Reviews For Shall Rise Again
Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Chapter 14 on Oct 27, 2008 12:55 am
What a great chapter! Funny and meaningful.
Name: Elladora reviewed Chapter 14 on Mar 13, 2007 04:46 pm
I read the prequel to this piece, and loved the way that you set up Ginny and Draco's relationship. I feel that they are difficult characters to place together in a relationship, and keep in relative canon. The aknowledgement of all of the difficulties is important, and the fact that their love is unconventional perfectly reflects how unconventional a pair they are. I've been a DG fan for a long time, but this story to me is really the essence of what they are all about. I decided to leave a review partly because I so avidly agree with your characterizations, but also because I found the last chapter so wonderfully romantic. It is easy for authors to laden the reader with lots of "fluffy" moments too early on, but you really space out the romance, making it feel painfully correct and heartbreakingly adorable. Keep up the amazing, amazing work.

Author's Response: I feel the same - I originally started writing this to convince a D/G-sceptic friend of mine that they could work as a couple *g* So I tried really hard to keep this realistic. Sometimes it makes for a slow story, because obstacles keep coming up, so I'm glad you're enjoying the pacing and the progress the two of them are making :) Thank you so much, I appreciate your comments!
Name: Marie reviewed Chapter 14 on Jan 09, 2007 04:18 pm
i love this story and i am just dying for an update! you are such a fabulous writer!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! :)
Name: Curlysu reviewed Chapter 14 on Dec 11, 2006 01:32 am
ahhhh da hat das warten sich doch gleich wieder gelohnt. Tja mädel du hast mal wieder dich selbst übertroffen. Ehrlich gesagt weiß ich nicht wo ich anfangen soll denn mir gefällt alles LOL !
Jedoch finde ich Dracos Babysteps echt gut, ich musste so oft lachen weil ich mir das bildlich sehr gut vorstellen konnte. vorallem fand ich es auch gut das du ginnys eltern angesprochen hast und draco diesem thema neutral geblieben aus liebe zu ginny. Und der Schwur, einfach genial, auf sowas kann auch nur Draco kommen, was wiederrum sehr seine Person wiederspiegelt.
Das du dieses Kapitel und die Geschichte so weiter schreibst wie du es für richtig hälst finde ich gut vorallem nach dieser blöden und echt fiesen review aber dazu hatte ich dir ja einen comment in deinem livejounal hinterlassen. Dein Journal ist echt gut, vorallem habe ich festgelstellt das deinde freundin wohl Sailormoon fan ist. Das ist echt cool, den ich habe sailormoon geliebt, würde die geschichte die du ihr geschrieben hast gerne lesen. * schwelgt in erinnerung* hihihi

Ach und SCHADE das ich single bin und keinen Freund habe hihihi, das kapitel finde ich echt heiß, vorallem finde ich es gut das die beiden sagen was sie wollen und sich nicht schämen. Dein Freund kann sich glücklich schätzen wenn er eine freundin mit so einer ausgeprägten fantasie hat LOL!!!
bis bald

Author's Response: :) Danke! Freu mich immer von Dir zu hören, auch über den Kommentar re:diesem gewissen review. Das passiert halt manchmal, macht mir normalerweise nix aus, aber ich hatte einen schlechten Tag. Mein livejournal spiegelt so Dinge halt manchmal wider, da ist echt alles drin ;-) Übrigens hab ich die Sailor Moon story da auch geposted, kannst Du Dir ja angucken :) Freu mich, dass Dir die Story noch immer gefällt! Ich hatte mit diesem Kapitel auch Spaß. Ich fand das mit dem Schwur wichtig, denn magische Hochzeiten sind bestimmt nicht so wie die bei den Muggles, und außerdem darf man nicht vergessen dass Draco *und* Ginny purebloods sind. Tradition ist wichtig, find ich :) Ginnys Eltern tauchen in der näheren Zukunft natürlich auch mal wieder auf. Hach, ich hab so viel vor mit dieser Geschichte, ich wünschte ich könnte schneller schreiben. Aber jetzt gibts wieder öfter updates, da ich jetzt mit all den fic exchange stories fertig bin :) Bis bald also! Liebe Grüße!
Name: xNymphadoraX reviewed Chapter 14 on Dec 10, 2006 06:20 pm
I always enjoy reading different author's interpretations of what a wizard wedding would be like. Personally, the idea of an unbreakable vow as part of the ceremony just seems natural and I like the idea a lot. I'm glad that Ginny likes it too! There is nothing more beautiful than making a promise to love and cherish someone until the day you die, or in this case, so you don't die...

Author's Response: I think so, yes - there must be some kind of magical ritual at a wizarding wedding, and the Vow makes sense, imo. It's really risky, of course, so I'd imagine that there's also something less binding, but Draco is the type to go to extremes *g* Thanks for reviewing!
Name: Embellished reviewed Chapter 14 on Dec 10, 2006 04:44 am
I love Draco's reactions to the Muggles, especially the neighbor who was eyeing him. Also, Ginny's thought process about the Vow was extremely natural--very well done! Thanks for the update!

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm happy you enjoyed it. Draco vs. the Muggles amused me, so I had to include it. Now and then fluff is nice :)
Name: nun outfits are cool reviewed Chapter 14 on Dec 10, 2006 01:50 am
I'm so pleased there's more! Fabulous chapter, I'd like to see what Draco would do if Jim and Eric came to Ginny's flat.....
Fabby chapter can't wait for more...

Author's Response: Lol, he'd probably have a fit! Thank you, happy you liked it! :)
Name: WG13 reviewed Chapter 14 on Dec 09, 2006 05:23 pm
*sigh* absolutely adored this chapter...

Author's Response: :) Thank you!
Name: CCC reviewed Chapter 14 on Dec 09, 2006 12:52 pm
I am impressed with how you include all of the death eater lore in your stories. I have a hard time doing that because it makes the characters so unlikeable. You manage to show them as evil, but still human. That is impressive.

Author's Response: What I do is, I ask myself: why do I/all the Draco fangirls like him so much, even though he's done some horrible things in canon? And then I go from there. I try to find reasons and explanations that shed some light on actions we've only seen from Harry's pov, and if they're plausible, they humanise the 'evil' characters. Of course there are some things that are just nasty...but Ginny is learning to deal with those, too *g* She's a strong girl. Thank you for reviewing, I'm happy you're enjoying it.
Name: ditzy_cadet reviewed Chapter 14 on Dec 09, 2006 09:07 am
oh my god. what a great chapter. im sooo sorry i ahven't reviewed any other chapters but i felt i should let you know that this is def a kepper story. i love it! update ass soon as you can! ill read and review!

Author's Response: :) Don't worry, I'm thrilled when I get reviews of course, but please don't feel obligated to comment on every chapter! Enjoy the fic, that's the greatest compliment a writer can get! Thank you! :)
Name: Marcia reviewed Chapter 14 on Dec 09, 2006 06:26 am
Peki! Wonderful chapter. Very very very satisfying. They're just adorable and believable and sweet and, and, and...Thank you!

Author's Response: Thank you! :) It was time for fluff, I thought *g* Glad you enjoyed it!
Name: MK Richie reviewed Chapter 14 on Dec 09, 2006 05:11 am
Nice chapter! I can't wait for more! Your D/G scenes are very will done and subtle and complicated...fantastic!

Author's Response: Subtle and complicated, hmm, I like that! Thank you so much :)
Name: fallenwitch reviewed Chapter 14 on Dec 08, 2006 05:11 pm
OMG! *dies from the snarky sweetness* Thank you for making my day, Peki! You're a true genius.

Author's Response: Thank you so much, I'm always so flattered when you review my fics *beams* I'm so happy you enjoyed the chapter!
Name: ContessaNatasha reviewed Chapter 14 on Dec 08, 2006 04:14 pm
A wonderful chapter after a long wait. This fis, anc Break in the Sun, are two of my favorite fics of all time, so am so happy when there is an update. You give such passion into your writing, and you can feel the characters and setting. Amazing work, and this chapter was no exception.

Author's Response: Thank you! I know it's been a long time, the exchange fics got me sidetracked. I hope to update more regularly now :)
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Chapter 14 on Dec 08, 2006 03:48 pm
~So perfect. I just really really love this story.~

Author's Response: Thank you! :)
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