Reviews For The Storm
Name: Cmoreira3 reviewed Snippets on Dec 30, 2016 07:35 pm
Man, it's been years. I'd always hoped you'd come back and finish this series. A girl can dream :/
Name: PansyParkinson reviewed Snippets on Sep 06, 2012 07:44 am
will this story be continued??
Name: BlackRaven reviewed Snippets on Jul 25, 2010 09:20 pm
I'm a bit confused as to the order of the might help to categorize them as a series? Is there an ending to the arc of "Before the Storm"?
Name: bluelover reviewed Snippets on Dec 06, 2009 03:17 am
What a bitter end to such a lovely story. *sigh*

Too many lives ruined because of a society that expects too much yet does not give a chance for true love to take its course.

Too many broken hearts that may never be pieced together again.

It was good that Draco did not ask Ginny to be his mistress because I would have made him real and beat him to death! LOL

So sad.... =(

Letting each other go must have hurt like hell when you have a love as great as theirs.. *sniff*

You have such a way with words! Just amazing!

It's such a depressing thought that you're not continuing this.

Thanks for the story but I really wish someday you might post the end of the story =)
Name: kasey_07 reviewed Snippets on Oct 04, 2009 10:31 pm
I am not sure if you will read this as it seems like it's been a while since you have updated.

Two years ago, I wrote a rather offensive review due to my disappointment in you choosing not to finish the story.

I recently came back and reread your story. The quality of your writing is still truly amazing in my opinion.

I just wanted to appologize for what I had said. I may not have understood then, but I understand now.
Name: DGgirl reviewed Snippets on Jan 01, 2009 06:31 pm
hmm its too bad u decided not to write this story, sure would've been interesting.
Name: toothpick reviewed Snippets on Jan 02, 2008 01:22 pm
Even though you aren't writing the complete story, I still appreciate the snippets :) It sort of allows the reader to put things together on their own, considering what you've given us in the snippets and from the story before this.

So thank you for posting this :) It's so much better than abandoning it completely.
Name: desperate_ballad reviewed Snippets on Dec 22, 2007 05:53 pm
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It Can't be over!!!!!!!!!!!! It just can't! What will I do without it?
Name: ophelia03 reviewed Snippets on Oct 08, 2007 02:34 pm
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for posting this portion of “The Storm.” Its prequel- like its anti-hero- was bitter, honest and heartbreaking. While I know an extended “storm” is not likely on the horizon, your snippets were extremely heart wrenching and helped create a foundation in my imagination of the world after “Before the Storm.” Draco remains inordinately torn by impossible choices and haunted despite his pseudo-affected and aristocratic air. Words can’t do justice to how much Ginny moves me within your created world. You maneuver words and emotions with a delicate and bittersweet honesty and if I see another story written by you, be sure I will be one of the first to read it. Thanks for taking the time to create this world and for sharing your words.
Name: dragoncharmer79 reviewed Snippets on Oct 08, 2007 05:09 am
When will you be adding to this story? I am amazed at your talent. I loved Before the Storm. Your characters seem to take on a life of their own and I find myself completely sucked into the story.
Name: Dracoz Devil reviewed Snippets on Jul 31, 2007 12:17 am
I think you should just add another chapter that ties everything together so we know what happens at the end and so that you're done with the story. The one thing that truly gets to me is when someone starts a story and doesn't give it a proper end. on the other hand, i don't mind if someone starts a story, doesn't feel like finishing it and just kindof ties up loose ends in one chapter...which is what i am asking you to do because i feel like I am too personally tied into this story for there to not be a proper end.
Name: Dracoz Devil reviewed Snippets on Jul 31, 2007 12:15 am
I think you should just add another chapter that ties everything together so we know what happens at the end and so that you're done with the story. The one thing that truly gets to me is when someone starts a story and doesn't give it a proper end. on the other hand, i don't mind if someone starts a story, doesn't feel like finishing it and just kindof ties up loose ends in one chapter...which is what i am asking you to do because i feel like I am too personally tied into this story for there to not be a proper end.
Name: kasey_07 reviewed Snippets on Jun 19, 2007 12:49 pm
So thats it? You're going to do a shortened sequel when I spent my ENTIRE day reading Before the Storm when I should have been studying for my final?
This makes me sad. You are an amazing writer and I was looking forward to reading more.

This makes me very sad and it feels like I've wasted my day on story without an ending.

Author's Response: Honestly, I didn't force you to read this story, did I? I didn't strap you down to your computer and make you read instead of study. I can't be blamed because I chose not to write the sequel when I did more than most authors and finished the first part, then posted all I had of the second. I take minor offense to your comments because while you may have 'wasted' a day reading part one, I 'wasted' a long, long time writing it. I do take responsibility for not finishing the sequel, but my interest waned and I moved on. My apologies, but that's life, right?
Name: aimslee91 reviewed Snippets on Mar 27, 2007 01:59 am
im loving it so far.....

so draco and pansy r gettin married but draco loves ginny not pansy. and hes only marrying pansy for his political stance????

keep at it

Name: pingpong0601 reviewed Snippets on Feb 26, 2007 10:40 am
Heartbreaking snatches of their new twisted lives. As always, beautiful. Thank you for posting this at least.
Name: ~LuvNikki~ reviewed Snippets on Jan 28, 2007 04:50 pm
I love it! I still wish you would have done a full story, but it's really awesome anyway. =)

~Luv Nikki~
Name: caramelissa reviewed Snippets on Jan 07, 2007 08:32 pm
First off, I want to say that I read about 2 sentences and had no idea what was happening. It's been quite awhile since I last read "Before the Storm", and I'm glad I reread it (took me a few days!) as when I started reading the sequel, I was thinking of a completely different fic plotline in my head. I probably accepted the fact that there won't be a happy ending from whatI gathered in "Before the Storm", and I don't really see one coming (unless the ending is completely going off on a different track). But I like your portrayal of Draco and Ginny, it's very unique. And I don't think the snippets are too choppy, but fit well together in that it's not too hard to fill in missing events. I hope you update soon! Haha, and if you wanted to know, I really don't like the idea of Draco and Pansy getting married.
Name: Analucia Malfoy reviewed Snippets on Jan 03, 2007 07:02 pm
Name: nun outfits are cool reviewed Snippets on Jan 03, 2007 02:34 pm
wow. Uhh, this is really well written, even if it is patched together. It's also quite bitter-sweet, if it's sweet at all... Well done, and I hope there's more.
Name: xNymphadoraX reviewed Snippets on Jan 03, 2007 10:08 am
Actually, this makes a lot of sense. It was so emotionally jarring and intriguing. It was beautiful like the most magnificent painting and yet too sad to linger upon. That's the way I felt reading this and although it may have more to do with personal experience than anything else, the fact that you affected me so deeply speaks greatly to your talent as a writer. I understand that sometimes, a story simply stops, and I don't think you should apologize one more time. These pieces were more than enough to both placate and please and you must know how much we appreciate them.
Name: azadi reviewed Snippets on Jan 03, 2007 12:00 am
I think that the whole purpose of making Ginny slightly timid and naïve in Before The Storm was a setup to show how she has matured and changed in The Storm. Don’t get me wrong I loved Ginny’s portrayal in that, but this Ginny is stronger and more mature. The growth is clearly evident in her and slightly less so in Draco – like the tables have turned. Though it would be amazingly amazing to have a full version, I think to a certain extent it works equally as well just as it is. The little snippets of their relationship give us enough information that we ca piece the puzzle as to what happened ourselves. Yet again this another breathtaking piece of work I look forward to see how you conclude this :D!
Name: Prolific Wonder reviewed Snippets on Jan 02, 2007 11:11 pm
Oh and have somebody slapped the shit of Pans just once... if so can it please be Ron.

PS: I Don't quite say so before, but you have a lovely imagination!
Name: Prolific Wonder reviewed Snippets on Jan 02, 2007 11:03 pm
it might seem quite cliche', but it be interesting if Ginny were with child. The dynamic if held right would shed an interesting light to their relationship. I remember in "Before The Storm" when Draco had a dream or day dream where Ginny was holding that baby it just clicks to me. That and my mom saying thatit's possible for people to sometimes see situations in there life. To make the right decisions before the event comes to fruition.

And Pansy needs a real love interest. Her longing is kind of depressing. I seen it before with certain friends. sometimes you just want to say. "Look what your doing to youself. He doesn't want you. A minute of being happy (though that will be melancoly) in someones presence isn't going to excuse the sorrowful moments you will always have"

maybe Harry/pansy...haha!
Off to eat my black pepper chicken alfredo!!!
Name: dgloves70 reviewed Snippets on Jan 02, 2007 06:11 pm
Hmm, I see the dilema you are going through. I enjoy the conflict they are involved in but in any case, why doesn't Draco just confirm with the parties at hand- Ron, Ginny and Pansy and see if there was any way they would be able to live with a conmpromise. I am sure that they can come up with some sort of contract that would allow them to make possible. So far, Draco is unfiar and I wonder about the dilema for Ginny, should she marry Harry or is there another who should hook up with her and offer her support should she walk away from Draco?
I loved your notes and I look forward to the time when you get back to this story.
Raving out loud - ROL
Name: just_breathe reviewed Snippets on Jan 02, 2007 05:19 pm
Aw it's so good! I hope you do decide to continue it eventually!
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