Reviews For Breaking His Heart
Name: shaded reviewed You're Nutters on Jan 07, 2009 03:02 pm
Oh my goodness. Totally not what I was expecting. I don't know quite what to say. *rushes off to read the next chapter*. *rushes back for a sec* Just to say that the Ginny/Draco argument was totally spot on. Draco's total confusion at Ginny's actions were realistic as I was as confused as he. Ginny's righteous indignation is a hard thing to write, I think, but you definitely managed it.
Name: MrsDanielRadcliffe reviewed You're Nutters on Apr 26, 2006 01:17 am
See, I had a feeling that it was going to be either an amnesia thing or a Draco-casting-memory-charms-on-himself thing. I can't wait to see how it comes out!
Name: Nectaris reviewed You're Nutters on Apr 19, 2006 05:27 pm
*blank, horrified expression with jaw dropped* But he just...But she...There's no...WTF, mate but I'm confused. Can't wait to see the explanation for THIS. :)
Name: gotsnape reviewed You're Nutters on Apr 18, 2006 02:51 pm
I like the rewrite of this story very much. There is more clarity. It doesn't jump around with the plot, but still remains just as jumpy and anxious as Draco feels. It comes across very clearly. Events happen very quickly in this story. It leaves me feeling just as breathless and confused as the main characters. I am dying to find out what has truely happened. I have a suspicion that Draco is the one who has been in a suspended life, not Ginny.
So, do I win the big cookie?
Love ya!

Author's Response: Yep, you get the big cookie with ice cream, chocolate sauce, whip cream, and a cherry on top. Thanks for everything, gotsnape! Without you, this fic would have been dead in the water. I hope this effort at resuscitatio wasn't for naught! -fallenwitch
Name: Scanty Slytherin reviewed You're Nutters on Apr 17, 2006 04:54 pm
Of course we're still here lol. I like the twists. Tres interesante.

Author's Response: Good, I wasn't sure if you would find it intriguing or just plain irritating! -fallenwitch
Name: WG reviewed You're Nutters on Apr 17, 2006 10:42 am
Himmm... interesting... fab stuff.

But as much as i like this; i absolutely adore 'Along came a wizard' - pleasee, o pretty pleaseee do update that story!

Author's Response: Oh, I know. I know. I know! Along Came A Wizard is still a priority, but I'm wrestling with the tenor for the next part. Don't want to start posting until I've got it right. It ain't quite right yet - sorry!!!! -fallenwitch
Name: shadieladie reviewed You're Nutters on Apr 17, 2006 10:14 am
BUT BUT I don't understand!!! was some taking polypotion of him? was she raped???

Author's Response: Well, we don't know. Keep in mind that her memory stopped while they were still in a relationship so that's all she remembers. She doesn't remember the start of the War or anything that came afterward. -fallenwitch
Name: chuya reviewed You're Nutters on Apr 17, 2006 08:57 am
I spotted the phenomenon again ^^. I've been reading Along Came Wizard too, and I'm amazed that I didn't spot it over there!

On a more serious note, the amnesia is back! But I think it's better this time, and less painful for Draco. Ginny is just as confused as he is and they'll be working towards answers together.

Author's Response: Isn't it a crack up how no one sees it, and it's right out there in the open? Yes, the amnesia is back. Thanks for your interest! -fallenwitch
Name: Jenna reviewed You're Nutters on Apr 17, 2006 08:16 am
CLIFFIE!!! who is the father?? and why can't Ginny remember anything!!!!!
wonderful story, please post soon!!!

Author's Response: The next chapter should be up soon. Thanks for your review! -fallenwitch
Name: lizzyop reviewed You're Nutters on Apr 17, 2006 08:08 am
OOOh, evil, evil, evil! How could you do that? :) I mean no I have no chanbce whatsoever to get to know who's the father of that baby until she remembers everything!!! Wow, you are good!
Hehe, I am so evil...still laughing like mad and it's not even funny! :) hehe, I enjoy this far too much!
Well, it was great, fab chapter:)
Love, Liz

Author's Response: Well, we are now venturing out a bit further than we did last time, but alas, no answer on that baby yet! So glad you are enjoying it this time around as well! -fallenwitch
Name: passion reviewed You're Nutters on Apr 17, 2006 06:22 am
eeek! a terrible cliffhanger!!who is the father???!! what happened?? so many questions!!! update soon please!! love your fic by the way...loved the way you wrote it!

Author's Response: Thanks so much, passion. Well, I think it might take us awhile to figure out who the father is. I hope nobody kills me! -fallenwitch
Name: Marcia reviewed You're Nutters on Apr 17, 2006 06:15 am
"Still here?" Of course we're still here! It's a great read. Keep going, please. [time turner, maybe...polyjuice, too creepy to consider...]

Author's Response: Hi Marcia- Still going. I hope this one holds up okay. -fallenwitch
Name: starry_laa reviewed You're Nutters on Apr 16, 2006 09:39 pm
*Eyes wide open in shock*
Well, her revelation has left me near-speechless. Definitely poses a few questions- and I thought the answer was going to be an easier one! So she's either delirious (as well as suffering from amnesia) or someone has been posing as Draco, which would be creepy!!
Ah, you always leave us in suspense!
You don't have to do Ginny's POV- you're doing a great job as it is!
Name: dracosmysextoy reviewed You're Nutters on Apr 16, 2006 09:18 pm
oh. my. god. i was starting to lose interest with your story because it's just so sad (but i can't do it. haha) but then everything got better and i'm like at the edge of my seat right now. i'm still holding on to my theory that ginny got raped because that way it wouldn't be her fault that she's pregnant. hmm.. i wonder who the father is? obviously she forgot everything because of her stupid amnesia and right now all i want to know is that who the child belongs to. i mean for one second, i thought there was a possibility that it was draco's but then it's a big no. i also like ginny's feisty attitude in this story and hwo she can manipulate our wonderful drakie.. thanks for updating such a wonderful story.
Name: Mj reviewed You're Nutters on Apr 16, 2006 07:23 pm
Did she lose her memory when she was knocked unconscious? Great chapter, update soon!
Name: Embellished reviewed You're Nutters on Apr 16, 2006 05:56 pm
Oh dear. This is not what I expected. Of course I should know better than to expect anything with your stories. You always throw in something that drives me up the wall and nearly around the bend. And knowing you, we won't learn the answers for a LONG time. Of course I will still eagerly read each chapter you post, hoping against hope for a tiny little clue... So please don't take too long to update. Or if you do take a long time, please put lots of information into your next chapter. Thanks for the update.

Author's Response: Oh, my. Well, I think your review is one of my all time favorites, especially this part, "You always throw in something that drives me up the wall and nearly around the bend. And knowing you, we won't learn the answers for a LONG time." I fell over backward laughing with a blushing red face! The red face was for the amnesia - which I know is the part that is driving you up the wall. It's a bit clichéd and one of the things I initially felt uncomfortable about - plot wise. However, as I thought about it the second time around, I said, "what the heck?". Thanks for your review. It made my day. -fallenwitch
Name: wcoast_girl reviewed You're Nutters on Apr 16, 2006 05:42 pm
I love your stories! Your Draco is lovely - snarky but caring goodness. This is a most unexpected twist and I'm dying to know who the father of her child is. So exiting!

Author's Response: Thanks, wcoast_girl! I'm glad you approve of this Draco. I like him a lot as well. -fallenwitch
Name: CharmedLife19 reviewed You're Nutters on Apr 16, 2006 04:52 pm
She doesn't remember? ANYTHING?! Oh man... This could get interesting... Can't wait for another update!

Author's Response: Nope, nothing since before the War! -fallenwitch
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed You're Nutters on Apr 16, 2006 04:21 pm
It's Fab! YAY an update! ;) And I am just as confused as Ginny is -- I'm hoping it's some sort of Time-Standing still thing that the Order placed around her to keep her safe... but it probably isn't... it's probably Scarhead doing the Polyjuice potion thing... or worse... LUCIUS! YUCK! Oh well -- I trust you to explain it all later -- It will be a happy D/G story right? I loved how he still refered to her as 'his' pregnant fallen witch. And yeah-- I tend to call Harry Scarhead -- especaially if he has the possibility to tear my OTP apart! ;) Cheers! ;)

Author's Response: Polyjuice potion? Yuck! Lucius? Yuck! Icky, icky, sneaky little ideas. Great! Love the way your mind is working. Thanks for the wonderful review! -fallenwitch
Name: Nakita reviewed You're Nutters on Apr 16, 2006 04:01 pm
I read this story the first time and am happy its back. Maybe this time we'll find out what happens. I am very curious at this point. More soon please

Author's Response: Thanks, Nakita. Glad you're back and still curious. I'm amazed at the number of readers who remember it because it was such a disaster the first time around! -fallenwitch
Name: jessica reviewed You're Nutters on Apr 16, 2006 03:37 pm
oh, this is very interesting!! were all those kids she was with before hers? i wonder who's it could be, or is there still a possibility it could be his??? please update soon, this story is very very good!

Author's Response: No! Those kids at the camp containing the headquarters of the Order belong to the members of the Order. They left them there for safekeeping during the War because it is the safest place right now. Ginny and other folks are there caring for them while their parents fight. Sorry for the confusion! Thanks for your review. -fallenwitch
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