Reviews For Victory's Prize
Name: hp42 reviewed Victory's Prize - Chapter 2 on Aug 15, 2009 08:09 am
That was.. beautiful to say the least. You're an amazing writer.

Author's Response: Thank you SO much! I needed this boost today. I'm thrilled you enjoyed it. :D
Name: princessswan reviewed Victory's Prize - Chapter 2 on Nov 24, 2008 12:56 pm
Awwww this fic IS the sweetest I've ever read!! :) I love how Draco & Ginny are willing to sacrifice everything for each other & I'm glad they finally got their happily ever after. XD Anyway, thank you for this amazing fic.. hope you continue to write more!! :D

Author's Response: Thank you so much. I think I've written one D/G (maybe two?) since this one. I generally write for a D/G themed RPG now - but thank you for the wonderful review and the awesome compliment. :D
Name: Flipinpenname reviewed Victory's Prize - Chapter 2 on Aug 28, 2008 02:36 pm
aw this is so cute! great job!

Author's Response: Thanks so much. This is my favourite of all I have written - so I appreciate the review! :D
Name: LovesFantasy reviewed Victory's Prize - Chapter 2 on Jan 28, 2008 09:35 am
Upon your suggestion, I read this next. :o) Though, I think I’ve only got one more of your fics to read. :o( Write more! ;o)
So, this was the fluffiest fluff that ever fluffed, I believe. And it is with good reason that your fic was chosen as the “Sweetest Fic Overall.” I took notes on Post-Its as I read; there are 4 bright pink ones stuck to my computer screen… lol! I’m glad there doesn’t appear to be a word limit on reviews… ;o)
I thought it was very interesting that you decided to change the overall timeline. Sucking everyone back in time like that, surprisingly, took very little mental adjustment for me. Using Grindelwald rather than taking Voldemort back was an unexpected twist. It certainly had a 1940’s feel in the writing itself. I had this mental image of Ginny in a navy, calf-length skirt with painted on pantyhose.
I fell in love with several quotes throughout the story. The first was a quick Jane Austin/Pride & Prejudice moment with the simple “particular friend” comment in reference to Molly and Penny. Then there was the moment when Draco’s kissing Ginny after accepting the assignment and he’s thinking “This is how much I love you…” Oh goodness…! My heart swelled, my breath caught, and I nearly teared up. That line was just so well placed and said so very much, even in its simplicity.
Of course, worthy of equal emotion, was during Ginny’s outing their relationship while in St. Mungo’s. “He’s my something grand.” Not only does it completely fit with the sound and overall feel of the time period, but it’s got a ‘classic’ feel. I’m not sure that makes quite the sense I mean it to, but I can’t think of a better word.
Overall, it’s the tiny details that make this fic so wonderful. “…that blasted twinkle…” in Dumbledore’s eyes, for example. Words placed like that encourage an emotional response from your readers. You can conjure up that infamous twinkle in your mind’s eye and you immediately find it “blasted.” All the while, if you’re me, grinning like a fool. It’s amazing I’ve yet to get caught reading while at work. Lol!
My only concern was the timeline between Harry & Ron’s disappearance and Jamie’s birth. They were reported MIA three weeks ago during the time of Jamie’s naming ceremony that was taking place two months after his birth when Harry was supposed to have been back before Jamie was born. It’s just a touch confusing and could easily be fixed by Harry and Ron being reported MIA before Jamie’s birth (since what on earth would have stopped Harry from being at his son’s birth). Even though we find out later what’s really happened, it would make this section a bit easier to read. That’s just a thought.
Anyway, I just loved this fic. It’s beautiful and poignant. Well worth the praise and prize. :o) I can’t wait to read your submission to the Fic Exchange this year (and I really hate the waiting). ;o)

Author's Response: *bounces up and down* 4 pretty pink post-its? YAY! Thank you SO SO much for the fabbity review - yet again. I'm glad you thought the 40s feel came through. It was the request and I wasn't completely convinced anyone else would have been able to do it justice (because I have a History degree and my minor was a big part of WWII -- and because I have a MASSIVE ego. hee hee hee) but I loved the prompt and as soon as I saw it I knew I /had/ to write it. I'm glad you felt it did that period of time justice. And thank you SO much for the concrit. That part of the fic /was/ a bit unclear. I had a little timeline while I was writing - but it is SO hard to convey everything, you know? Though I'm fairly sure he was supposed to be deployed even when she had the baby... and the baby was early or something... but yes - it's VERY good to know that that was unclear. Thank you for that. I may have to adjust... but we won't tell Distempered. (*giggles*) Anyway - you're a dear for reading and reviewing and reading at work! HEE! I've written more - but not D/G - so I'll work extra quick to get my fic done for the exchange so I can recieve one of your VERY amazing reviews - of which I have praised mightily on my LJ already. You are made of win! *smooches you*
Name: Pipperstorms reviewed Victory's Prize - Chapter 2 on Nov 11, 2007 11:44 am
This was amazingly well written. I loved how you chose to put this in a different time period. It is compleatly one of a kind.

Author's Response: Thank you so much. It means a lot to get a review from you. Thanks! ;)
Name: jessica k malfoy reviewed Victory's Prize - Chapter 2 on Nov 10, 2007 05:41 pm
mmmmmmm, i love you and your stories!

Author's Response: Awww Jess... thanks so so much for the review! ;) I love you too (and your stories). ;)
Name: gidge_8 reviewed Victory's Prize - Chapter 2 on Oct 24, 2007 11:18 am
Sweet, lovable. Nice job.

Author's Response: Thank you so much. I'm thrilled you liked it! ;)
Name: mongoose reviewed Victory's Prize - Chapter 2 on Oct 08, 2007 09:06 am
Not many stories can make me cry out of happiness. You have succeeded. I have always been a sucker for WWII romances. I guess it's because that's how my grandparents met. It's a wonderful ficlet and once again I am reminded of how your stories never cease to amaze me. Good job.

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I really loved this story... it meant a lot to me and as soon as I saw the prompt I was inspired. Thanks for reading and leaving a brilliant review! ;)
Name: crazykay254 reviewed Victory's Prize - Chapter 2 on Sep 26, 2007 11:56 am
i love this story! period fics are amazing. i never would've thought a story during WW2 could be this good. awesome job!

Author's Response: Thank you so so much. I love this time period and I loved writing this story. Thanks so much for the review~ ;)
Name: TwistedPixie reviewed Victory's Prize - Chapter 2 on Aug 15, 2007 09:15 am
just lovely. btw im icechild on livejournal and im just about to add it to my favourites!!

Author's Response: *giggles* Well, thank you once again! I'm glad you liked it this much! ;)
Name: Ananyamous reviewed Victory's Prize - Chapter 2 on Aug 05, 2007 09:28 am
Adorable! Something Grand!

Author's Response: Thanks you SO SO much! ;)
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