Reviews For Amici ed Amanti
Name: jane_valar reviewed Roman Holiday Part 5 on Jul 12, 2004 02:10 pm
As always a beautiful chapter. But I just had to mention what a great line this was: “We’ll take these too, in every color, except red. A redhead should never wear red.” That was absolutely BRILLANT. Great job.
Name: Annibug reviewed Roman Holiday Part 8 on Jul 10, 2004 03:38 pm
Yeah, this chapter never gets any easier to read. :(

Author's Response: I know, sweetie. *hugs* And it only gets worse....
Name: Annibug reviewed Roman Holiday Part 3 on Jul 10, 2004 03:01 pm
Sturdy! I swear, that gets to me every single time. Women know just how to hurt one another, don't they? Goosey needs to strike back! All in due time, I suppose.
Name: Annibug reviewed Roman Holiday Part 1 on Jul 10, 2004 02:53 pm
So, I've come to read my favorite story of all time, even if it's not the most uplifting. :D I'll just keep reminding myself that its not over. There is still plenty of time for things to go right for my Lucy Ann. Poor girl. You know, I still firmly believe this is not her fault, but the more I read it (and that's often) the worse I feel for Liam too. I can't wait to see how it all works out, especially since I know most of it. :D *smites Bella for good measure*
Name: Karnikiss reviewed Torn Part 2 on Jul 07, 2004 08:03 pm
Hey it's about time you updated. I think I waited patiently enough. Keep up with the angst but please don't kill me!
Name: aboogabooga reviewed Torn Part 2 on Jul 07, 2004 05:18 pm
MORE I WANT MORE!! do you know HOW long it has BEEN since you've updated your story?? QUITE SOME TIME MISSY! ... but anywho, its REALLY REALLY good :)
Name: burgosdamasco reviewed Torn Part 2 on Jul 06, 2004 04:13 pm
Hey, it's me Burgosdamasco paying you a visit. As you've heard a thousand times, and as you'll hear even more....I LOVE THIS FIC! Why oh why does Lucy Ann finally come to her senses when Liam decides to let her go? Just like when Liam came to his senses but Lucy Ann decided to go with Tavish Wood instead. You are torturing me. I must say this waiting is causing me as much pain as an unforgivable. You must be a Slytherin!!
Name: #1fan reviewed Torn Part 2 on Jul 06, 2004 01:16 pm
No! Just when I thought there was a breakthrough. Liam admitted his feelings! Is he going to let her go that easily by bedding Skanky Sydney witches(no offense intended for any Australians out there). Lucy finally seems to be getting her act together by giving Tavish the heave ho, but no, Murphy and his big mouth have to ruin the day! I know it is not his fault but I must take my anger out on someone, especially since Liam is Down Under. Love the scene with Lucy and Draco. Would love to see an outake with Gareth telling his Da about dating Seamus daughter. Lovely update although depressing!

Author's Response: Liam will be back before you know it, I promise looking fit and tan ;)
Name: #1fan reviewed Roman Holiday Part 3 on Jul 06, 2004 01:07 pm
hey Rainpuddle, I felt the city. And sorry to say but - do I want Liam and Lucy to just stare at monuments all day or do I want them to actually have some dialogue and further the plot? You can color your fic with all types of descriptive jargon but some people, ahem, cough.. a certain reviewer that shall not be named might go overboard and end up boring the dickens out of me. I love your story. Maybe since most of us havent' been to England we should all stop writing about it? This is where a thing called imagination comes into play. Those who don't have it, I pity them. Thank god there are writers like you who still have dreams of places yet to be visited. I haven't been to Rome but I've been to Florence and I couldn't write half as good as you do Rainpuddle.
Name: memyselfandI reviewed Torn Part 2 on Jul 06, 2004 08:18 am
This is a very interesting fic. It is well written and and enjoyable read. While reading these stories it is hard not to fall in love with the malfoy family and i can honestly say i don't know who i like more- Draco, Liam or Garrett You have done a fantastic job! Can't wait for the next chapter
Name: VioletJersey reviewed Torn Part 2 on Jul 06, 2004 05:32 am
Truly one of my fave non-D/G fics (though I sometimes imagine them still as D/G in my head... loony of me, huh?!)... and I'm glad that you decided to continue on with this tale... keep it up, girl! I wanna see what happen to Lucy Ann & Liam... and how Tavish will come to save/ruin their day!??!
Name: eloi reviewed Torn Part 2 on Jul 06, 2004 03:08 am
Name: dragonsangel68 reviewed Torn Part 2 on Jul 06, 2004 02:27 am
Firstly I have to tell you that I love this whole series, you're a brilliant writer! What is going to happen to Liam when Ginny gets hold of him, imagine being in London and not seeing his mother - bad boy!! And Draco knew - definately would not want to be in his shoes when she finds out, maybe a trip to that couch he thinks he too old to sleep on (hehe!) Please, please, please (grovelling on knees LOL) update soon!!
Name: Kagome reviewed Roman Holiday Part 3 on Jul 06, 2004 02:04 am

I shall say that your idea is original. I like your writing style very much and the characters seem to be well rounded and to have a personality.

However, I urge to ask you go looking for an Italian beta-reader. It was very painful for me going through your story and reading the Italian bits. The first chapters are okay: they're easy sentences and your online translator caught them well (even though we Italians would say “Chi è?” and not “Chi è alla porta?” the “alla porta” bit is implied). But it's not like that here.

A side by that, I think the story is interesting. But I can't feel Rome. I mean: you said actually they are in Rome and added a few words in broken Italian (I'm sorry, but I cannot find any better way to put it. I'm Italian and the mistakes just glared at me scaring me for life), but your characters are not in Rome.

Rome has its own magic, its own feeling, its own atmosphere with the silence, and the red and yellow warm buildings, and the charming cheerful kindness of people, and the wonder of the ancient monuments, the fountains all around, the wonderful shades of the sunsets painting the sky in streaks of violet and pink, the balm-crickets “singing”, the contrast between the green and red of the trees with the grey of the asphalt, and the noisy traffic and angry people complaining when they have silly accidents ;). Sorry for the rambling, but I love my city (and yes, you read well, MY CITY).

I really can't get any of that in your story. Probably the reason is that you never visited my city, but Rome has something more than just hot weather and Italian talking. You can catch it walking through the streets, but if you never came here, you should ask to people who do, or read a lot of books about Rome written by people who live here.

I know, I know. You'll probably argue "but it's fanfiction, I want to have fun." This is true, but I also think any piece of writing must be carefully researched before you start writing. "Write what you know" is one of the thumb rules of writing. I know there are no such things called "rules of writing" but only "guidelines of writing". What I'm saying is of course only my opinion, but I, as a Roman girl, can't see Rome in this piece. And this is a shame, because a good Roman setting would be a nice touch to a Fanfiction about an English series: it would give a different twist to it.

My suggestion would be looking for a roman beta-reader. Someone who can edit the sentences you broke in the chapters and also suggest to you ways to make the reader *feel* the city. Or have a trip here: it’s a bit more expensive and time consuming, but you’d probably love visiting Rome. But if you come here, don’t just wander around looking for monuments: try getting a *feeling* of the city. You can get that only walking calmly through the streets without thinking at anything, deadlines, having to reach a monument over our bloody traffic and buses that never pass and are too filled in for you to enter and such. Have a good walk, look at the city from the panoramas places, and try to get the spirit of the city.

Since I really want to help you, I’ll paste here the correct Italian for the sentences you wrote here in chapter three:

“Buongiorno!” Liam's voice stopped her mutinous thoughts of wondering where Bella kept her wand and where she'd love to stick it. “Una meravigliosa giornata da passare con due donne stupende.” He settled in the seat across from Bella and began filling his plate with food.

Lucy Ann thought she was going to melt into a puddle right there on the spot if he didn't stop speaking in Italian - her wildest fantasy almost come true. It was one thing for him to speak English, but dear Merlin in Avalon, the way the Italian rolled so easily off his tongue. Why, why, why couldn't she have taken Italian instead of French?

“Sembra che oggi farà molto caldo," Bella said, nibbling on grapes. "Sarebbe il giorno perfetto per impigrirsi sotto qualche albero, in un parco.”

He chuckled. “Non oggi, tesoro. Are you finding enough to eat, Goosey?”

"Uh, what? Oh yes," Lucy Ann responded, shaking her head to clear the thoughts of him whispering naughty things to her in Italian. She grabbed another croissant, nearly knocking over the pitcher of orange juice in the process. She could just feel Bella's scathing stare.

He caught the pitcher before it could spill, averting a disaster, and settling back in his chair like nothing happened. "I unfortunately have to go into work this afternoon for a bit. I thought you were coming this evening. I can't get out of it."

"It's all right, not your fault there was a misunderstanding," she said while leveling a dark look at the witch across the table. Bella gave her a slow smile in return.

"Good, that is settled. Bella will keep you company this afternoon. Lo farai, vero tesoro?”

“Si, con piacere.”

That’s it. And this is only for charter three. If you want, I can try being a beta for you and help you understand Rome better, and fix the broken Italian. You’re very welcome contacting me. But please, fix this because it’s holding me from reading your fic.

Name: RavenclawChrissie reviewed Torn Part 2 on Jul 05, 2004 07:13 pm
Absolutely brillant!! I left you a rather long and extenstive review on your LJ so I will spare you my insane ramblings here. I think I have the hardest time believing that Liam just up and left. I really want to see Ginny's reactions to what her son has been accused of doing. Running around with mindless bints! That's what I think anyway. I think I have finally gotten over the shock of everything that has happened in this chapter. (My breathing is back to normal!) Thank you for being evil. I absolutely enjoy it.(Just dont spread that around)
Name: Madalene3666 reviewed Torn Part 2 on Jul 05, 2004 05:54 pm
Oh, you evil thing. And just when we thought they'd get together. Of course, we should have known ... you love to leave us hanging. Masterfully done as usual.
Name: Janine reviewed Torn Part 1 on Jul 02, 2004 06:50 am
Oh gosh...i don't know what to say lol. Except i'm in love with this story!!! I love the Draco and Ginny Bit but, to be honest i like this ship better haha! I can't wait for the rest of the story!
Name: Rhianne reviewed Torn Part 1 on Jul 01, 2004 10:16 pm
AAAH He loves her! D'oh we could have told him that ages ago - hahaha! love the macho posturing - you can take him Liam! Hide Tav in a big box and kidnap LucyAnn so that you can romance her proper! Can't wait for an update.
Name: A4LeafClover reviewed Torn Part 1 on Jul 01, 2004 07:56 pm
I LOVE THIS STORY! Please please please post the next chapter! Lucy Ann, Liam loves you! He really, really does!
Name: Carrot reviewed Roman Holiday Part 1 on Jun 28, 2004 01:36 pm
I´ve been looking for this story for so long now, since they´re no longer posted on I really like the tension between Liam and Lucy Ann. Come on, update. I think I´m addicted to your story! I normally don´t review any stories, but I think yours is really lovely. Can´t wait to read all the other chapters :)
Name: Bingobabybelle reviewed Roman Holiday - Finis on Jun 28, 2004 04:09 am
Hello This is such a good story. I'm sorry you got booted off FF net. Can't wait for an update/sequel. Liam and Lucy are just so cute.
Name: Amy reviewed Roman Holiday - Finis on Jun 26, 2004 07:39 pm
NooooooOOOOoooo! I'm at a loss. Very well constructed and I wish I spoke Italian. But, I hope you continue on with these mini-sagas with the heart-wrenching tale of Liam and Ms. Goosey. Maybe with more fluff and smut.
Name: java monkey reviewed Roman Holiday - Finis on Jun 25, 2004 07:24 pm
I enjoy how your central characters are so well developed.
Name: Amy reviewed Roman Holiday Part 8 on Jun 24, 2004 08:37 am
Nooooo! Bad Liam!
Name: Janine reviewed Roman Holiday Part 8 on Jun 24, 2004 08:30 am
AHH!! I love this story...hard to believe, but i think i may like liam better than draco. hehehe...I can't wait for the rest of the story...=)
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