Reviews For Les Dragons Blancs
Name: Boogum reviewed 9. Lost and Found, continued on Jan 20, 2011 07:11 pm
I loved this chapter! It was so moving and tragically beautiful. Seeing Draco break down like that is always sad, but you wrote it with such raw honesty. I loved it. And I actually like the fact they didn't kiss. I don't think it would have been right, somehow. But the hug was beautiful.
Name: Copenhagen reviewed 9. Lost and Found, continued on May 17, 2009 08:52 pm
I love this story! Are you going to post more soon? I can't wait!

Author's Response: I will be updating. RL got in the way for a very, very long time, but I'm hoping to start posting again soon :) Thanks for the review!
Name: Desire reviewed 9. Lost and Found, continued on Feb 02, 2009 09:35 am
Please update!

Author's Response: I'm working on it, promise :)
Name: Len reviewed 9. Lost and Found, continued on Nov 15, 2008 03:23 am
I'm dying here for an update, please, please, please. there'll be cookies for you if you update soon.

Author's Response: As much as I'm dying for some cookies, my computer is very, very broken (*tear) so I can't really say how soon I'll be able to update. Hang in there, darl! It's not been abandoned :)
Name: katelyn_d_89 reviewed 9. Lost and Found, continued on Aug 19, 2008 05:05 pm
Listen, I love you and I love the story. I do, I promise. But I need updates, and if I don't get them, I'm gonna snap. Please update before I go mad!

Author's Response: lol, I promise I've been hard at work on the next chapter, but these past couple of weeks have been overwhelmingly hectic and, sadly, I've been having a difficult time finding more than ten or fifteen minutes at a stretch to work on any of my stories. Add to that the fact that my computer was out of commission for nearly two whole weeks and well... you get the point. I promise it won't be much longer! Please don't snap!
Name: Jordanza reviewed 9. Lost and Found, continued on Jul 21, 2008 03:46 am
i LOVE you!!! this story ROCK so badly!! XD im psyched for some more!!!

Author's Response: *beams* Thanks! I can't wait to post again either ;)
Name: Len reviewed 9. Lost and Found, continued on Jul 21, 2008 02:04 am
I think you have created enough tension: there is no need to tease us more... that almost-kiss...

I have never read a vulnerable Draco so into character. Draco is a very difficult character to portray and that's why in so many fics he's OOC. Congrats, you overcame that.

Amazing writing. Update as soon as possible, please

Author's Response: *blushes* Thank you! I tried really hard not to make him into some whiny, school-boy bitch ;) That bugs me too. Hopefully it won't be too long before I update again!
Name: Silent Reader reviewed 9. Lost and Found, continued on Jul 19, 2008 08:25 am
Maine's not really that good! I think you should stay at home and continue writing the story. :D It's really good, I stayed up after I got home from working till 2 am to read it.

Author's Response: Wow, thanks! I promise I'll be working on it while I'm there, though :D I'm glad you like it so much!
Name: D_Rad_88 reviewed 9. Lost and Found, continued on Jul 18, 2008 08:14 pm
Ahhh man! They were about to kiss! Granted, Adrienne had a good excuse to interrupt them, but it still upsets me because they were gonna have their first kiss. And you know it would've been mindblowing.
But I sincerely hope that Luc's alright. Somehow I don't think that that's going to be the case, but I'm going to be optimistic.

Author's Response: UST is fun to write *grins devillishly* They'll get their kiss soon enough!
Name: shaded reviewed 9. Lost and Found, continued on Jul 18, 2008 02:23 pm
*squee* They almost kiss! The description of that moment was so anticipatory and breathtaking.

Since meeting Adrienne several chapters back, I had got the impression that she likes Draco in quite a romantic sense, but that Draco hasn't noticed her at all. The fact that she must've been watching Ginny and Draco in the river for a while makes me think this is a quite likely scenario.
Adrienne didn't come running towards G&D to tell them about Luc - Draco only heard a twig snap, most probably accidentally. So she was snooping on them.

I can definitely see more animosity between these two girls in the future. Well, more of a pissed off Adrienne, methinks.

I am really looking forward to reading more of this. Btw, Procrustes was a character in Greek mythology who had a bed-like rack on which he would lay down passers-by; if they were too tall, he would cut off the excess and if too short, he would stretch them to the required length. But this rack would be adjusted so that *everyone* would be tortured in some way. Poor Luc, it can't be a good outlook at all. :(

Author's Response: *beams* That almost-kiss had to be drug out of my brain by a team of wild horses, but I think I made it work. Hopefully.

Adrienne... she is such a complex character (I really had fun with the OC's this time around). She has her reasons, but I'm not going to tell you whether they're romantic or otherwise at this point. That would just ruin it for you! But there will definitely be more hositlity between Ginny and Adrienne in the future.

Cookies to you! I'm'll go bake them right now. My friend Wendy gave me the idea and the more I thought about it the more I liked it. Cookies for her, too, I suppose. Not good for Luc at all. We'll find out what happens in the next chapter.

Thank you so much for reviewing! I had a crappy night at work, and you made me smile :D The fandom needs more reviewers like you!
Name: Hiddenangel reviewed 9. Lost and Found, continued on Jul 18, 2008 01:16 pm
This just keeps getting more and more interesting!

I'll be waiting for you to update after you come back from your holiday, enjoy youself!

Author's Response: Thanks so much! I'll certainly try ;)
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