Reviews For Anywhere You Go
Name: PainsBeauty reviewed Screaming on Jan 30, 2007 06:02 am
Virginia Weasley? I thought it was Ginvera or something? Oh well. Still a good chappie.
Name: Nora reviewed Screaming on Dec 05, 2004 10:37 pm
So.. um they are so young... why did you make them so young?

Author's Response: Well, primarily because I wanted the story to start immediately following GoF - it wouldn't really work after the events of OotP. Also because I just think it's a very interesting age to write - you've got more-or-less adult thought processes but little to no life experience, everything's new and shocking and scary. It makes everything that happens to a person at that age sort of larger-than-life, more dire than it would be if they were 25 or 45.
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