fallenwitch
Name: Embellished reviewed Where The Hell's Ginny? on Mar 25, 2006 03:55 pm
If I think about this chapter from the objective point of view as an author, I agree that you ended this chapter in exactly the right place. As a reader, however, I want to strangle you. Please don't take too long to update this. I can't wait to find out what would bring Ginny back after such a calculating exit.

Author's Response: Oh, my, I must be doing something right if you want strangle me! The next update is on the way. You might to strangle me after that one as well! Thanks for your review. I loved it! -fallenwitch
Name: kittybro reviewed Where The Hell's Ginny? on Mar 25, 2006 02:19 pm
omg i'm so hating ginny in this. Draco is sooo utterly sweet and all she is doing is using and breaking his heart... poor fellow

Author's Response: True. True. True. Sorry. Thanks for your review! -fallenwitch
Name: Padfootedmoony reviewed Where The Hell's Ginny? on Mar 25, 2006 12:35 pm
Oh no! I can't believe she's gotten married. Update soon please. This fic is great.

Author's Response: I know. She did. Terrible, isn't it? Thanks for your review! -fallenwitch
Name: dracosmysextoy reviewed Where The Hell's Ginny? on Mar 25, 2006 12:12 am
what?! she got married???!!! what? i don't get it. you know i have been putting this story off for the longest time but once i started reading it, i just couldn't get enough. i feel so bad for draco and you made ginny seem like a bitch. it's actually making me cry. it's so sad!!! *sniff sniff* i thought this was supposed to be a comedy?

and this is one of the best stories i have ever read in my entire life. good job. i hope you would update soon.

Author's Response: What? Putting this story off? Whatever for? So glad you decided to join the party! And your question is a very good one. Tragicomedy is what this is. It has elements of both comedy and tragedy. I have honestly tried my hardest NOT to make this all dark and angst ridden because I have a tendency toward that type of thing anyway. Glad that you are loving this story. Your review was wonderful! Thank you! -fallenwitch
Name: Nice reviewed Where The Hell's Ginny? on Mar 24, 2006 08:19 pm
How horrible. I mean she got married and it wasn't to Draco this is horrible and heartbreaking. Well I do hope you post the next chapter soon.

Author's Response: I know. *cringes* *hangs head* The next chapter will be coming soon. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! - fallenwitch
Name: Megan reviewed Where The Hell's Ginny? on Mar 24, 2006 08:06 am
Ok, so I'm not a typical reviewer, (although I read each new chapter as it comes out) but I just had to say something.

I adored the section of this chapter where he finds out about the books/potions stuff of hers...
the second bit (starting: Why are we discussing this?) is really well-written. ok, the whole story is, but for some reason that bit stood out to me really vividly. It read very poetically, and I just loved it.

That's all! Much thanks,

Author's Response: Oh, my, what a review! I wish you reviewed every chapter because it's not often that someone comments on my writing style like that! I will treasure this one. Thanks so much! - fallenwitch
Name: starry_laa reviewed Where The Hell's Ginny? on Mar 24, 2006 07:18 am
You just love leaving us in suspense!
And that Ginny, wow, she is one volatile, unpredicatable credit, I give you that much credit. Married, hey? And who be the lucky man?
"Loving this line, Love didn't only make Draco blind; it made him stupid as well." Oh, it's so true.
Looking forward to more unpredict-acalities (made up word, I know..)!

Author's Response: Glad you liked that line... so did I! Her husband will be revealed in the next chapter so stay tuned. Thanks for your review! -fallenwitch
Name: eli reviewed Where The Hell's Ginny? on Mar 24, 2006 06:33 am
Please don't tell me it's over! Please let there be another chapter! I love this story so much, and I hope that you update soon.

Author's Response: Oh, no, it's not over. Not by a long shot. Glad you like it because more is on the way! Thanks for your review! - fallenwitch
Name: Mollie reviewed Where The Hell's Ginny? on Mar 24, 2006 05:09 am
I can't believe that you left it there. Please update soon! And Ginny married. Not possible. Oh, the misery that you have left me in. Please, end it soon. It is like a wound to the heart. I feel Draco's agony. Poor baby!

Author's Response: Sorry! I will end it soon. My next chapter should be up soon and then you will know everything - sort of. I know, Draco's in a bad way right now. Thanks for your review. Please don't hex me! -fallenwitch
Name: Krystal Klear reviewed Where The Hell's Ginny? on Mar 24, 2006 04:19 am
One word. OUCH!

Author's Response: I know. *cringes* Sorry! -fallenwitch
Name: cassie reviewed Where The Hell's Ginny? on Mar 24, 2006 03:40 am
omigosh. poor draco. :( he's so devastated :( DRACO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author's Response: Yep, he's absolutely crushed and devastated and having a hard time breathing, forget about putting one foot in front of the other. Sorry. - fallenwitch
Name: flame_kitty reviewed Where The Hell's Ginny? on Mar 24, 2006 03:12 am
Oh no! Did she think that she was a burden to Draco? Did she marry someone else because she didn't want to marry Draco if she didn't think he loved her?
Dear lord child! You have to update soon! I don't know how much more of this I can take!
I miss Ginny and Draco together and having fun!
Is Ginny married to Blaise? Or some bloke that's terminal or something?

Author's Response: Glad to see you're still here flame_kitty because I was afraid you would abandon ship when Ginny married someone other than Draco! I LOVED, LOVED your idea that she married someone terminal. I laughed so hard I feel over and hit my head! The update is coming soon. - fallenwitch
Name: Reader reviewed Where The Hell's Ginny? on Mar 24, 2006 12:43 am
I LOVE your story! I wait everyday for another update so I can see what happans next. I think you are an awsome auther

Author's Response: Hi Reader- I LOVED your review! I am hoping to have the next chapter up soon, very soon! -fallenwitch
Name: LenaNectaris reviewed Where The Hell's Ginny? on Mar 23, 2006 08:30 pm
Gaah! Who on earth did she marry? I really like this story. The writing style is good, there isn't any ambiguity (other than what's obviously intended to be there) and it has good characterization. More please!

Author's Response: Thank you for your comment on my writing style. I work very hard to edit out any unnecessary ambiguity in writing, and I am thrilled that someone noticed!!! The answers to your question are coming in the next chapter! -fallenwitch
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed Where The Hell's Ginny? on Mar 23, 2006 08:26 pm
Who the hell did she marry? When offered the choice between marrying some 'no-one' and marrying Draco-I-nearly-shagged-you-but-I-stopped-because-I-can't-take-advantage-of-you-Malfoy -- it's a NO BRAINER! I read it all at once... and now I'm rueing that I have no patience... The fic is Fab!

Author's Response: Hi jandj - Your name for Draco is now my favorite name for him! I've always wondered what his full name was and now I know! Thank you for reading it all at once. It was quite a job! And I'm so glad you're enjoying it! The answer to your question is coming in the next chapter so stay tuned! -fallenwitch
Name: jessysgirl reviewed Where The Hell's Ginny? on Mar 23, 2006 06:56 pm
Ahhhh! Cliffhanger! I hope you are one of those authors who frequently and faithfully update. I must say that you are a WONDERFUL writer. I completely love this story. Draco and Ginny are wholly believable. I love that Draco has a heart but is still very "Malfoy". I love that Ginny still has a backbone. I can't wait to see where this story goes! Please update soon! Oh, and that chapter you were unsure about was actually very good.

Author's Response: Wow! What a review. Thank you so much for those kind words! I try to update on a regular basis and have been good about this one. If I hit a wall, sometimes everything stops, but I'm doing okay so far! -fallenwitch
Name: jessysgirl reviewed Where The Hell's Ginny? on Mar 23, 2006 06:55 pm
Ahhhh! Cliffhanger! I hope you are one of those authors who frequently and faithfully update. I must say that you are a WONDERFUL writer. I completely love this story. Draco and Ginny are wholly believable. I love that Draco has a heart but is still very "Malfoy". I love that Ginny still has a backbone. I can't wait to see where this story goes! Please update soon! Oh, and that chapter you were unsure about was actually very good.
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