Reviews For If Only, If Only
Name: wandap1016 reviewed Chapter 1 Dredging Up The Past on Mar 10, 2008 04:35 pm
Great start to your story. I'm looking forward to seeing everyones reaction to Ginny hanging out with Draco. I'm hoping it won't be too bad since they are already some what accustomed to the Malfoy family. The icing on the cake will be when Ginny tells her brothers about Harry cheating on her...haha can't wait for that one!

I'm looking forward to your next chapter.

Author's Response: It isn't Draco you should be worried about, but Harry, as if we care. Haha, but the wedding will be very interesting, glad you liked it so much!
Name: ish reviewed Chapter 1 Dredging Up The Past on Mar 10, 2008 04:22 pm
So far this looks like a really good start to a great story... Just one thing; I believe Knockturn Alley is spelt with a K not an N as you have it... Other than that it's pretty good:) looking forward to more soon...

Author's Response: Thank you for pointing that out to me, I had to go back and edit, and I looked and made sure I fixed it. I'm glad you enjoyed.
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