Name: abby reviewed The New Houseguest on Mar 14, 2008 03:51 pm
I love it! please update! :)

Author's Response: I will!
Name: VegaBlack reviewed The New Houseguest on Mar 14, 2008 03:49 am
Voldemort was a little un-exciting... can't imagine he'd waste one of his best follwers on a teenage boy of no apparent value. Other than that, I miss Draco's PoV and kudos on getting through Ginny and Draco looking at each twice without mentioning any variation of "silver orbs met brown..." Waiting for the next chapter :)

Author's Response: Voldemort wants to get Draco because he's a tad obsessed with punishing him. And he also ordered Snape to be a spy again, so of course he's not being wasted. Can you tell I wrote this when I used to hate Bellatrix? Now she's one of my favourites, and I wouldn't write her quite so pathetic. LOL people referring to eyes as 'orbs' is kind of scary, isn't it? Thanks for the review!
Name: rebel_angel reviewed The New Houseguest on Mar 13, 2008 11:33 am
i like how this seems to be progressing....great work!!

sorry i know tis crap...under reviews will be better!

Author's Response: Any review is wonderful! I love all reviews. Thanks so much! I hope you get better! :)
Name: Kalira reviewed The New Houseguest on Mar 12, 2008 05:59 pm
Hmmm. That's an interesting way to look at Snape I suppose. I'm generally a huge Snape fan, so I can't say I agree with the way you're portraying him, but I won't object either. It's an interesting take on things. I can't wait until they get that letter though. That will make for an entertaining (for me) meeting.

Author's Response: Well, this was written pre-DH, and it's better for the story for him to be evil. Thanks for the review, and I hope evil!Snape doesn't put you off too much!
Name: Julia Evans reviewed The New Houseguest on Mar 12, 2008 05:08 pm
Cool! Keep it coming, please!

Author's Response: I will! Thanks! :D
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