Name: nun outfits are cool reviewed The Unexpected Knight on Apr 16, 2007 12:38 am
aaw, I love you! your chapters are always worth the wait, they are fabulous! The ending to this chapter was truly genius and you've characterized Draco and Ginny so strongly, it really worked. The twist with Claire was very effective, but I'm worried about Draco's parents' reactions? Should I be? I can't wait to find out, anyway...

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm glad you seem to be enjoying it. And, OH YES, you should definitely be worried about Draco's parents' reactions. We shipped Tonks off a few chapters ago to deal with them, and we'll soon see if she'd had any luck.
Name: pinkgurl804 reviewed The Unexpected Knight on Apr 14, 2007 10:43 pm
This is a great story, I understand that it takes time to write chapters, so take your time, I eagerly await your next chapter!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! Especially for your patience and understanding.
Name: Wyvern159 reviewed The Unexpected Knight on Apr 14, 2007 03:41 am
I love this story! I wait with baited breath for a new chapter and it just gets better and better!! Your characterization of Draco as a possessive yet caring and loyal person is right on the money, and so is your righteousanger!Ginny. The world you have created (in terms of the Dark Side being in power) is very believable. I can't wait to see what happens next chapter.

Author's Response: Thank you very much. I'm really happy that you've said you think that this AU is believable, because I worry sometimes that it's a little too far gone (I've been basing it off some authoritarian governments that actually existed, but without the, you know, magic and Death Eaters).
Name: Embellished reviewed The Unexpected Knight on Apr 13, 2007 12:40 pm
I've been so busy this week that I haven't had time to read this before now, but it was well worth the wait! I absolutely loved Draco and Ginny's interaction while Claire was trying to threaten them. That was one of the best scenes I have read in a fanfic for a while. And, of course, I can't help squeeing at Draco's declaration. Thanks for the update!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! You have no idea how much that means.
Name: Kisou reviewed The Unexpected Knight on Apr 12, 2007 11:03 pm
Wow. I'm really impressed with you. Somehow you are able to write romance without it seeming soppy, to me at least. It feels real and therefore it feels strong. Anyway, you're doing a really good job. This is one of my very favorite fics. Keep it up and don't worry about taking your time. I'd rather have that then have you start feeding us the crapy romance I read far to much of faster. ^a343;~

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I worry a lot about things getting sappy, because that stuff makes me squirm... There's a strange sort of twisted romance here that I love writing, and couldn't help but put into the fic (like when Draco speaks in metaphor, comparing Ginny to his broom - while on the surface, it's kind of horrid - because a broom is a dispensable inanimate object, but I find something about that so incredibly romantic).
Name: Moonyk reviewed The Unexpected Knight on Apr 10, 2007 10:34 pm
-claps- Good GOOD job. I thought Claire seemed abit suspicious and what she did just proved it! Although I really cannot see how Ginny would want to be with Draco, knowing what he did to Claire's brother. I really feel for her and I had half-hoped that Malfoy would dearly pay for it. I didn't think he got all that he deseved but hey, he is a Malfoy right. It is so easy to hate him right now, despite his declaration of love for Ginny and his obvious care n concern for her.

Yeah you dont update regularly but I think Ive said it before, your extremely long and juicy chapters more than makes up for it so thanks.


Author's Response: Exactly! How *is* Ginny going to react to this new revelation? And Malfoy does seem to get off rather easy, but there is some more information coming in the future about his side of the story... I tried to make it seem like he really does carry a lot of guilt around with him, but sees it as one of those things that can't be changed (he was only 14 at the time, not exactly a mature age). It's part of the reason, other than the threat to Ginny, that he submits to the curse without a fight, because he knows that he's getting what he deserves and he brought it on himself.
Name: hennyfer68 reviewed The Unexpected Knight on Apr 10, 2007 08:51 pm
I love this fic. I love it!!! Thank you so much for updating.

Author's Response: Thank you so much for reading.
Name: pingpong0601 reviewed The Unexpected Knight on Apr 10, 2007 12:32 pm
Well this was definitiely worth the wait. The whole story has developed awesomely (is that a word?) and it has been so captivating. I loved the character and plot twists. Thanks for a great chapter, I look forward to the next!

Author's Response: Awesomely is definitely a word, and if it wasn't, I'd died a tragic death, as it's one of my favourites, that I abuse horribly every chance that I get.
Name: jarofseashells97 reviewed The Unexpected Knight on Apr 10, 2007 11:24 am
i've seen this story in the most recent list several times, but never read it, thinking it didn't sound like my cup of tea. i was pleasantly suprised to realize i was wrong. the first couple chapters were a little hard to get thru, but as i got further in, you created characters that i couldn't help but admire, even when they were acting in ways that i would never expect, or condone in real life. I'm one of those people who can't enjoy a fic unless i feel connected the characters, even if it's in a supericial way, and fiding characters that are nothing like me, yet whom i get really involved in, was a new experience. can't wait for your next update.

Author's Response: I'm glad you gave the fic a chance and are enjoying it. And in terms of the characters - they aren't very realistic, in terms of their situation in life and the way that has shaped how they act, but I hope that there is something real about them despite that fact, and that there is something that others can related to. At the very least, the emotions they feel and the things they say and the actions they take hopefully fit the situation I've put them in. Thanks for reading, and I hope to update soon.
Name: Anonymous reviewed The Unexpected Knight on Apr 10, 2007 10:44 am
i really love your story!!! I hope that your next chapter and the overall conclusion of the story is as wonderful as the beginning of your story. Keep up the good work!
Name: azadi reviewed The Unexpected Knight on Apr 10, 2007 10:29 am
I loved Sojiroh and Akira in HYD and I love Crabbe and Goyle in CIC :D. By any chance do you intend to include the Yuki!Sojiroh side plot we were all so very clearly rooting for in the live action drama in your own fic? As for this chapter it was fantastic! Out of all the things that happened here, this was my favourite line: “But it’s my broomstick, and I can’t just leave it to fend for itself. They might break it. Even if it is stupid, difficult and slow and jerks to the left when I want it to go right, it’s still mine.” I laughed so hard that my stomach hurt. Only Draco would equate Ginny, the girl he is most likely in love with, to a broomstick – bless him. Can I also just say that I love your Draco; you’ve created a splendid blend of Domyouji and himself (as we know him in canon and fanon) to create something this is altogether really quite unique. His keen sense of wit (something I found Domyouji never quite mastered – Hummingyay ring a bell?) and menacing air all scream Draco, but the tender way he speaks to Ginny is very much Domyouji. The hearty dose of arrogance however, is entirely both of them :D. There were several points of swooning in this chapter, especially the part where a.) Draco asks Ginny to look at him, and she thinks it “unnecessarily, because in that moment, she knew she never wanted to look anywhere else,” and b.) where they still manage to engage in banter even as Ginny’s face is about to be potentially eroded by a psychotic sister out to seek revenge. That neatly leads us to Claire’s back-story which I LOVED! It gives her character a lot more depth and a slightly more believable motive for revenge than what was suggested in the drama. Draco’s declaration of love for Ginny made me smile very foolishly. You managed to capture the essence the drama but still managed to give it a fresh revival that did not burst with sappiness. Draco blasting the door at the end was just classic. There are SO many other things that I can ramble on about but I think I have taken up too much of your time already. So let’s leave it at the fact that this was my FAVOURITE chapter so far – nothing like a bit of pain and violence to pull our two lovers together. Good luck with the next update – I can assure you that I eagerly await it :D!

Author's Response: I can almost guarantee that the Yuki/Sojirou storyline will not be in this fic. I'm a true Ron/Hermione canon 'shipper, and I believe that they are so compatible, they'd be drawn together even in this world. I haven't decided how far I'll go in that area (there have been a few tiny little throwaway hints here and there about their relationship) or if we'll ever see Ron in the fic, but I just can't deal with the idea of putting my beloved Hermione with Crabby and Goyle, not ever Crazy-AU!Crabbe and Goyle, lol. Old prejudices die hard, I guess.rnrn

I'm so happy you liked the broomstick line!!! It's one of my favourites too! I thought it was so incredibly romantic, but in a Draco-kind-of-way, which is the exact way that makes me swoon-y. And I'm glad you liked their banter... I worried that it might ruin the tension in the scene, but I knew that it just wouldn't be THEM without it. In the face of that horrible situation, they still argue... it's what they rely on, what keeps them safe in the midst of all that chaos.rnrn

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope to update much sooner than this one took.

Name: amina reviewed Nearing the edge on Apr 10, 2007 06:28 am
oh my god thst was the most amazing chap ever wow !!!geewiz.....u r fabulous...mush better than jk rowling fav authur...rok on
Name: Caroline reviewed The Unexpected Knight on Apr 10, 2007 04:35 am
This chapter was amazing!! I'! Really chilling and dramatic and wonderful!

I think I told you after reading a cookie on you LJ that I didn't like Clair but didn't know why, I guess I know now=)

I'm wondering a few things:

1) how much is left of this fic? this just seemed like a ending to me, but I really don't want it to be the end.

2) I'm wondering if we are ever going to know what Claire's orginial plan was?

I love this and can't wait for the next chapter

Author's Response: It's NOT the ending, there is much much more fic to come. I'm not sure how many chapters there are going to be, but I've planned to have four "arcs" in the fic, and this last chapter just finished off the first one. Now, the first was was incredibly long (200 pages!!), but the other ones won't be nearly that length (because all the setup and introduction of the characters has been done), but there is still a lot of fic left... and as for Claire's original plan... I'm going to have to say no, we won't know what it was. I assume that it would have been to try to create a similar situation where they could corner Draco alone, but with her being the victim (ie, Ginny without the spunk and guts to fight back).rnrnThanks for reading!
Name: Anonymous reviewed The Unexpected Knight on Apr 09, 2007 05:06 pm
please please please please update sooner! thanks!
Name: angelhorn26 reviewed The Unexpected Knight on Apr 09, 2007 04:36 pm
I can't wait for the next chapter. So good, I had to read it twice! Amazing! :)
Name: Birdofpray09 reviewed The Unexpected Knight on Apr 09, 2007 02:50 pm
I had this whole long review with all these thoughtful comments planned out.

But as soon as I read 'Because I'm in love with you, silly girl' they disappeared.

And believe me, it's all I can do right now to repress my wild inarticulate screams of giddiness at the absolute awesomeness that was the last half of this chapter.

If you look back at your LJ, I'm sure there's a post on there after I finished ISWAK. And it's probably utterly unreadable and contains a lot of 'AHHH!!' and 'OMG!!!!!'. But anyways. Imagine that, and that's basically what I am right now.

(And, have I told you yet how much I love all the extra kissing you put in here?)

Author's Response: I debated not putting in the declaration. Seriously, I did. But then I realized that if I didn't, you'd murder me. And your scary reaction to the end of ISWAK reminded me of how very dangerous that might be, and how much fun putting it in WOULD be, especially if if could illicit the same reaction.
Name: samantha reviewed The Unexpected Knight on Apr 09, 2007 02:18 pm
You kill me. I seriously may have just died.

I'm really at a loss for words, I love this so much that it has wiped out my vocabulary, lol, which is quite a rarity, especially when this story is concerned. Oh yeah, I’m you’re my Star over at, so in case you were wondering I have reviewed before. But I prefer it over here at D&G, so I’ve transferred. ;)

I’m not exaggerating when I say this is the best DG out there. It’s rekindled my love for all things Draco/Ginny, and I’ve tried repeatedly tried to get sucked into another DG, but I have yet to find anything that even begins to rival your characterization, not to mention your (HYD’s) plot twists.

I’d really like to compliment you on the last few scenes, in particular. When Draco professed his love for Ginny I think I may have actually squealed. I adored everything about the last few scenes, and I won’t bother to go into detail (I’d be wasting tremendous amounts of time), but I would like to mention how lovely it was when Draco focused on Ginny when he was being tortured to compose himself. You really demonstrated how much he cared about her, as a good writer should.

And your characterization of Claire was brilliant, she was the perfect villain. You gave her depth and emotion, so much so that I felt *really* sorry for her, and was almost crying as I read about her past. It was kinda heartbreaking, and I felt sympathy for her.

As usual your writing is great and descriptive. I’m always impressed with your extensive vocabulary.

One thing though, you may want to get a beta. There were a few major errors in there, they didn’t bother me (but then again, I’m a bit biased, you could do anything at this point and it wouldn’t bother me, lol), but there are quite a few people out there who are bothered by those kind of things.

Anyway. Update as soon as you can. ;) I’ll be waiting. (P.S. I’m sorry this review is so friekin' long. Believe it or not, I had to cut myself off, I easily could have written four more paragraphs on What Makes CIC Great. I tend to ramble when I love a story, as I‘m sure you can see, so take it as a compliment..)
Name: Cathryn Aeiran reviewed The Unexpected Knight on Apr 09, 2007 02:09 pm
Yummy chapter. Finally Draco got his head out of .... well you know. Claire? Where you suprised? I was suprised.... :D it was shocking! Like the way you fuse the manga and D/G prefectly. I lurvvv your LJ cookies they keep me going.
Name: Amyou reviewed The Unexpected Knight on Apr 09, 2007 01:14 pm
This is an amazing story, I have actually read the manga of the show, and it's so cool. I fell in love, and I am currently reading book 23 or 24. Incredible story, can't wait for more. Please update soon. ^_^
Name: shortlilangel73 reviewed The Unexpected Knight on Apr 09, 2007 12:51 pm
ooh this was soo goood!!
cant wait for the next update :)
Name: princessswan reviewed The Unexpected Knight on Apr 09, 2007 12:48 pm
Name: dragoncharmer79 reviewed The Unexpected Knight on Apr 09, 2007 09:23 am
WOW! That chapter was like a thrill ride. Twists & turns around every corner. I really enjoy the way you make Draco seem imposing in one sentence and sentimental in the next. I also enjoy watching him interact with Ginny & the "playboys".
Keep up the great writing and I am looking forward to the next chapter.
Name: ContessaNatasha reviewed The Unexpected Knight on Apr 09, 2007 08:22 am
Wonderful chapter, thank you so much for writing it.
Update when real life allows.
I like how you can incorporate something from another source, while keeping the characters true to canon, and the plot your's. it is a difficult thing to do, and so I must commend you for your efforts.
Name: Hajra reviewed The Unexpected Knight on Apr 09, 2007 07:56 am
This was a captivating chapter, it had me gripped all the way through!
Name: Akt5us reviewed The Unexpected Knight on Apr 09, 2007 07:15 am
I love this story! HYD seems so cool! Is it a different version of Meteor Garden? Because it seems really similar. I can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: It IS a different version of Meteor Garden, except that I'm more focused on the Japanese version, Hana Yori Dango (which is the live-action version of the original Japanese manga that Meteor Garden was based off of).
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