Reviews For Occam's Razor
Name: Diana Prallon reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 03, 2007 12:12 pm
I hope you update it soon. I'm in love with the idea.

(Curiously enough, "The simplest answer is that I'm just not happy; I haven't been for a long time" is my favorite reason to break up H/G, and I'm using that one too)

Author's Response: William of Occam was one smart cookie. :) I didn't think I needed a wild premise to go post-DH; good, old fashioned marital woes works nicely.

I'm really glad you like it!
Name: Ananyamous reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 03, 2007 07:37 am
I really love the way you wrote Harry. Not horrible--he did try, but it wasn't working out and I can see how Ginny would have thought it was boring. Great story.

Author's Response: Like I said, I don't hate Harry. I'd much rather explore a relationship that fades, not due to adultery or abuse, but from plain old complacency. Sometimes, we grow up and grow apart, like Ginny and Harry here.
Name: razzle_be_dazzled reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 03, 2007 05:49 am
Intresting take on the DH aftermath. I like it and can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm working on the next installment right now.
Name: dgloves70 reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 03, 2007 02:59 am
they may not be but defintely, worth reading about how you get your life back. I love it. It is nice to see that Draco and Ginny have already gotten comfortable with one another. I am sure that I cannot wait til their next meeting. I want to know how they will be focusing on one another and hopefully answer the quetion on what it is they are missing from their lives.

Author's Response: I think to do a story about failed marriages, responsibilites and children justice, I've really got to explore the journey from them being strangers to becoming intimate. It's not just a quick hop into the sack and instant twu wuv. I'm really happy you like this story so much. Thanks!
Name: snowfelon reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 02, 2007 11:19 pm
ooo... I love it... and not just because there's D/G in it haha... can't wait to find out more about Draco & Scorpius.. very interesting name there. there's gonna be more right? *hopeful look*

Author's Response: There's more... much more, I think. At least six chapters, maybe as many as ten. We'll see. I'm finding that Scorpius is brilliant to write, as he's a virtual blank slate!
Name: Lili Montegue reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 02, 2007 08:51 pm
I love that you are staying within canon and still carrying off a believable D/G fic! I love stories that work around canon.

I can also completely understand what has happened with Harry and Ginny. Happened with my parents. So I am looking forward to reading more!

And thank you for stating that you will deal with the hair issue. I think that caused me more grief than anything else....

Author's Response: I WILL fix that awful offhand comment about Draco's hair if it's the last thing I do. *grumbles at how spiteful JKR was in that epilogue*

I really wanted to have a stab at complete canon compliance with DH, and I'm really glad it's gotten such an unbelievable response. Thank you!

Sad stories like yours (and mine) happen a lot, and I feel like it's something many readers can relate to.
Name: ExquisiteBeauty reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 02, 2007 07:53 pm
That was really,really well-written. I love that its written in first person. I cant wait for the next one!


Author's Response: Thanks so much! I'm not usually a first person narrative fan, but this story works much better in this format than in third person limited. More should be up soon; I'm working on it now!
Name: WhiffleBird reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 02, 2007 07:41 pm
I totally agree with you about Harry's cannon character he's so arrogant, and egotistical, I also agree about the epilogue I almost wish I hadn't even read it cause it pretty much ruined the end for me.

Author's Response: *hugs WhiffleBird* That's why we've got fanfic and FIA! JKR can't keep us down with that epilogue. There's lots of superiorly-talented writers in our fandom that can make us forget all about canon.

Yes, Harry can be a git in canon... that's why he's about to lose Ginny to Draco! *smirks*
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 02, 2007 06:11 pm
Interesting beginning. How sad. *goes off to give my husband of 7 years a good snog*

Author's Response: *pats Jess* It's only a fic, sweetie! I love my hubby too, but I've known way too many people in relationships just like the one I've created for Ginny and Harry.

On the bright side, there'll be canonical, (thanks, Perse!) non-adulterous D/G! *dangles carrot in front of you*
Name: imsoka reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 02, 2007 05:46 pm
This is off to such a great start. I'm sooo glad you're writing it!

I think you have a really good grasp of the characters and their emotions. Also, I totally agree with you about Ginny in that ivory tower. It really got to me that Harry was all for locking her up in the room of req during the final battle.

Can't wait to read the rest. Good job!

Author's Response: Well, I don't have a problem with Harry being flawed, and given his family history, I can even see why he behaves towards Ginny the way he does in the books. What I can't see is how Ginny would be okay with that after a few months, let alone nineteen years.

Regardless, I really wanted to see if I could write a believable D/G romance that follows everything JKR gave us in canon. I'm glad it's working so far. Thanks for the review!
Name: torndeception reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 02, 2007 05:03 pm
Thank you soooo much for writing this! I've been waiting for a post-DH fic like this. Yay. ^.^

The image of Draco gardening is extremely amusing, yet it somehow fits in perfectly with the story thus far.

I've always thought that Harry is too self-absorbed to really please Ginny. I'm glad that she's going to finally realize it. I do feel sorry for the kids, though- I can only imagine how tense things will be at home when the return from Hogwarts.

Awesome start, and I can't wait to read more! ^.^

Author's Response: Happy to oblige! I like Gardener!Draco, too- I thought it was a semi-original hobby for him in fic, and the symbolism isn't bad either. I'm thrilled you like it so far.

Re: The children
My parents' divorce was acrimonious at best, and I was a young teen at that time, so I feel like I've got a good grip how I want to write their emotions.
Name: Persephone33 reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 02, 2007 04:50 pm
Guh. Poor Ginny. (I do applaud her for not snorting at Draco's son's name, however.)

You've managed to create a completely canonical (Is that a word?) and believable start. Congratulations, and I look forward to reading more!

Author's Response: Not a 'Scorpius' fan, eh? I'll see what I can do about a nickname in the fic for you, then. :D

I wanted my first post-DH effort to follow canon as closely as possible so I can get it out of my system. After that, I'll adjourn to the 'Future AU' category safe in the knowledge that I could deal with JKR's... epilogue *cough*Hah!NowNoOneCanWriteAroundMyCanon!bit*cough*
Name: CCC reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 02, 2007 03:04 pm
This really struck a chord with me. I'm at the age when a lot of our friends are divorcing or getting married for the second time. I like where you're going with this. I'm hoping it wasn't a one shot. I can't remember. I'd like there to be more.

Author's Response: I know how you feel, CCC- we're probably near the same age. Some days, it feels like I'm the last happily married person I know, and other days, I wonder why that darn grass is always greener on the other side.

It's not a one-shot, so you get your wish! I'm not sure how many chapters it'll take to get to the finish, but expect at least six. :)
Name: Rainpuddle reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 02, 2007 02:23 pm
I greatly appreciate your very lovely undoing of that horrible epilogue. We all know that Ginny is meant to be with Draco, it just takes her a while to figure it out. I can't wait to see how things evolve. I foresee Harry being a moderate problem here only because he's only interested in his creature comforts. I already love where this is going - meeting at a garden club meeting *snerks* Definitely original and some how perfect.

Author's Response: *smooches the much-better epilogue Pud made to assuage the D/G grief* Every one of us is pounding the keyboard to fix that... thing tacked on the end of DH. [/disgust for the EoD]

Thanks for the wonderful compliments, and I'm glad it's moderately original! Can you tell I was weeding the garden as I plotted this fic? ;)
Name: darkloveangel reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 02, 2007 01:24 pm
WOW yay that was amazing i can't wait for the rest of it!!

Author's Response: Well, depending on Adelagia, the next chapter may get written faster than I expected (I bribed her for more of the fabulous 'Conflict Resolution')!
Name: Embellished reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 02, 2007 11:12 am

This is a fascinating look at how relationships can evolve. (And, yes, I understand exactly how it happens.) I'm looking forward to finding out how Ginny and Harry deal with each other, and of course, how Ginny and Draco end up gravitating toward each other.

Author's Response: I thought you'd get it, you smart lady, you. :)

Despite my displeasure with DH, I'm trying very hard to make canon work in a mature manner.
Name: Adelagia reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 02, 2007 10:37 am
Love it. As much as I detest the Epilogue, I'm glad you're taking it on head-first and making everything right! I can't wait to see how everything plays out.

Author's Response: *cracks knuckles* She thought that epilogue would stop us from putting Draco and Ginny together? Hah! JKR, meet my twisted mind's self-preservation response. Denial, meet JKR. Glad to acquaint you. XD

Glad you're liking it so far!
Name: LuckyCharms reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 02, 2007 10:06 am
you have me hooked, can't wait for more

Author's Response: Lovely! I'll set to work on the second chapter tonight, then.
Name: moerae reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 02, 2007 09:47 am
Gaah, I cannot stand the mention of a boy names Scorpius. What was JKR thinking?! Maybe he could go by a made up middle name, haha.

D/G will live on forever! Despite JKR's obvious attempts to squelch true love...

Author's Response: I don't love the name 'Scorpius', but I don't claw at my eyes at it either. Doesn't really bother me either way. I seem to be waving a number of things in JKR's direction in my hatred for the epilogue, but we'll muddle through! :)
Name: ContessaNatasha reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 02, 2007 09:15 am
I quite like this. It is very realistic, I think, and I look forward to reading more.

I have been waiting to read a DH+Epilogue compliant fic, and so this shall be a nice treat for me.

Author's Response: *waves the flag of first Epilogue of Doom-compliant fic* Glad you're enjoying it so far!
Name: princessswan reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 02, 2007 09:13 am
Oooh ouch.. separation huh? But I'm glad Draco's single &on the market for Gin! ;) Hahah anyway, I'm glad you wrote this post-DH story! I was really really bummed with the ending when Draco married some nameless girl. Ughh. He belongs with Ginny!! :D Anyway please update again soon, this is a wonderful start!!

Author's Response: Along with every other D/G fan, I am determined to right the wrongs JK Rowling flung at us. We shall prevail! *waves pitchfork*
Name: hummie reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 02, 2007 08:52 am
OoooOOooh my first DH-compliant fic! Very very intriguing! :) Please address Draco's receding hairline somewhere... JKR really killed me with that... anyway, good job soi far! Can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response: Yay for breaking the post-DH fic barrier! *giggles* The hair issue is broached in Chapter Two- don't worry, I will correct JKR's biased snippiness about Draco and his hair. *waves Sword of Truth*
Name: Lunaeyes reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 02, 2007 08:35 am
I adore this. I was wondering when someone was going to post something that agreed with Deathly Hallows completely (not that I don't enjoy Mynuet or Rainpuddle's version of things :)). I'm looking forward to how you take this, and your Ginny is so very realistic.

Author's Response: *huggles Lunaeyes* Thanks! The total canon agreement means there's a fair bit of Ginny-Harry early on, and that's not everyone's favorite thing around here, but I thought writing a mature relationship for D/G would be a good, solid challenge to help me shake off the horror that was DH: The Epilogue.
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