Reviews For My Bane
Name: silentocean reviewed Nighttime Confessions on Jan 19, 2007 12:39 pm
"So, we set to work trying to turn you evil."
This sentence makes me cringe. Obviously Draco doesn't think what he is doing is evil.
And good and evil are entirely subjective.
I also don't like it when authors include entire song lyrics in their stories. I don't know if you wrote the song or not but... songs are only good when you hear them. I don't need a detailed description of every word Ginny sang to get the point.
I also thought it was a bit out of character for her to burst into song in the middle of the common room. I'm a singer, but even I wouldn't sing and dance on command just because Narccisa Malfoy asked me too. If you want to kept the scene if might help to make Ginny look a bit more nervous or to have her sing sitting down, and without a spotlight.
I don't entirely like the "lets make Ginny amazingly hot" aspect of her identity change, but I suppose its your prerogative if you want to leave it in.

Author's Response: ...yeah.
Name: shelly reviewed Nighttime Confessions on Sep 04, 2006 05:52 am
keep writing pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Author's Response: Ha ha, I will. Thanks for reviewing! :D
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed Nighttime Confessions on Aug 21, 2006 10:58 am
Really good. How much did Sirius hear? Ginny's lash out at Sirius was VERY convincing as a Slytherin. Anyway, great work... can't wait for more! ;)

Author's Response: Thank you! You'll find out within the next couple days :D
Name: fallenwitch reviewed Nighttime Confessions on Aug 16, 2006 05:15 pm
"Ginny glanced at Sirius's serious gray eyes." "Sirius's serious"! I had to read that one twice - v. subtle and v. funny!

Sirius and Ginny/Isendre are fabulous. Sirius adds just the right mix of gentle testosterone to the fic.

The problem I have with this chapter, and you may have stated it before, but I was too dim to notice it, is your self-characterization of the Slytherins as "evil". I don't see them as seeing themselves in this light. I think they conceptualize the world differently from Gryffindors - that's all. A bit more cunning and not afraid to use darker means to get to the end they want, but evil? For me, that didn't work, but I enjoyed this chapter anyway. They can keep calling themselves evil for the rest of the fic, and I suspect I'll just keep reading along, enjoying myself.

Draco's turn at the end was interesting. I was wondering if he wasn't projecting his own feelings onto Ginny rather than giving an accurate portrayl of her feelings for him. I think he's more in love with her than she's in love with him. We'll see. Thanks for the update!

Author's Response: Thank you very much! :D
Name: leelee reviewed Nighttime Confessions on Aug 16, 2006 02:42 pm
like it so far i hope you consider my idea but i still love your story

Author's Response: Thanks! :D
Name: flame_kitty reviewed Nighttime Confessions on Aug 16, 2006 11:48 am
What?! This chapter ended so suddenly! What's going on?
Update soon please!

Author's Response: Well, I can't just TELL you, can I? That'd ruin all the fun for me :D
Name: Rashonda reviewed Nighttime Confessions on Aug 16, 2006 07:25 am
Oh. So, I get it. Draco is going about getting her the 'honest' route by confessing his past misdeeds interesting. It's understandle that Ginny is pissed off, I would be if I'd learned of a plan trying to woo me over to the darkside. I know they'll work it out. But onto Isendre/Sirius he's such a compassionate guy, if time was on their side she'd surely end up with him. GJ as usual. :)

Author's Response: Ha ha, thanks. I love your reviews; they're so funny :D
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