Reviews For Les Dragons Blancs
Name: Boogum reviewed 8. Coming Clean on Jan 20, 2011 06:45 pm
I've always liked this chapter, though I forgot all about the Blood Oath. The ending was very nice. ^_^
Name: mischievous_lozz reviewed 8. Coming Clean on Jul 11, 2008 12:59 am
I absolutely love this fic! I've read other fics where Ginny has visions but I always found them very repetive and tedious but this is the complete opposite! I love Draco's and Ginny's relationship in this as it's not going to fast or too slow like so many other D/G fics. This is one of the best fics I've read in a long while. I'm very excited about this fic and where it is going. I also love Luna and Fiona's characters and I can't wait until she gets together with Maurice as they are very cute! I can't wait until the next chapter!
You are a marvellous writer and please don't stop writing!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I've tried to keep the scenes involving Ginny's visions fresh and with enough discrepancies so as to not make it boring. I'm really very happy that you've enjoyed it so much! I'll be updating soon :D
Name: wcoast_girl reviewed 8. Coming Clean on Jul 08, 2008 12:19 pm
Another great chapter. This story really should have more reads and reviews. I think its really very, very good. It started a little slow which may have put off some readers.
I only ever give contructive criticism to stories I really, really like (can't be bothered with those I am not so keen on) so I hope you will take my musings as feedback with the best intentions.
1. I think this story would work better if they were adults. There is no obvious reason why they have to be Hogwarts age and it just feels like they wouldn't be this mature if Ginny is really 16. I just think you could do more if they were just a little bit older.
2. Looking back now (8 chapters in) I wonder if the visions in the first few chapters should be shorter - less detailed than when the events really happen. When I read those sections (like when she first meets Draco), it felt like an exact repeat of the vision. If the visions were a little less detailed, it would add to the mystery of it all and make the real life sections a bit more interesting. Although, with the latest vision/action - that worked REALLY well as the vision was vague and then when it really happened we got all the action.
Overall - I really do like this. I get a little thrill when I see you've updated!! I look forward to the next installment.

Author's Response: First of all, thank you so much for the review, and the constructive criticism. I have taken it as you meant it. rnrnFor your first point, Ginny's actually seventeen in my fic (making Draco eighteen), and while one year may not make a huge difference in the real world, I've tried to show how much the war has affected both Ginny and Draco and how it has forced them mature more quickly than they would have done in a warless wizarding society. I've also tried to balance the cast, if you'll allow the terminology. Fiona and Maurice both are more youthful in their demeanour and reactions, and I think (though I may be wrong) that they temper out not only the gravity of the situation but also Draco and Ginny's tendency to lean toward the serious end of the spectrum. And then there's Adrienne, who is just plain grumpy :)rnrnAs for your second point, I agree. If I had the time to go back and rewrite the first three or four chapters I would definitely make some alterations to the length and detail of the original visions. When I began, my intentions were to give readers a little bit of action to tide them over until she made it to France. Also, Ginny's the development of Ginny's 'inner eye' has rushed off in a totally different direction than I had planned, as will be demonstrated in the next chapter, so I am now regretting how I handled earlier visions. If I ever get around to a revision, I will most definitely change that.rnrnAgain, thank you so much, not only for reading the story, but taking the time to leave such a detailed and constructive review! You're every author's dream reviewer. I think I mentioned it in my author's note, but chapter nine is almost finished and I'm hoping *crosses fingers* to submit it this weekend.rnrn
Name: uraqtpi301 reviewed 8. Coming Clean on Jul 08, 2008 05:57 am
This is a reallllllly great story. The plot is unique and your writing style is superb. Please update soon!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Name: slygal reviewed 8. Coming Clean on Jul 07, 2008 08:14 pm
That was a detailed and demanding chapter! You have so much going on... I can't wait for your next update. I am glad you pointed out about "free will" changing the future. Maybe that will help them soon!

Author's Response: Lol, detailed and demanding are what I do best ;) You're right, there is a lot going on, and there's going to be even more added to it in the next chapter. 'Free will' seemed to be a big theme in canon, and I tried to carry that over here because it applies to everyone, not just those who are unfortunate enough to have prophecies attached to them. Thank you so much for the review. It made me smile :D
Name: shalita reviewed 8. Coming Clean on Jul 07, 2008 10:21 am
Oh, yay! I was almost to the point of worry since there hadn't been any updates in such a long while. I loved this chapter - the length was perfect and so was all the action.

Author's Response: Thank you so much :D The next chapter shouldn't be so long in coming as I'm nearly finished with it. My beta says what she's read of chapter nine is very dramatic, so I hope you like drama, too ;)
Name: mahek210 reviewed 8. Coming Clean on Jul 07, 2008 12:23 am
wow!!!really kool chap!!ohhh this story has a lot of potential...really wanna c how fate brings them 2gether!!lolz wonder wht draco wld do if ginny tells him abt them!!haa tat wld b an pretty dramatic scene!!:P wld love 2 read more soon!!!:)

Author's Response: Thank you so much! This is going to be a pretty long story, but I'm not going to keep you waiting forever. The next chapter is almost finished, and I hope to have it up within the week. Thanks again for reviewing!
Name: Jordanza reviewed 8. Coming Clean on Jul 06, 2008 08:02 pm
wow. this story is AWESOME! hehe! can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Thank you! You have no idea how happy it makes me to come home from work and find such an enthusiastic review waiting for me! I'm almost finished with chapter nine, and I'm hoping to get it up before I leave on holiday. Thanks for following along :D
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