Reviews For Silver Linings
Name: Glass_Mermaid reviewed Chapter 4 on Apr 19, 2006 11:40 am
Whoa... Things are getting interesting!
Name: fallenwitch reviewed Chapter 4 on Apr 18, 2006 08:32 pm
Okay, calm now. Just wanted to make sure you realized that the outrage and shock in my review were meant in the "positive" sense only! I thought it was a well-written and emotionally evocative chapter. That life-threatening twist at the end sent me over the edge. It's not often that a story gets that kind of visceral reaction from me. Okay, I will now calmly wait for your next update. Really enjoying this story immensely. Thanks! -fallenwitch

Author's Response: Thank you! Wonderful to know I reached someone. Haven't written anything that "squicky" in a long time. *sigh* had to be done, though. Keep holding your breath!
Name: fallenwitch reviewed Chapter 4 on Apr 18, 2006 02:20 pm
What? What kind of a warning is THAT? How can I close my eyes and read at the same time? How can I NOT read this chapter if I want to go onto the next and understand the story? I'm the person with her eyes covered during the violent, bloody or scary parts of a movie, but at least there I can still HEAR what is going on. With this medium, I couldn't look away.

How dare you do that to poor Draco! I am outraged. You beat his beautiful body to a pulp (literally) and THEN topped it off with a knife to the ribs and a pneumothorax. He'll bleed to death and suffocate at the same time unless SOMEONE finds him! I assume help is on the way as we are only on Chapter 4, but honestly, woman, how vicious! -fallenwitch

Name: angelgirl_not reviewed Chapter 4 on Apr 18, 2006 01:50 pm
This is absolutely evil! You cannot have him stabbed like that! That's just evil! I don't like this chapter, but i liked all the rest, so i better keep reading to see if i like the later chapters(i probably will, i am just in a bad mood today)sorry if i upset you with what i said
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