Name: WhiffleBird reviewed The Fucking Team Mascot on Jun 30, 2006 06:22 pm
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaww thats soo sweet! ha ha I'm aboslutely LOVING this story!!
Name: dgloves70 reviewed His Kiss on Jun 30, 2006 04:03 am
Most awesome story YET! I swear everytime I read the story I get sucked into it and I cannot wait to see what will become of Draco and Ginny.

Author's Response: Thanks for stopping by again, dgloves70. You get two plates of cookies for that! -fallenwitch
Name: ella reviewed His Kiss on Jun 28, 2006 01:18 pm
i've been up far to late now reading this. For obvious reasons... *This is blooy fantastic =)

Author's Response: Thanks, ella. That is quite a compliment! -fallenwitch
Name: eternallybroken reviewed His Kiss on Jun 27, 2006 05:17 pm
agh!! u have to update!
right now!! right this very second!!!
oh, btw, if u can't tell...i love it!
aimz xx

Author's Response: Hi aimz! Glad you are loving this fic, but the update won'te be for awhile. Summer is not a time I do alot of writing. Thanks for your reading and your review! -fallenwitch
Name: eternallybroken reviewed His Kiss on Jun 27, 2006 05:16 pm
agh!! u have to update!
right now!! right this very second!!!
oh, btw, if u can't tell...i love it!
aimz xx
Name: Aurinko reviewed His Kiss on Jun 25, 2006 07:13 am
Yay! I like! How'd your fans take Ginny's confession. And her absolute certainty that Christo was coming to get her and take her away? Bet they LOVED you for that one.

Author's Response: Hey, Aurinko! Yep, it went over big, real big! Appreciate you taking the time to drop by the "other" ship and leave your thoughts! -fallenwitch
Name: Aurinko reviewed The Minister's Wife on Jun 25, 2006 07:07 am
Dunno why, but I like it better this time. Maybe it's the part where it's on the site up in text...but it reads well. I think.
Name: Shattered_Dreams reviewed His Kiss on Jun 21, 2006 11:39 am
Awwww. Me wants to read more... more I say! MoRe! Ok, now that I'm done with that particular moment of spaziness, your story is great and I can't wait to read more! Poor Draco. :'(

Author's Response: Nothing wrong with a little spaziness between friends, is there? Thanks for your review! -fallenwitch
Name: Crystal reviewed His Kiss on Jun 18, 2006 09:33 am
Aww I'm sooo sad!!! Now Ginny and Draco can never be together! It's a tragedy!! Woe me!!!

Author's Response: Agreed. Thanks for your review. It got me in the gut! -fallenwitch
Name: shellydallas reviewed His Kiss on Jun 17, 2006 06:10 pm
Nice to have you back. Really liked this chapter, but what a mess for Draco and Ginny! Sorry, but Christo sounds like a jerk, if he's so great and powerful how come he needed to send Ginny to Draco to get well? He's up to something!!!O.K. maybe I'm just too suspicious. Hope these two can find peace if not love. Thanks for continuing with this great story.

Author's Response: I'm shocked, shellydallas, shocked to hear that you think Christo is up to something. Honestly, woman, when is he NOT up to something? Appreciate the review as well as the way your mind works. -fallenwitch
Name: Scanty Slytherin reviewed His Kiss on Jun 17, 2006 12:16 pm
Im still a bit confused about the ring part... But thankfully, I am blind-sighted by how brilliant the story is. This isn't the end is it?

Author's Response: When Draco kissed Ginny's hand, it reversed the Transfiguration charm she had placed on the engagement ring Draco had given her over a year ago. She Transfigured it to look like the engagement ring and wedding band Christo gave her when they were married. Draco once lamented that the rings Christo had given Ginny signaled his possession of her heart. He was right. It did signal the possession of Ginny's heart - by Draco, not Christo. I hope this clears up any confusion. And no, this isn't the end. Not even close. Thanks for your review. -fallenwitch
Name: RowenaMcKinnon reviewed His Kiss on Jun 16, 2006 06:13 pm
Oh, that was so heartbreaking. Now I'm afraid for them. How unfair things have turned out.

Author's Response: It isn't looking good, is it? Thanks fo reading and for your review. -fallenwitch
Name: eli reviewed His Kiss on Jun 15, 2006 03:38 pm
"But here he was, and there she was, and no one was laughing." Oh, Beautiful. This story is amazing already, but I read that line, and it was sordidly grim. Gosh. I- I'm speechless.

Author's Response: No, I'm speechless. Thanks for the wonderful review. -fallenwitch
Name: starry_laa reviewed His Kiss on Jun 14, 2006 09:46 pm
What kiss?
Lol, I thought maybe there would be a passionate kiss of some sort.
But was glad (and surprised) at the outcome. The truth, as usual was unexpected and a good twist. I like how Ginny is developing- she is no longer docile and passive, but she's becoming a person of her own, yay!!
Looking forward to seeing what happens next!

Author's Response: It was the kiss of truth! There was a kiss and there was passion - just not together! Yes, Ginny is finally coming into her own. Thanks so much for your review. It made me laugh. -fallenwitch
Name: eiramremmus reviewed His Kiss on Jun 14, 2006 09:32 pm
nice story...pls update soon...great plot!

Author's Response: Thank you. Will do. -fallenwitch
Name: patricia reviewed His Kiss on Jun 14, 2006 12:25 pm
wat a great story so far i cant wait to see whats going to happen next time!!!!!!

Author's Response: Thank you! More coming up. Appreciate the review. -fallenwitch
Name: just_breathe reviewed His Kiss on Jun 13, 2006 01:52 pm
This is amazing...

Author's Response: Thank you... -fallenwitch
Name: just_breathe reviewed His Kiss on Jun 13, 2006 01:52 pm
Name: Experience My Dreams reviewed His Kiss on Jun 12, 2006 11:05 pm
Awww I am crying!!!!! Update soon

Author's Response: It's heartbreaking, isn't it? I'll be updating but I don't know about soon. Summer isn't a good time for me as far as writing goes. Thanks for your review! -fallenwitch
Name: spider reviewed His Kiss on Jun 12, 2006 06:21 pm
Wow, I didn't forsee that at all. All this time, I've been enjoying your story, even though I thought that Draco's love for Ginny was one-sided. It seemed that he came to love her, and she came to appreciate him only to shunt him to the side for someone whom she thought of as more noble. Shows what I knew, doesn't it?

Nice twist. I'm looking forward to seeing how Draco deals with the truth. Thinking that Ginny didn't love him as he loved her was bad enough, but knowing now that she feels the same way, but that he can't have her may be worse in many ways.

Author's Response: I agree with you. Knowing that she loves him but he can't have her is much worse. Appreciate your insightful review. -fallenwitch
Name: flame_kitty reviewed His Kiss on Jun 12, 2006 05:48 pm
Oh no! How could you do that to Draco! He didn't do anything and he's getting the shaft?
No offense but I honestly hope that Christo has a heart attack or something and that Ginny changes her name and lives happily ever after wth Draco.

I like your writing style, just not this turn of events :-( ::pouts::

Author's Response: I know. I'm a bad, bad person and a mean one too. *cringes until muscles hurt* A heart attack? I wouldn't count on it. He doesn't have alot risk factors for that kind of thing. Afterall, he's young, healthy, athletic, good diet, non-smoker, no family history of heart attacks. Maybe we can just smite him down the old-fashioned way! All that aside, I appreciate what you're saying. Your murderous outrage was wonderful. -fallenwith
Name: flame_kitty reviewed The Minister's Wife on Jun 12, 2006 05:27 pm
Aw! She still likes him... :-)

Author's Response: Yep, it sure sounds like it, doesn't it? Lucky, unlucky Draco. -fallenwitch
Name: Yemeron reviewed His Kiss on Jun 12, 2006 04:24 pm
That was great. Bittersweet, but great. At least we know now that Ginny had a really good reason for doing what she did. Now what are they going to do? Fallenwitch, I'm with you to the end -- just make sure it the RIGHT ending!

Author's Response: With me to the end? Just like Thelma and Louise. Did you ever see that movie? We can go over the cliff t-o-g-e-t-h-e-r! Don't worry, Yemeron, it'll be the right ending. It has to be. Thanks so much for your review and for hanging in there with me. -fallenwitch
Name: anon. reviewed His Kiss on Jun 12, 2006 02:03 pm
Damn it, stop breaking my heart! *Cries*

Author's Response: Sorry! Better close your eyes for the next couple of chapters, just in case. Thanks for your review. -fallenwitch
Name: JuliusCaesar reviewed His Kiss on Jun 12, 2006 01:53 pm
Absolutely brilliant Fallenwitch. wow. I'm seriously in awe here. This is a wonderful story and it's utterly addictive. I feel so sorry for your Draco (and Ginny- though to a lesser degree). Though it was a selfless act on her part. This is like the best mystery/action/tragedy/romance ever!

Author's Response: Any more praise and I won't be able to fit my big, fat head through the door! Thanks so much, JuliusCaesar, you know how much I appreciate your comments! -fallenwitch
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