Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed The Bastard Weasley on Feb 12, 2008 02:24 am
Poor Alex! :(
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed The Bastard Weasley on Mar 04, 2007 04:37 am
~So, what really happened to ginny~
Name: flame_kitty reviewed The Bastard Weasley on Jun 18, 2006 12:07 pm
aw, I feel so bad for the poor boy! But I love it that Draco is standing up for his son! Yay for Draco!
Name: Firei reviewed The Bastard Weasley on Jun 13, 2004 10:59 am
Best stories I've read in a long time! I really think it has great potential, I hope to see more soon!

Author's Response: Thanks so much, I'm blushing here! More chapters are on the way.
Name: StrangerWithMyFace reviewed The Bastard Weasley on Jun 13, 2004 09:09 am
Aww. I feel badly for the whole family. Poor Alex and Draco and Ginny. Your plot is a very interesting and original one. There are some minor grammar and punctuation errors. I don't know if you have a beta but if you don't, you should get one. It distracts from an otherwise enjoyable fic. :)

Author's Response: Yeah, I know. I sometimes cringe myself when I read it. I now have two betas, but I didn't start finding one till about chapter 14. By the way, I love your fics! You are one of the reasons I converted to D/G!
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