Reviews For Leather Bound
Name: rowan_greenleaf reviewed The Charm of Bickering on Nov 13, 2008 08:51 am

I'm glad they worked it out! It was kind of a stupid fight, anyway, and was easily resolved. I'm enjoying this story tremendously, and I think you've done a great job, but I have one nitpick.

I'm not sure I agree with one aspect of your characterization of Draco, and it's his willingness to commit so quickly. Even for a normal couple those first dates are filled with uncertainty, and people dance around the fact that their starting a relationship. Draco has said "our relationship" several times, and it sounds like he's totally open about wanting something serious, almost naively so. For someone as fiercely independent and enigmatic as Draco, it seems odd that he would be so forthcoming as to surrender to Ginny so easily. You might argue that they both know what they want, but still, Draco would seem to me like the type to be reluctant to put a lable on things so early on. Even if he did want her for something permanent, the relationship would start without him actaully SAYING so several times. I dunno. It's just my perception of things.

But anyway, like I said, it's a wonderful story, and I am enjoying it immensely. ^_^

Author's Response: I would normally agree with you. A normal Draco would flee from a relationship as quickly as he could. This Draco, however, is not the normal. He has lost too much to not take such an opportunity as Ginny offers. If you want the usual, irritatingly-fearful-of-committment Draco, you'll have to wait for another of my fics to make it up here, I'm afraid.
Name: Pebbles_and_Pink reviewed The Charm of Bickering on Oct 06, 2008 09:08 am
Yay your back!

And finally, there is some resolution to that cliffy you left us with! Draco and Ginny have a lot of things they need to work on, but I have a feeling that many of their own individual problems will be better solved with the help and support of the other. Don't keep us waiting too long for the next installment. :)

Author's Response: So glad you're still reading! Don't worry. I won't keep you waiting. I feel bad enough as it is so I have to make up for it.
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