Reviews For The Paper Owl
Name: CCC reviewed Sins of the Father on Apr 05, 2007 05:30 pm
First of all, thank god this isn't over. Before I wrote my review, I flipped back to make sure there would be more because my brain was screaming, 'Noooo'. So, I feel much better now because there will be more. I'm sure there will be angst and drama, and then he will get his head out of his arse and they will live happily ever after. Right?

Author's Response: There already is quite a bit more to this universe, and can be found at the weekly drabble challenges. There may be one or two drabbles that got posted to my livejournal.  If you're <i>really</i> interested I've put all fic in my memories.  (But most of the ones I can think of are actually posted under "Winged Wishes" here.)  I don't know when I'll get around to posting more, but I think I'll end up going back in time before I go forward.
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