Reviews For Leather Bound
Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Jasmine Tea on Feb 21, 2008 12:33 am
No! I hate cliffies!

Author's Response: Sorry, love. This cliff has lasted far too long. Hopefully with the ending of this school quarter I'll be able to update more.
Name: Pebbles_and_Pink reviewed Jasmine Tea on Jan 20, 2008 03:20 pm
OMG! Haha, it's fate. Looks like Ginny is going to have her chance to put her plan in motion. I will just keep hoping that she doesn't botch it up anymore than it already is. Great chapter. And all is forgiven as long as you continue! Until next time, I'll be waiting on the edge of my seat.

Author's Response: Thank you for the forgiveness. It is very much appreciated. And you know Gin, she has a tendency to get herself into a bit of trouble but her heart is always in the right place. She'll manage. Hopefully I'll have an update soon.
Name: shaded reviewed Jasmine Tea on Jan 20, 2008 02:47 pm
And they meet again. :) I can most definitely see Draco being that snappish and abrupt at not getting his own way, especially when he's in a bad mood. That short scene in the coffee shop has his character spot on.

And what a wonderful friend Seamus is. Every girl needs a friend to rant to in an unintelligible rush of words, and to receive advice from. It's cool seeing Seamus fill this role. I can see Ginny visibly slumping in relief when she hears Seamus' rationalisations about things not being as bad as they seem.

Hope that there'll be a new chapter up soon!

Author's Response: Thank you. I'm glad the characterization was well done. That is a great compliment to recieve. And yes, womankind would be very lucky if we all had a Seamus. He's one of my favorites.
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