Reviews For Hesperides' Apple
Name: omg reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 23, 2006 06:46 pm
omg you really have to update often i am dieing for the next chapter!

Author's Response: lol unfortunately I might have to go for one chapter every week or two weeks. Sorry! But thanks for pointing out that you enjoy the story :)
Name: DracoGinnyLover reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 23, 2006 06:29 pm
BRAVO!!!!! He is getting closer to the truth. but he can't hurt her yet she is with child. Can't wait to read more. Good Luck! :)

Author's Response: right. can't hurt her YET. besides, there are more ways than physically wounding people. >:] (don't worry he's not going to use a mental Crucio or something) Thank you for your review!
Name: WG13 reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 23, 2006 06:02 pm
Another brilliant chapter... i am so glad that ur posting again... missed reading ur story at the end of the week. it's so good, that's its like this lovely treat that u can relax and chew on, till the next one pops up.

Looking forward to Ginny's conversation with Hermione... that should be very interesting...

What i also really liked was the way Draco keeps reminding himself ”The Potter and Weasley vaults... Potter and Weasley... Potter and Weasley..." even when he is making out with his wife... shows u a lot about how his brain's functioning.

As always, i can't wait for the next update!

Author's Response: Thanks! I'm really sorry for the delay... You're right for one thing: Hermione and Ginny's conversation will be, ah... interesting... Draco doesn't like to be double-crossed, and I wanted to show that. Thanks for the review(s)!
Name: dgloves70 reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 23, 2006 05:32 pm
WOW! I congratulate you because each chapter lurks another surprise. I love it! I do hope that soon we will hear from Hermione and also what is it that Ginny wants from this pregnancy. I know she says that she never wanted to be pregnant but will it affect the way she feels about the Malfoys? I feel like she is already knowing them so well and at the same time at a crossroad as to handling them.. I do hope she reveals herseld soon before the baby. I know he will be devastated and will want to know if it is real, their love.. Love this chapter, love your story and I so can't wait til your next great one!

Author's Response: Thank you :) There wasn't a surprise in here, was there? (:::wonders what she wrote in her own chapter:::) She never wanted to be pregnant by Draco... and it will push her to make a decision. Unfortunately, she won't reveal herself--other people will take care of that for her. Thanks for the review; I'm glad you're enjoying my story!
Name: ronlover reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 23, 2006 05:18 pm
Gah! I hope everything turns out all right. Update soon!!!

Author's Response: haha we shall see... >:]
Name: maddy reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 23, 2006 04:50 pm
that was crazyy good.
although it's kinda weird how draco is all cold and stuff thinking about ginny decieving him.
and whe he is near her he acts as though nothing is worng.
i dont know i guess i kinda expect a cooler demeanor towards ginny. ahah and booo h/g. haha jk.

Author's Response: thank you :) Well, he's been tricked, and by someone he had grown to care for rather deeply; that hurts. Acting cooler would show that he's onto something. Besides, he can't control himself >:] Thanks for the review!
Name: ChickbabeC1 reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 23, 2006 04:24 pm
I luv this story!! Keep it up!! Fantastic!!

Author's Response: I'm glad! I will! Thanks!
Name: KateinVA reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 23, 2006 04:11 pm
Really, he has to know she's not just acting. Ok, well, maybe he doesn't, but she's pretty open about her affection. I feel so bad for them. I wonder when he's going to make the connection. I'm sorry, I'm too tired to make this a more in depth review. The chapter was wonderful, though. You wrote the 'delicate' parts (even the H/G) very well, which is a rare enough talent.

Author's Response: Well he just assumes her acting is excellent. After all, she is fooling even herself in believing that they can love each other--which is becoming truer by the day. I'm happy you enjoyed the chapter, regardless of the H/G interaction (eek). Thanks for the profusion of reviews!
Name: dragoncharmer79 reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 23, 2006 04:02 pm
Oh I just cannot get enough of this story. Brillant writting technique and just an all around interesting plot, I hope you can update soon.

Author's Response: Thank you! I'll update soon enough, though I'll try to make it earlier than two weeks from now :)
Name: Bosco reviewed 9. Of ice and Wood on Sep 17, 2006 05:42 pm
The All Blacks dance is a Maori warrior dance.

Author's Response: I had no idea, though it makes sense. Thanks for pointing it out. I learned from another reviewer that the names I had chosen for the players were utterly ridiculous and un New-Zealand-ish. Is that such a glaring reality?
Name: Maggie reviewed 15. Christmas secrets on Sep 17, 2006 03:26 pm
wow.! I have been reading this over on schnoogle (I am Morgaine of Gondor there) and I have quickly fallen in love with this story..and i just can't seem to get enough of it..please keep up the GREAT work! and I can't wait to continue reading!

Author's Response: ooooh I remember you :) You were definitely one of the more expansive reviewers--why you like it and what you like it and what not... Thanks a lot for putting up with my writing, AND reviewing!!! :D I'll post the next chap as soon as it's formatted, I promise!
Name: ladedada reviewed 15. Christmas secrets on Sep 17, 2006 07:38 am
Wow!! This story is amazing! Can't wait for the next installment. Great stuff!

Author's Response: Thank you :D More coming soon!
Name: citrusabby reviewed 15. Christmas secrets on Sep 17, 2006 12:40 am
Hi, I first read your story on fictionalley, but since switched here as the updates were more recent.

This story is perhaps the best I've read in a long time. I especially loved the way you kept Draco in character. That's what I feel. He's snobbish, arrogant, aristocratic, every bit the prick we learn of him in JK Rowling's series.

I'm really curious to know how he's going to make Ginevra pay for her deeds (or misdeeds), as it would be doubly hard to do so when she's pregnant. Well, he can't harm her, he need to have his heir., but he couldn't possibly let her off scott-free, so...

On a slightly different note, I admire your choice of names for the original characters. Haha, they sound pure-blooded-ish enough.

That and as the story climaxes, I look forward to reading your next chapter, soon! :D


Author's Response: Apparently FA now allows some authors to update immediately, but I got a late start there, and have yet to catch up with the chapters, so switching to D& was definitely a good idea :) I'm happy to see you're enjoying the story. So far, he isn't bent on getting revenge on Ginny--he just wants to know who she is and, consequently, why she's been trying to backstab him. The baby is a way to get her to reveal her true identity through a series of mistakes. What he will do when he finds out who she is, well... That's another story. Not an actual other one, I just mean he'll be thinking differently. Thanks a lot for reviewing and following this story so assiduously!
Name: DracoGinnyLover reviewed 15. Christmas secrets on Sep 16, 2006 03:14 am
Love this story I can't wait to read more. Good Luck with it. Will chat with you next update! :)

Author's Response: I'm glad you like it. More coming as soon as the site is back on track! Thanks for the review!
Name: Hpfan00 reviewed 15. Christmas secrets on Sep 15, 2006 08:00 pm
I just found your story tonight, and I have to say it's an excellent read, very well written and very well in detail. I look forward to many more chapters, and finding where things are going to go since Ginny is in fact pregant. Will she call off Hermione, and not go thru with her plans in distroying Draco's life? Man I hope not, but I guess we have to wait and see.

Author's Response: Thanks a lot! There will be a number of additional chapters, don't worry :) As to what she'll do once she's had a little chat with Hermione, you're going to find out!!
Name: witty6of7 reviewed 15. Christmas secrets on Sep 14, 2006 11:05 am
This story is absolutely wonderful. You have a true gift for storytelling, and I truly hope you update soon!

Author's Response: Thank you, thank you very much :) I'll update in a little bit, I promise.
Name: kittykat91419 reviewed 15. Christmas secrets on Sep 14, 2006 09:05 am
Would it be possible for you to post a small family tree with the next chapter? I'm starting to get lost with all of the other names. It's a beautiful story, but I'm sure I'm missing parts of it by not understanding who everyone is and how they're related. Thanks!

Author's Response: I'll have a family tree up as soon as possible, though, quite honnestly, the family isn't even THAT important. I just like imagining there's a story behind the story, kind of like the complexities behind Dean Thomas' character that JKRowling, so far, has been forced to leave out of her books. Just think of the Umayyads as being a bunch nof cousins, aunts, and uncles, some of them nastier than the rest, the essential ones being Cyrus and Izha. Thanks a lot for reviewing :D
Name: ithinkthereforeiam reviewed 15. Christmas secrets on Sep 13, 2006 01:22 pm
Wow, i really love your story so far. the plot is really thickening, and Ginny's getting in WAY over her head. I feel kinda bad for Draco though..oh, wait, he killed all the Weasleys. Now that there's a child involved Ginny's just going to get sucked in harder. You've got me hooked, can't wait for more!

Author's Response: You're right, Ginny's in way way way over her head. And she'll have to pay the price for it. As to Draco, well, it's true he deserves what's happening, but to which extent? Besides, his vengeance's not going to be pretty!! Thanks a lot for your review!
Name: snitch369 reviewed 15. Christmas secrets on Sep 13, 2006 10:34 am
Oh! I'm on the edge of my seat once again! Bravo! How many chapters to go, do you think, before all is revealed?

Author's Response: I'm glad you're on the edge--don't go falling, now! ;) All will be revealed in chapter 18, though there are more secrets and revelations coming up. Thanks a lot for your review!
Name: susie reviewed 15. Christmas secrets on Sep 12, 2006 01:04 pm
update soon. like tmrw. haha pleaseee!
my life shall not be complete untill you doo!
your story is excellent.
always write.

Author's Response: i'll update late this weekend, as in, whenever the server will be back on. i'm afraid tomorrow is somewhat too early to update :( thanks a lot for reviewing, i promise to not keep you waiting too long...
Name: Mackenzie reviewed 1. Ashes to ashes, the past relinquished on Sep 12, 2006 11:05 am
A superb start to a story! cant wait to read on ;-)Innovative plot so far!

Author's Response: geez, thanks :) Hope you enjoy the following chapters :D
Name: ronlover reviewed 15. Christmas secrets on Sep 12, 2006 09:45 am
I cant wait to read more! This is soooo exciting. lol. I hate Draco's cousin. UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!

Author's Response: Yeah, he's a jerk, isn't he? Though by the time he decides to get involved, he won't be able to make much damage--anymore than the already existing damage, that is. Thanks for reviewing :)
Name: ellie reviewed 15. Christmas secrets on Sep 12, 2006 07:46 am
well this isn't good...
can't wait for the next chapter though.

Author's Response: This isn't good, as in the chapter, or what's happening? I hope the next chapter satisfies you in both regards. Thanks for reviewing!
Name: Moonyk reviewed 15. Christmas secrets on Sep 12, 2006 03:54 am
I think it's amazing how much effort you put into your chapters. Im getting all confused with the different names and who belongs to which family and that Izha girl, Riddle's daughter just threw me. Blew my mind.

That scene between Riddle and Haiwa. Kindda sweet until you remember that THIS IS LORD VOLDEMORT and then it gets creepy. Like really. I would like more background on their relationship!

I forgot that Tom Riddle is human. It's Voldie that's the monster, due to the splitting of his soul. Urgh.

Update soon!

Author's Response: Yeah, I know, sorry for the confusion. I like complicated families, even when they are useless to the plot progression. You only need to remember Izha and Cyrus :) If you want more background on their relationship, feel free to write it! I want more too, though I haven't imagined it too extensively, and can't really think where it would fit into the story. Then again, this has never bothered me, lol. Thanks a bunch for your review, and all the ones before! (I think I get one for every chapter, weeee)
Name: ruby reviewed 15. Christmas secrets on Sep 12, 2006 01:08 am
All I can say is that was just absolutely fantastic, I loved every bit of it!!! Please keep writing, your extremely good at it!! Thank you!!!
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