Reviews For Mentally Infirm?
Name: combosolo reviewed Chapter 1: The Accidental Volunteer on Jul 31, 2007 05:36 am
"...and generally standing around practicing his nonchalant pose."
I can TOTALLY see him doing this. I had a bit of a *gigglesnort* moment there... I'm off to continue reading the fic>

Author's Response: He's so vain, he probably thinks this fic is about him! And honestly, how did he get so good at all those poses unless he practiced them in private beforehand? Being suave is a full-time job.
Name: die Loreley reviewed Chapter 1: The Accidental Volunteer on Dec 11, 2006 09:23 pm
*giggles and huggles Miran* Well done! I loved it! I love your snarky wit. It's so Slytherin.

Loved "Dr. Ubbly’s Oblivious Unction" and the way Draco's grumbling stopped when Ginny woke up, or rather, when he saw some *cough* skin. Can't wait to see how easily Ginny can manipulate him into doing her will. *evil grin*

"No Malfoy should settle for anything less than hard core nudity". Hehe. You keep telling yourself that, Draco. *pat pat*

Am off to have a squiz at the next chapter now! Sorry it took so long for me to get here and review! Real Life takes over, you know.

Author's Response: *Huggles dL back* So Slytherin? why, thank you. *Preens* Dr. Ubbly's was Perse's invention, genius that she is. Can't Draco have just a little bit of peril? Er, I mean nudity? Real life, shmeal life.
Name: imelda reviewed Chapter 1: The Accidental Volunteer on Dec 09, 2006 08:49 pm
Heehee!! I really like Draco's internal monologue; he's not as vicious as he is in canon, but he's certainly as obnoxious. Very cute.

And I loved "it was certainly affecting his impeccably high standards. No Malfoy should settle for anything less than hard core nudity."

I totally expected him to say he couldn't settle for goggling at a Weasley!

Author's Response: But who doesn't want to goggle at a Weasley? I'm partial to Bill, myself. And Arthur must have been a stud back in the day, how else did they end up with 7 kids? I loved writing his internal monologue, especially that line! Obviously, this is what happens when I housesit for a month with only a cat and TV for company...
Name: CCC reviewed Chapter 1: The Accidental Volunteer on Dec 04, 2006 05:23 pm
I do love a snarky Draco! On to the next chapter.

Author's Response: And I do love it when you review! Cheers, CCC. Glad you've enjoyed it so far!
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