Name: kittykat91419 reviewed Chapter 12: Riddle on Jun 15, 2007 09:00 am
Bit of a cliffie? Well, I'm most anxious to see Draco's reaction to this bit of information. You have extremely good characterizations. I love how've you've handled everyone. Draco, Ginny and Hermione are my personal favorites. There are a couple of minor mistakes cropping up (too, to and there, they're, their), but other than that, this is one of the best stories I've read. How you handle Draco's reaction really has the potential to make the story, and I'm really curious about what is going on with Snape (as briefly alluded to with the Arithmancy information).

Author's Response: Thank you for the review. I'm afraid that I didn't know quite how to handle Draco for the rest of the conversation, and so I completely glossed over it and skipped to the next morning. Which frustrates me to no end, but (for the time being) seemed a better option than completely killing it with a badly written reaction.
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed Chapter 12: Riddle on Jun 14, 2007 07:30 pm
SUCH a good chapter. I adored it. Draco really has no idea abouther in so many ways. The bad memory thing. The Chamber thing. Everything is just moving So well. I think a highlight for me was these lines... "It would have felt safe, and might have been sexy, if it weren't for the wand digging into the soft spot between her jawbone and neck muscle. And damn it all if she didn't find that a little bit sexy too." -- I sensed the danger AND the hotness... Really well done. I'm looking forward to more.

Each chapter reminds me that this is one of those fics that will be a classic as soon as it's done. Really really well done!

Author's Response: Thank you, as always, for your super encouraging reviews. They really do make my day. =D
Name: ZSF reviewed Chapter 12: Riddle on Jun 14, 2007 02:25 pm
LOVE IT! Draco's really proving his innocence to Ginny here. Thank goodness that Harry's such a prat or Draco might never have some serious 'alone time' with her. Great job, keep up the awesome writing!

Author's Response: Thank you for the review! (And yes. Harry's prat-ness does come in handy sometimes, doesn't it?)
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Chapter 12: Riddle on Jun 14, 2007 02:18 pm
~WOW. I love this chapter. really really great.~

Author's Response: Thank you!
Name: arabela reviewed Chapter 12: Riddle on Jun 14, 2007 11:25 am
oh poor, naive little Draco. He's got a lot of his little image to make up at this point =P

i'm surprised it came so quick!!! I was so excited xP keep up the great work

Author's Response: Thank you!
Name: Embellished reviewed Chapter 12: Riddle on Jun 14, 2007 03:34 am
The battle between Draco and Ginny in this chapter seems really fitting--not only do they need a catalyst to finally get everything out in the open, but Draco needs to prove that he won't react to Ginny the way Harry does. You did a really good job with it! Thanks for the update.

Author's Response: Thank you for the review!
Name: ExquisiteBeauty reviewed Chapter 12: Riddle on Jun 13, 2007 02:07 pm
Poor Draco! He doesnt know a thing about Tom Riddle and the diary. I loved how this story is progressing so far! The whole duel in the beginning was thrilling to read, as I really wanted to know who would win!! Ginny is really, really powerful, and even though she's just a character, I am oh so proud of her!!!

Keep up the marvelous writing!

Author's Response: Thanks for the review! ((And no worries. I often find myself brimming with somewhat motherly pride at my Ginny, lol.))
Name: Dana F Malfoy reviewed Chapter 12: Riddle on Jun 13, 2007 04:47 am
MORE! Wow, this story is great. I love how she can control the element of fire (even though she doesn't know it yet) and I love how you're not jumping into fluff. If the characters are kept realistic in farther chapters, you have a wonderful thing here!

Author's Response: Thank you for the review!
Name: Shwadi reviewed Chapter 12: Riddle on Jun 13, 2007 01:57 am
Tis brillaint, as usual. keep it up xxxxxxxxxx

Author's Response: Thanks for the review!
Name: kypris reviewed Chapter 12: Riddle on Jun 13, 2007 01:02 am
fun! you're keeping me at the edge of my seat!!!! go. go. GO!

Author's Response: Thank you!
Name: katelyn_d_89 reviewed Chapter 11: Miscalculated on Jun 12, 2007 07:59 am
I love it! I'm waiting for the update anxiously, so please don't delay!

Author's Response: Thanks for the review!
Name: hypotamoose reviewed Chapter 11: Miscalculated on Jun 12, 2007 05:21 am
Oh do please continue on in your current vein, this is fantastic! Love the way Draco's being portrayed, and I think the way you've done Hermione is wonderful.

Author's Response: Thank you!
Name: Dana F Malfoy reviewed Chapter 11: Miscalculated on Jun 12, 2007 12:31 am
Please update soon! This is a very interesting fanfic!

Author's Response: Thank you!
Name: londonpunker14 reviewed Chapter 11: Miscalculated on Jun 11, 2007 01:54 pm
OMG! i love this! please, please update it super soon!

Author's Response: Thank you!
Name: Flipinpenname reviewed Chapter 11: Miscalculated on Jun 11, 2007 10:49 am
great chapter. i like the whole ginny being the other power deal. nice touch. update soon please.

Author's Response: Thank you!
Name: nappy reviewed Chapter 11: Miscalculated on Jun 11, 2007 08:34 am
Actually I think that this is the first chapter where your Hermione is blissly, wonderfully, so much in character that I could cry! She was seriously amazing.

This story is like crack! I need more!

Author's Response: Thank you for the review!
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed Chapter 11: Miscalculated on Jun 11, 2007 04:58 am
Lax with Hermione? NO! You rock with Hermione. Sod Harry and his 'I think I might' -- daft bugger!

So many brilliant lines that I adored:

"Not a Mudblood, the Mudblood. None of the others offend me so terribly." --- Why is this so endearing?

'please don't hex him' quickly became "Please don't use an Unforgivable." -- HA HA HA! THis is so Ginny that I just can hardly deal.

"You wouldn't hurt her if someone paid you to." -- Things like this make me all giddy! *squees*

"If a book had been within reach, she would have thrown it at him. She supposed she could have spelled one to hurl itself through the air and at his head, but somehow that didn't seem nearly as satisfying." -- SEE this is why your Hermione rocks so much. She's awesome. Don't change her! ;)

Author's Response: Thank you, as always, for the awesome review!
Name: Slytherinesweet reviewed Chapter 11: Miscalculated on Jun 11, 2007 04:31 am
write next chapter fast please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm begging you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author's Response: Check.
Name: Slytherinesweet reviewed Chapter 11: Miscalculated on Jun 11, 2007 04:30 am
awesome how tough hermoine got i coulnt have written it better loved this chapter and Draco being comented as the dragon awesome

Author's Response: Thanks!
Name: Slytherinesweet reviewed Chapter 10: Houses on Jun 11, 2007 04:12 am
i liked this chapter oh and i liked the chapter with Draco hugging and comforting ginny at night very well done i bow down to such a great writer!

Author's Response: Thank you very much for the sweet review!
Name: Slytherinesweet reviewed Chapter 2: The Difference on Jun 11, 2007 02:29 am
Awesome chapter love the drama i can almost feel it

Author's Response: Thank you!
Name: Shwadi reviewed Chapter 11: Miscalculated on Jun 10, 2007 11:19 pm
No i don't think you've been lax with her at all, and if you have, you've more than made up for it in this last chapter. she's absolutely brilliant...I mean Hermione of course :). Your story is really great, i love reading it. Urghh i don't want Harry and Ginny to get together though..We love draco not harry!! lool tc and keep it up

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad you think I've got Hermione down, especially as she generally gives me fits to write.
Name: emmah reviewed Chapter 11: Miscalculated on Jun 10, 2007 09:48 pm
i like this part...
especially when hermione yells at harry for being to darn thick!

Author's Response: Thanks! ((And somebody had to tell him...might have well as been Hermione. Ron likely would have just roughed him up.))
Name: Mollie reviewed Chapter 11: Miscalculated on Jun 10, 2007 08:12 pm
Wow, that was an awesome chapter, though I do want more Ginny and Draco!!!

Author's Response: Thank you!
Name: ExquisiteBeauty reviewed Chapter 11: Miscalculated on Jun 10, 2007 06:40 pm
I left a review like five minutes ago, but my cousin deleted it. So, lets start over...

Woo! An update! I like Hermione's speech about Ginny having a dragon but the dragon not knowing that hes protective of Ginny. I know the meaning, but I wonder if Harry does as hes quite thick. Draco has finally gotten used to Hermiones presence as he now can joke with her!! Maybe Ron and the Weasleys are next?

Im starting to feel a bit sad for Harry as it seems as if its about to get more dramatic between Ginny and Draco, and Harry's oblivious to it all. Or he could just be confident that Ginny would never not like him. He is smug at some points, but then you remember he's bit of an idiot.

I didnt know that Ginny was an excellent dueler. She must be though, as she has six older brothers. Anyway, great job!!!!

Author's Response: Maybe not Ron...but perhaps he'll start with the twins as they've already (sort of) grudgingly accepted him. =D Well...she has been in the house with nothing else to do for almost a year... she had to find something to entertain herself with.
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