Name: sweetpop reviewed Dismantle, Repair on May 09, 2008 12:05 am
He's just getting snogged left right and centre! o_o!
Name: Flipinpenname reviewed Dismantle, Repair on Apr 03, 2008 11:05 am
well now draco really doesn't want ginny, cuz if he did he wouldn't be so freakin dumb! like she's actually going to ever trust him again. come on! great job! i love gin in this she's amazing! update soon!
Name: yomoedmb reviewed Dismantle, Repair on Apr 03, 2008 06:56 am
*head desk* Stupid Draco! I really am enjoying this story, it's attention grabbing.
Name: D_Rad_88 reviewed Dismantle, Repair on Apr 02, 2008 02:06 pm
Wow, I can't believe Draco is actually doing this. He's really drowning himself with the stuff he's pulling. I actually thought he'd be stronger than this and if he wants something, then she should go after it 'til he gets it. After all, he is a Malfoy, isn't he? Not that he's acting as one.

Author's Response: He's confused. If you were him (or Ginny) and all of this just happened, what would you do? That's a natural human reaction, to reach out for comfort when you're just down or just not thinking straight. Don't worry, things will get better...just not so soon. There's going to be a lot more fuck up's on both their parts :D Thanks for the review.
Name: joey101 reviewed Dismantle, Repair on Apr 02, 2008 01:37 pm
y is draco getting paired up with so many chicks?? this site IS called dracoandginny....daphne has to go. pleaz update soon though. =D
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