Reviews For In Heaven's Shadow
Name: CCC reviewed Fairytales on Jul 20, 2006 09:10 am
Wow, that was amazing.
Name: ronlover reviewed Fairytales on Jul 13, 2006 11:49 am
I really like this! Update soon. Great start.
Name: Jen reviewed Fairytales on Jul 13, 2006 10:31 am
that was a very nice rendition of the snow queen... i cant wait to see where you take it from here

Author's Response: Thank you so much ^-^ the rest will be along shortly.
Name: eli reviewed Fairytales on Jul 13, 2006 12:17 am
That was so beautiful! I loved every moment of that chapter. Are there going to be any updates soon?

Author's Response: I should have the first chapter up by/during the weekend. =) Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Name: imokit reviewed Fairytales on Jul 13, 2006 12:02 am
thats lovely - i'm assuming the person listening to the story is draco and his life will turn out like paul's only to be rescued by ginny?

Author's Response: It's him, yes...and something like that. ;)
Name: just_breathe reviewed Fairytales on Jul 12, 2006 08:16 pm
love it... updat soon

Author's Response: Thank you ^_^ I will very soon.
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