Reviews For Saviour
Name: CCC reviewed Chapter 1 on Jul 04, 2007 04:00 pm
Well that was a huge honkin bummer. I suppose I should have read the summary more closey. Good writing, but geez, I need to go hug my dog now, and maybe eat some chocolate.

Author's Response: Sorry about that! Maybe I should have emphasised the depressing-ness of it? I hoped you liked it though? :S
Name: Sarah reviewed Chapter 1 on Jul 02, 2007 04:21 am
I'm devestated! Just as you think they'll finally be happy, Lucius kills them. :( I loved it though. You write beautifully.

Author's Response: Thanks so much! Your review is really appreciated. :)
Name: slygal reviewed Chapter 1 on Jun 29, 2007 10:30 pm
GASP!! Morbid!!! and painting Lucius as a coward to kill Draco n Ginny then turn his wand on himself? Unbelievable ::wiping a stray tear:: they are both too pretty! ;) But you write incredibly well! Thanks for reminding me why I LOVE fluff!

Author's Response: Thank you very much. Hah, to tell you the truth, I originally intended for the ending to be happy. I must have been feeling pessimistic when I completed it!
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