Reviews For Occam's Razor
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed Chapter 2 on Aug 06, 2007 01:38 pm
It's really really good. I think they're being very mature (well.. mostly) and I enjoyed getting the first peek. ;)

Author's Response: You're just being sweet because you got to read it first. *winks* Buttering me up for the next chapter, huh?
Name: hummie reviewed Chapter 2 on Aug 06, 2007 01:25 pm
Oh wow. Wonderful. I am so glad that you addressed Draco's hair, but, mostly, I am extremely pleased with how Ginny and Harry's separation came about. It's very rare that I read a story that could have in everyday life. People do change and sometimes there just isn't a remedy. Really well thought out and great characterizations! I cannot wait for the next installment ;)

Author's Response: Draco's hair woes were at the top of my "To Fix" list. ;) I'm so glad this fic rings true for you- it's a new challenge for me to just write a story based on an emotional journey, rather than how outside events affect the characters.
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