Reviews For The Cold Age
Name: patricia reviewed Truly, madly, deeply on Jun 04, 2006 12:13 pm
its kinda of short but its ok...why did u have to have to have a cliffy NOOOOOOOO...oh well please write soon!!
Name: Kisou reviewed Truly, madly, deeply on Jun 03, 2006 01:04 pm
Keep it up. I love stories where Voldemort is in power. I don't know, there's something so much more original about them. Well, keep it up. I love the muggles. That's a wonderfully original idea as well.

I'm just wondering, have you got a beta reader. If you don't you might want to. You haven't got any really bad errors, but there are a few minor ones that could be taken care of so easily.
Name: eli reviewed Truly, madly, deeply on Jun 03, 2006 09:44 am
Ahh! NO! Don't stop there! I want another chapter. Please.
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