Reviews For Mentally Infirm?
Name: Flipinpenname reviewed Chapter 2: Charming Work on Feb 08, 2011 05:38 pm
hehehehe. loveee dracoo.
Name: babigurlchels reviewed Chapter 2: Charming Work on Mar 02, 2009 08:10 pm
Name: doc_3 reviewed Chapter 2: Charming Work on Feb 24, 2009 02:02 pm
Loved this!
Name: Flipinpenname reviewed Chapter 2: Charming Work on Oct 18, 2008 11:34 am
haha. this was a funny story! great job!
Name: Flipinpenname reviewed Chapter 2: Charming Work on Jan 06, 2008 12:50 pm
haha. this was great. great great. haha.
Name: combosolo reviewed Chapter 2: Charming Work on Jul 31, 2007 05:39 am
*seethes with jealousy of Miran's talent and huffs off to attempt to finish own work...*

Author's Response: Pfft. *Snorts at combosolo's ludicrous, baseless self doubt and encourages her to work on her own stuff* :D
Name: Rashonda reviewed Chapter 2: Charming Work on Feb 25, 2007 02:20 pm
I like this story so far, I hope you plan on updating it soon. It's a great read.

Author's Response: Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it! You might have missed it in the summary, but this is a two-shot, so it's now complete. Sadly, there'll be no more hospital hijinks from my pen. At least, not in this fic.
Name: die Loreley reviewed Chapter 2: Charming Work on Dec 11, 2006 09:33 pm
ARGH! *claps excitedly* Go the snogging! *cough* I mean... communication is the way to go. *nods wisely*

I loved "Please, you think they award Head Boy on looks alone? Obviously not, as two of your brood somehow wrangled a spot." Soooooo Draco. *shivers*

I loved the fruit war at the end. But what would Madam Pomfrey say if she came in during the *cough* banana sharing bit? Ohhh bananas... *moans enviously* Don't you hate cyclones?

Are you gonna continue? Or just gonna leave Draco and Ginny snogging on a hospital bed? Which admittedly is a fine idea. :P Well done, again. Am going to vote, I think.

Author's Response: Snogging sounds just as good to me!rnrnI know, he's such a hot, snooty prat. I heart him so! *shivers too*rnrnCyclones suck! I think it might offend her "delicate sensibilities", to quote Mourning Broken Angel! Although, the woman works in a school, she's likely seen it all before.rnrnLeaving them to snog! Lucky buggers. Cheers if you voted! Well, I won, so someone must've.
Name: CCC reviewed Chapter 2: Charming Work on Dec 04, 2006 05:27 pm
This was a wonderful romp through Draco and Ginny land. I really liked it. I am actually smiling like an idiot as I type. Good job

Author's Response: I'm smiling as I read your review. Thanks, CCC! I'm glad you seemed to have as much fun reading it as I had writing it. "wonderful romp through Draco and Ginny land" is something I shall treasure!
Name: Persephone33 reviewed Chapter 2: Charming Work on Dec 03, 2006 03:16 am
You are a master wordsmith! The way you manipulate the English language is always astounding. I love the alliteration sprinkled throughout, and of course, the kissy part at the end. :)

Author's Response: *Blushes* Thank you, fair lady of the Underworld! I must apparently and unashamedly admit to a long lasting love for alliteration and all its astounding attributes. Glad you liked the kiss! Considering I've no experience, I'm glad it was convincing.
Name: nun outfits are cool reviewed Chapter 2: Charming Work on Dec 02, 2006 12:58 am
I have no idea quite how you did it, but that was fabby fabby fabby!
I am vair vair impressed, and thank you :)

Author's Response: How I did it? I think it was one of those ideas that came in the shower. All I knew was that I wanted Draco, albeit reluctantly, in the "care giver" role, and the rest kind of sprang from there. Glad you liked it! welcome? I really feel I should be thanking you for your review.
Name: dgloves70 reviewed Chapter 2: Charming Work on Dec 01, 2006 07:14 pm
Wow, interesting to see that Malfoy is tutoring Ginny? Will the other three be intergrating with Draco and Ginny? I hope to see more interaction with Draco and Ginny.. So far this piece is good, cannot wait to see what happens next!

Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing! If you missed it in the summary, this is a two-shot only, so there won't be any more written. As for what happens next, I guess that's up to you and your imagination! As for Malfoy tutoring Ginny, I wanted to put the tutoring situation in a different light - it's not that he's a super genius (although he undoubtely is - not that I'm biased) but that it's convenient for Dumbledore. Anyway, I'm glad you liked it!
Name: ContessaNatasha reviewed Chapter 2: Charming Work on Dec 01, 2006 04:43 pm
A sweet fic. Very nice, well written, and incorperated the aspects of the challenge in a very new way. Good job! I liked your Draco, and liked how it was based on him, rather than Ginny.

Author's Response: Thanks, CN! Yeah, I wanted to come at the challenge in a round about way, so I'm glad you think I achieved that. I write a Draco that appeals to me, so it's nice to see others take a shine to him as well. As long as they don't get too close. Hands off, dammit, he's for Gin and I to fight over!
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