Name: slygal reviewed Chapter 9: Butter Dishes on May 03, 2007 02:46 pm
Have I told you that I like your writing? Please tell ne that Ginny will go easy on him when she finds out about Luna

Author's Response: Thanks! We'll see...Luna's still kind of a touchy subject. Thanks for the review!
Name: slygal reviewed Chapter 9: Butter Dishes on May 03, 2007 02:44 pm
ok... so let's go kick some ass and take ginny too so she won't be pissed and then make 'em pay

Author's Response: That's the general idea. =D Thanks for the review!
Name: Golden Dove reviewed Chapter 9: Butter Dishes on May 01, 2007 11:59 am
Hahahaha! Love it! *huggles story and waits for next update* :D

Author's Response: Thanks for the review!
Name: Golden Dove reviewed Chapter 8: Haunt on May 01, 2007 11:50 am
It may have just been me ( what else is new? I always get confused by the simple stuff!) but this chapter was a bit confusing, lol. What I did understood though, I loved!

Author's Response: Thank you for the review! I know the chapter was confusing, there was a lot of jumping between dreams and points of view and even a flashback. But I felt like they needed to all be together. *shrug*
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Chapter 9: Butter Dishes on Apr 30, 2007 05:34 pm
~WOW. A really great chapter. I think draco should have kissed ginny in the kitchen. It was written wonderfully. I could picture it.~

Author's Response: Thank you! I think Ginny would have liked to be snogged senseless in the kitchen, perhaps later...
Name: ZSF reviewed Chapter 9: Butter Dishes on Apr 30, 2007 02:01 pm
I'm so happy that you updated! Thankyou! Moody is a Slytherin? That came as a surprise, although it does make tons of sense. Wow, is Draco going soft for Ginny or what? Thank goodness for counter-pressing and the sports pages! Their interaction is so amusing and natural, and you can tell that they
're in the early stages of a crush
(or something... more). As much as they've been through, they are still awkward teenagers!

Author's Response: Haha. No problem. Yes, Moody is a Slytherin. I'm trying to control the 'going soft factor'... sometimes I can't help myself. Thanks for the review!
Name: hogwarts112711 reviewed Chapter 9: Butter Dishes on Apr 30, 2007 10:10 am
good chapter, i like how draco and ginny interact. and i just want to say thank you for finally updating, pls keep them coming.

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm trying on the happens, unfortunately so did finals.
Name: Flipinpenname reviewed Chapter 9: Butter Dishes on Apr 30, 2007 09:54 am
great chapter! update soon!

Author's Response: Thanks for the review (and working on it)!
Name: arabela reviewed Chapter 9: Butter Dishes on Apr 30, 2007 06:11 am
ooo, so Kingsley's a slytherin? Never heard that before, that's pretty cool though. And I love how you separated the actual from the stereotypical slytherin -- I really think you have Draco down here. =)

awesome! excepttoodarnshort

Author's Response: No, not Kingsley...I'm afraid I find him too Gryffindoric to twist him like that. I try with Draco...though I admit, I often rewrite him 3/4 times because I want him to be soft and mushy and romantic. Perhaps I'll write a flufflet for that, get it all out of my system. Thanks for the review!
Name: felicitas reviewed Chapter 9: Butter Dishes on Apr 30, 2007 12:41 am
Yikes!! Who´s polyjuiced??? This is so, so good!!! I love how D/G is building up and I´m looking forward for some more interaction next time!!!

Author's Response: Polyjuice? No, there's no polyjuice... (cue cackle?) Thanks for the review!
Name: kellbell930 reviewed Chapter 9: Butter Dishes on Apr 29, 2007 11:48 pm
Excellent chapter! Things are moving right along with Draco and Ginny and I cant wait to see whats next and how the seige on Malfoy Manor goes! And more D/G! Hehe I loved the trying to reach the glass part. I'm really short and alas! the world was just not meant for short people. But Ginny was lucky she had Draco. ;) Brilliant as always! Hope you update again soon!

Author's Response: Thank you! Being near 6 feet tall, I'm afraid I've never had to deal with the 'why the heck are the cabinet shelves higher than I can reach' delima, my sister is barely 5'3, and has her own kitchen (and bathroom) footstool. =D Of course, when you can Accio things, height doesn't seem nearly all that important.
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed Chapter 9: Butter Dishes on Apr 29, 2007 08:34 pm
Oooh interesting ending there, missy!

Some favourite parts:

Hermione was convinced that if anyone was left up there for too long, they'd eventually be asphyxiated, and Ginny thought she might be onto something with that, especially after the other girl had explained what asphyxiation was. After all, who wasn't to say the reason Professor Trelawney was so batty was because she'd killed off the majority of her brain cells by lack of oxygen – and then given the rest a good fight with the cooking sherry?

This actually gave me a good long laugh very very funny.

I just want it clear that I too would babble like a fool around Draco Malfoy. ;)

The writing is spectacular. I loved even something as simple as his eyes changing colout became this:
"The boy's eyes flashed from silver to gunmetal" -- really really nice!

All in All -- very very nice. YAY for updates!

Author's Response: Just for the record, it's my opinion that any girl who does not babble like a fool in front of Draco Malfoy did not get issued all of her proper X chromosomes. However, I do feel that the Trelawny line was particularly inspired... especially since I got the idea in the middle of a Chem Lab review on the importance of fume hoods and wafting. rnrnThanks for the review!
Name: Grneyedminx reviewed Chapter 9: Butter Dishes on Apr 29, 2007 07:39 pm
Yes! Draco's learning!!! Great chapter. It was short and sweet... I want more... please?

Author's Response: Yes, yes. Unfortunately, learning sometimes takes a long time. Haha!
Name: Ice_Dragon reviewed Chapter 8: Haunt on Mar 25, 2007 08:54 am
write more ill love you for ever.

Author's Response: Oooh. I feel the love. =P
Name: Ice_Dragon reviewed Chapter 8: Haunt on Mar 23, 2007 10:03 am
write more it is so good. i wana no what happens next

Author's Response: Thank you!
Name: ZSF reviewed Chapter 8: Haunt on Mar 18, 2007 06:39 pm
Wow, this is such a good story! I love how you incorporated D/G while following JK's plot. Also, Draco's not helpless and weak, and he's no knight in shining armour either (though that scene when he held her was definitely something). Good job!

Author's Response: Thank you! It sounds cheesy, but I've always kind of thought Draco is like a cornered animal - he doesn't really have anywhere to go, so he lashes out to get what he needs to get done. Now he has a bit of room to move, and well, this is how I think he would play things.
Name: hotpinker23 reviewed Chapter 8: Haunt on Mar 18, 2007 05:56 pm
great story so far!! i can't wait for more so hurry! and get some d/g action in! (next time ginny stumbles into him, he brushes his lips against hers?)

Author's Response: Good idea for he first kiss...we'll have to see. I'm not sure how I'm going to get there yet. =D
Name: arabela reviewed Chapter 8: Haunt on Mar 17, 2007 05:23 am
ahhhh, no, you have to update *cho*

gah, I knew I shouldn't have read this until you were finished with it! =(

I *love* this story, and I really hope you get a chance to update soon.


Author's Response: Thank you for the review! I'll try to have the next one out to the proofer soon. =D
Name: Flipinpenname reviewed Chapter 8: Haunt on Mar 16, 2007 03:48 pm
omw. update now. not even kiddinng. omw.

Author's Response: Thanks for the review!
Name: search4inspiration reviewed Chapter 8: Haunt on Mar 16, 2007 02:07 pm
It's stories like this that keep us mediocre writers humble. As a rule I try to avoid fics rated higher than "sortof naughty"... but this was so highly reviewed that I thought I'd just read the prologue and see if it was any good. An hour or so later, here I am, completely enthralled by your work! I love the emotion in this story... it's different from J.K.'s writing and yet still in character and completely believable. No wonder it's so highly reviewed. Haha. And your story-line is riveting, too... I'll be looking for the next chapter! :)

Author's Response: Thank you for the completely and totally flattering review. The rating is just precautionary measure, as I'm not entirely how far I'm going with it (still!) As of yet, it could probably be rated a bit less, but whatev.
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Chapter 8: Haunt on Mar 16, 2007 12:16 pm
~Really Great Chapter.  I am such a big fan of your work.  I cant wait for another update.~

Author's Response: Thank you!
Name: snowfelon reviewed Chapter 8: Haunt on Mar 16, 2007 08:27 am
brilliant, that's all i can say really. loved it.

Author's Response: Thank you!
Name: hummie reviewed Chapter 8: Haunt on Mar 16, 2007 07:09 am
ARG, heartbreaking. I like the detail where she realises she changes back because Luna must be dead. I wonder why Luna did it though. And your intimation that Draco was involved thickens the plot. WhoOOH! I am very excited for the next installment! Fantastic job!

Author's Response: Thank you! You know, I've always had the feeling that Luna just *knows* things. Hopefully I'll have more of that sorted out later. =D
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed Chapter 8: Haunt on Mar 16, 2007 05:30 am
Oh my gosh. This was perfect. I was near sobbing. From start to finish, Luna saying that quirky remark and then saving Ginny. Draco casting the repelling charm. The twins. Everything was perfect.

Why do I do this to myself? I get myself in love with WIP? WHY?

Anyway - lovely chapter. Thank you for the update! ;)

Author's Response: Thank you! I promise not to abandon - is that helpful at all? haha.
Name: Hajra reviewed Chapter 8: Haunt on Mar 16, 2007 04:58 am
This was really good! I found it extremely moving...Ginny's nightmares are really quite distressing...i'm just a little confused, about the scene Draco was seeing..was it a flashback or a dream? X

Author's Response: Thanks for the review. =D The answer to your question is both - I realize that this chapter is a bit confusing - it jumps back and forth quite a bit and yet, I feel like it all needed to be together. The intent was that like in Chapter 3 (and yes, it has been quite awhile since Chapter 3 was posted), the dreams aren't really dreams but memories. I think I missed it a bit - but I'm not quite sure how to fix it.
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