Name: Caroline reviewed Chapter 6 on Jul 05, 2007 02:53 pm
I love this. I really really do! The amount of details you have laid down in this story, I'm wowed. As always I have to tell you how much I love your Ron. This is so exciting, I almost don't care about the romance. Almost wish it wasn't there. Almost! I can't wait for more. Update as soon as you can=)=)

Author's Response: Thank you :) Ron has become one of my favourite characters in this story, so there will be plenty more of him to come. As for the romance, there is some in it, I'm not terribly good at writing romance stories, but my beta will make sure I don't sound too horrid. The romance comes a bit later though because the plot revolves around the brotherhood and I need them sorted before I can concentrate on their love lives. The next chapter is almost done and should be up in a little while.
Name: Jessie reviewed Chapter 6 on Jun 26, 2007 07:57 am
Just wanted to let you know I think your story is one of the most ingenious creations on this webpage! Hope you get enough support for all your hard work.

Author's Response: Aww, thanks I appreciate it, very humbling that, especially since the work on this website is absolutely brilliant.. I enjoy writing so it's more for me than anything else. I have a number of readers in this community and my beta is outstanding when it comes to supporting my work. Thank you for yours as well, I truly appreciate it. 
Name: gorram reviewed Chapter 6 on Jun 24, 2007 02:11 pm
*Update!!!Punches fist in the air, and looks like a monkey on caffeine*
*clears throat and attempts to behave*
It is updated!!! More of the brothers!!!
And it goes without saying ...fantastic chap...I absolutely love the dialogue you have between all the characters, especially the 4 'yummies' (sorry that was from the monkey). One of the main problems with some Fanfics, is that dialogue seems forced, regardless whether it is canon or not, but your fanfic does not contain any line that feels contrived. Which is why the story flows so naturally.

*Patiently waits for more*

Author's Response: Thank you :) I'm glad you liked the chapter. It's a relief that you don't think the dialogue is forced, especially since it's my weakest point.  More of the four yummies in the next chapter as well as Lucius and Sage so your monkey should be happy. The next part should be up soon :)
Name: Jeditinkerbell007 reviewed Chapter 6 on Jun 23, 2007 06:25 pm
Really enjoying this story with all the interactions between people and not just draco and ginny...
though on that note do you think you could envolve a bit more draco and ginny and the girls cause really want to know n=more about the reason ginny is with them...
Thank you..
please update soon... xoxox

Author's Response:

I'm glad you are enjoying the story. There will be more Draco/Ginny, but you have to remember this isn't primarily a romance, it's more action and horror. Fear not though, there is romance :)

Ginny's reason for being with the girls is evolving, it started out as curiosity and led to friendship and will evolve more as the story goes on.

Name: Blueeyedbrunette reviewed Chapter 6 on Jun 23, 2007 02:06 pm
this was absolutely fantastic!

Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
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