Reviews For Compagnons d'Ame
Name: Hania reviewed Somebody to Love on Aug 09, 2007 03:37 pm
Interesting choice in partners. Can't wait to see what will happen.
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Somebody to Love on Aug 09, 2007 03:30 pm
~I love the idea, but it is too rushed with too many characters. It is going to be a lot for you to keep up. Not to mention none of the characters fought the law or their mate serioiusly. But that is just me.~
Name: Airmid reviewed Somebody to Love on Aug 09, 2007 03:22 pm
That is the funniest thing I have read in a long time. Please post another chapter as soon as you can. I loved it...Ron and Pansy *cackle* The bit about working at Burger King had me spitting my drink out I was laughing so hard. Great start!
Name: dramaqueen872005 reviewed Somebody to Love on Aug 09, 2007 03:20 pm
Ooooh I like it! More soon please :)
Name: Ananyamous reviewed Somebody to Love on Aug 09, 2007 02:39 pm
I love the way some couples are predictable and some aren't. Sounds like a good fic.
Name: amor_quies reviewed Somebody to Love on Aug 09, 2007 02:30 pm
Um, I feel like everything about this first chapter is extremely underdeveloped. None of the characters are acting accordingly to canon (if that's what you're going for) and because of that I feel like there is no dimension to anyone. No way Molly Weasley would have passed off the law so nonchalantly, especially where Ginny is concerned. Furthermore, I feel like the Ministry's Law that you've evoked to tie D/G together could use some solid reasoning that convinces the reader that it really is necessary because, quite frankly, it's not. Something like this would cause civil outrage amongst most of the wizarding population, not to mention the ethics that are brought into question. Yes, I know that this is fiction, but I feel that as an author you owe it to your readers to make them see that this is necessary instead of just slapping us in the face with a letter and Mrs. Weasley's passive acceptance of it. Furthermore, I believe that you could use some descriptive elements in your story to make your readers feel more empathy for the characters...describe facial expressions or something.

I apologize if this is your first attempt at writing fiction. If so, I don't mean for this to sound so harsh. I merely mean it as constructive criticism and I believe that honesty is what helps people grow.

Author's Response: The reason that Mrs. Weasley isn't completely outraged is that I don't think of her as someone who overreacts. Keep in mind that I wrote this before DH came out, so I didn't know about her attacking Bellatrix yet. Plus I like to keep the overreactions for Ron. Sorry about the underdeveloped-ness, I promise that it will go into more detail soon. I had this idea and I had to get it down before I lost it. Also, I had a lot of couples I needed to match up. Thanks for the tips about helping my story, I really appreciate it.
Name: INDYCICURN reviewed Somebody to Love on Aug 09, 2007 01:49 pm
I love it! You have a few editing errors but they can be looked past. I love the concept and the story line. ....looking forward to reading more
Name: Hopeless reviewed Somebody to Love on Aug 09, 2007 01:42 pm
oh oh oh, please tell me theres more coming!! this plot is just amazing.
Name: Night_Merr reviewed Somebody to Love on Aug 09, 2007 01:25 pm
Hahaha, so good! I'm love reading Hr/S and L/B.. :)

Author's Response: I'm not really sure how the whole Hermione and Snape thing is going to play out. If you have any ideas, feel free to let me know.
Name: Pebbles_and_Pink reviewed Somebody to Love on Aug 09, 2007 01:18 pm
You can't stop there. We have to know how this is all going to pan out....update soon please :)
Name: jamih reviewed Somebody to Love on Aug 09, 2007 12:58 pm
i love it! its so cute and i cant wait for the next chapter!
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