Reviews For The Storm
Name: xNymphadoraX reviewed Snippets on Jan 03, 2007 10:08 am
Actually, this makes a lot of sense. It was so emotionally jarring and intriguing. It was beautiful like the most magnificent painting and yet too sad to linger upon. That's the way I felt reading this and although it may have more to do with personal experience than anything else, the fact that you affected me so deeply speaks greatly to your talent as a writer. I understand that sometimes, a story simply stops, and I don't think you should apologize one more time. These pieces were more than enough to both placate and please and you must know how much we appreciate them.
Name: azadi reviewed Snippets on Jan 03, 2007 12:00 am
I think that the whole purpose of making Ginny slightly timid and naïve in Before The Storm was a setup to show how she has matured and changed in The Storm. Don’t get me wrong I loved Ginny’s portrayal in that, but this Ginny is stronger and more mature. The growth is clearly evident in her and slightly less so in Draco – like the tables have turned. Though it would be amazingly amazing to have a full version, I think to a certain extent it works equally as well just as it is. The little snippets of their relationship give us enough information that we ca piece the puzzle as to what happened ourselves. Yet again this another breathtaking piece of work I look forward to see how you conclude this :D!
Name: Prolific Wonder reviewed Snippets on Jan 02, 2007 11:11 pm
Oh and have somebody slapped the shit of Pans just once... if so can it please be Ron.

PS: I Don't quite say so before, but you have a lovely imagination!
Name: Prolific Wonder reviewed Snippets on Jan 02, 2007 11:03 pm
it might seem quite cliche', but it be interesting if Ginny were with child. The dynamic if held right would shed an interesting light to their relationship. I remember in "Before The Storm" when Draco had a dream or day dream where Ginny was holding that baby it just clicks to me. That and my mom saying thatit's possible for people to sometimes see situations in there life. To make the right decisions before the event comes to fruition.

And Pansy needs a real love interest. Her longing is kind of depressing. I seen it before with certain friends. sometimes you just want to say. "Look what your doing to youself. He doesn't want you. A minute of being happy (though that will be melancoly) in someones presence isn't going to excuse the sorrowful moments you will always have"

maybe Harry/pansy...haha!
Off to eat my black pepper chicken alfredo!!!
Name: dgloves70 reviewed Snippets on Jan 02, 2007 06:11 pm
Hmm, I see the dilema you are going through. I enjoy the conflict they are involved in but in any case, why doesn't Draco just confirm with the parties at hand- Ron, Ginny and Pansy and see if there was any way they would be able to live with a conmpromise. I am sure that they can come up with some sort of contract that would allow them to make possible. So far, Draco is unfiar and I wonder about the dilema for Ginny, should she marry Harry or is there another who should hook up with her and offer her support should she walk away from Draco?
I loved your notes and I look forward to the time when you get back to this story.
Raving out loud - ROL
Name: Nyghtinggail reviewed Prologue on Jan 02, 2007 06:04 pm
I've been waiting for this for forever!!! I'm so excited. :]
Love your work. Keep it up.
Name: just_breathe reviewed Snippets on Jan 02, 2007 05:19 pm
Aw it's so good! I hope you do decide to continue it eventually!
Name: just_breathe reviewed Prologue on Jan 02, 2007 05:05 pm
I LOVE this please please please please (times a thousand) continue this. It;s very good and I love it to death. lol
Name: ScarletXBegonia reviewed Snippets on Jan 02, 2007 04:50 pm sad, but then again, thats probably why I like your writing so much, because really, who wants romantic when you can have tragic? seriously..
Name: ScarletXBegonia reviewed Prologue on Jan 02, 2007 04:15 pm
sigh...all that waiting...Oh well..
Name: CCC reviewed Prologue on Jan 02, 2007 02:01 pm
I was really hoping that there would be a sequel to Before the storm, but I understand if you don't feel like going there. This was really creepy. I tend to like happy fluffy fics, but whenever I see your penname, I have to check them out. Your imagery is amazing, disturbed, but amazing.
Name: braidedsilver reviewed Prologue on Jan 02, 2007 01:46 pm
I think that is complete. That is perfect in my mind and requires no expansion. I think it is very well done. If that is what your writing looks like unedited I envy you.
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