Reviews For Les Dragons Blancs
Name: search4inspiration reviewed 1. Oh For Crying Out Loud on Feb 21, 2011 02:21 pm
I... I can't stop there! This story has such a grip on me... more so than any DG piece I've read in a while. Maybe ever. When will the next installment be ready??? I randomly came across this story a few days ago and have been savoring every word, making it last as long as possible. I love your characterization of Draco. I love the unspoken commitment and compassion between him and Ginny. And you, as a writer, have an incredible sense of pace, knowing when to escalate and when to slow down... you give just enough DG interaction and then pull back to leave the audience wanting more. Brilliant. Please, please... update soon??
Name: Boogum reviewed 1. Oh For Crying Out Loud on Dec 18, 2010 09:17 pm
I'm awfully awful at keeping my promises to come back to read fics. I said I would re-read this months and months ago, and then I got busy, and then I just forgot all about it, and I do apologise for that. But then I got the update today and it reminded me of the brilliance of this fic and how much I loved it, so here I am reading it again.

This is such a great beginning to a story! I've read many (and actually written) fanfics where Ginny sees visions of Draco, but you managed to make this stand out from all of those. I know how good this fic gets as well, which makes me very excited to read more. Unfortunately, I don't have time to keep reading right now, but I will most definitely be back to review more!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm so happy you liked it enough to read it twice :D
Name: Len reviewed 1. Oh For Crying Out Loud on Nov 12, 2010 04:45 am
Never meant to harass (well, maybe a little), but you must understand that I'm am addict and your writing is my drug.

Sometimes I think we forget that you writers have a life outside this... I'm sorry, I didn't want so sound "demanding"

Author's Response: No, it's cool, really! Someties I need a kick in the butt, and it's always great to know that at least one person out there is waiting for more ;) And trust me - you're more polite than some.
Name: Boogum reviewed 1. Oh For Crying Out Loud on Jun 14, 2010 01:08 pm
OH! I Love this fic! I was reading it over at Portkey, but I'll probably continue to read it here. I'm going to re-read and review all the chapters when I get time so that I can refresh my memory what's been happening. Sadly, for now I must do my work, but you can expect to see some reviews from me soon! ^_^

Author's Response: Wow, thanks! I hope your work goes swiftly so you can get to the fun stuff ;)
Name: burningdaylight reviewed 1. Oh For Crying Out Loud on Jul 30, 2008 10:12 am
uuuh, I sincerely hope that it was a very charming male distraction...then you would be completely justified... and you're welcome, I promise that I will harass you as often as I can!

Author's Response: He is by far the single most charming male distraction I have ever encountered ;)
Name: burningdaylight reviewed 1. Oh For Crying Out Loud on Jul 29, 2008 12:02 pm
buuuaaargh, no updates!! we hate Maine! Maine is evil! come back to us!! I could even accept a whining Draco at the moment...

Author's Response: LOL, I'm back, but I was a bit, er... distracted while I was up there. I promise I'm working on it though! Thanks for the harrassment :D There will be no whining Draco!
Name: burningdaylight reviewed 1. Oh For Crying Out Loud on Jul 19, 2008 12:48 am
ehy!!! aaargh, almost kiss!!!! I hate adrienne at the moment...and I think, altough the poor draco is completely clueless (but he's a man after all, what do you expect??) thatadrienne is interested in him romantically, soshe probably hates ginny now even more than before...
I liked the part in which he asks himself if he's like his father... very touching... it's good that he's wondering if he's loosing his humanity, it means that he still has a lot of it!
I hope your week in Maine goes well and that you will be able to write something (stephen king claims that Maine always inspired him, I hope it's the same for you!)... oh, and btw...Procustes is one of Theseus' enemies,not a very nice fellow...he used to do wicked things to his "guests" with a not very comfortable bed...(ah, I knew that all the hours spent translating greek in high school would have paid off in the end... where are mi cookies, now?? chocolate chips, please!!)

Author's Response: Cookies! Fresh out of the oven! Don't you just love how unabashedly violent the old myths are?

I adore Adrienne, but I'm not going to spoil it for you! You'll have to wait to learn what her malfunction is. I tried really hard to keep Draco in character for that scene. It's really easy to turn him into this whining, woe-is-me type when he's dealing with his daddy issues, and I hate that with a firey passion. I wanted him to be angry and bitter; I hope that came across well enough.

I hope Maine jump-starts my inspiration, too! It's very peaceful there, so I'm hoping to get a lot done. I'll try to have something exciting for you to read when I return! Cheers :)
Name: burningdaylight reviewed 1. Oh For Crying Out Loud on Jul 18, 2008 07:24 am
Hi! I really like your story! I read quite a lot of stories in which Ginny was a seer or had visions of some sort, but this is definetely the most original! sometimes it feels like Draco and ginny behave in a much more mature manner than how they should, especially draco, considering that he´s just 18 o 19 years old, but that could probably be justified by how a war makes people grow faster...
I really can´t wait to see how ginny will react when she realizes she´s getting to the ehm... "interesting" moments with draco (which I´m eagerly waiting for, btw...), considering that she´s already lived those, at least in her dreams...that will be fun!!
updaaaaateees soooon, pleaaaaseeee!! LOL

Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing! I have been writing both Draco and Ginny more maturely than their age because, as you said, war makes people grow up more quickly than they would have done otherwise. I've also tried to even their maturity out by addng more youthful characters to the cast such as Fiona, Maurice, and Ellen.

There's some Draco/Ginny action coming up next (it's actually the tail end of this chapter, but it wouldn't fit) that I submitted about two hours ago. I'm glad you think I've added some originality to a frequently used plot, and I can't thank you enough for sharing your thougts with me.
Name: Lili Montegue reviewed 1. Oh For Crying Out Loud on May 21, 2008 09:46 pm
I love this story! Love love love! I can't wait for the next chapter.

*wringing hands in a mixture of glee and despair a la addict*

Amazing chpater. I also really like Fiona.

Author's Response: Thank you so much :) I'll be posting the next chapter over the weekend!
Name: CCC reviewed 1. Oh For Crying Out Loud on Oct 27, 2007 05:44 am
This is very interesting. I'll be checking back for more.

Author's Response: Thanks :) 2 is on the way!
Name: chazy reviewed 1. Oh For Crying Out Loud on Oct 26, 2007 11:04 am
great starting..keep it coming.

Author's Response: Thanks! 2 is on the way :)
Name: laylaelaine reviewed 1. Oh For Crying Out Loud on Oct 26, 2007 09:49 am
I'm just pointing this out- Angelina was also a female Grffyndor captain in book five. I really like the story!

Author's Response: My apologies. I had completely forgotten. For some reason I was under the impression that Oliver Wood was younger. Thanks for pointing it out. I'm glad you enjoyed it regardless, and hope you stay tuned for updates :)
Name: shalita reviewed 1. Oh For Crying Out Loud on Oct 26, 2007 05:15 am
I'm mightily intrigued. :) Hope to see more updates of this!

Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing! I'm already working on Part II :)
Name: vardaquareien reviewed 1. Oh For Crying Out Loud on Oct 25, 2007 05:32 pm
Wow excellent beginning! Very intriguing - I can't wait to read more of this.

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Chapter 2 will be up soon :)
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