Reviews For The Weasley Child
Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Chapter 3 on Aug 23, 2008 08:29 pm

Author's Response: Chicken butt.
Name: darkloveangel reviewed Chapter 4 on Aug 22, 2008 02:38 pm
O i love this story and its just so intreging. so please please write faster!!

Author's Response: Thank you! Actually, I've pretty much finished writing the story. It' just a matter, now, of editing and typing it up, which I'll try to be less lazy about.
Name: princessswan reviewed Chapter 4 on Aug 22, 2008 11:26 am
Aww I hope they find her sooon! :) Would love to see some more Draco & Ginny !

Author's Response: Well, Ginny's pretty well-hidden...but you'll see! As I mentioned in the notes, I'm afraid it'll be a while before we see any more D/G. And since this IS from the POV of Scorpius, what you'll see will be slightly limited. But there WILL be more eventually, I promise!
Name: Cheezie_Biscuit reviewed Chapter 4 on Aug 22, 2008 10:45 am
I did notice the connections although I must say this version is a lot more twisted...

Author's Response: Haha, thank you!
Name: Flipinpenname reviewed Chapter 4 on Aug 22, 2008 10:16 am
okay, i'm so interested to see how this story turns out its not even funny. so hurry up and update so i can readddddd it!

Author's Response: Heehee. Be patient.... I will try my best to be better about uploading the next couple of chapters within a reasonable amount of time, though.
Name: spazzingqueen reviewed Chapter 4 on Aug 22, 2008 09:38 am
No, it wasn't slow, it's too short! I'm in agony, please update soon!

Author's Response: Oh, good! Thank you for that feedback. The frustrating thing about writing (for me) is that it takes so damn long. So once I've completed a chapter, I feel like it was a big, long accomplishment....and then I go back and see that it's only 2 pages! But the chapters do have structure for me, so they're going to continue to be fairly short. Sorry about that---they just feel so much longer to me!
Name: dgloves70 reviewed Chapter 4 on Aug 22, 2008 07:51 am
Oh I am so glad that the stories are back! What a really good chapter and I cant wait to knw what has happened that Ginny & Harry married, are you following the canon a bit? Did she have children with Harry? I cant wait and please dont be too long, your story is absolutely brillant & I love it!

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad you thought it was a good chapter. Relative to some other ones, it's fairly drama-free, so I was afraid people would be bored, lol. OH, and you ask excellent questions. I will probably have to explain it a bit better, because I tend to present everything that's different from canon as normal, but obviously readers don't know what's going on. I'll try to work on that. But for now, Ginny and Harry WERE married, but they did not have children. I have followed canon almost exactly, even through the epilogue, up until that point--Ginny and Harry separated before ever having children. You'll find out all about in in a later chapter.
Name: dristi reviewed Chapter 4 on Aug 22, 2008 05:45 am
hi, your story is absolutely fabulous! i love the way the w's reacted, but poor rose and sm! pls, pls, pls, update soon...

Author's Response: Thank you! I'll do my best to get the next chappie up soon.
Name: karoooh reviewed Chapter 4 on Aug 22, 2008 05:25 am
Oh my! You FINALLY updated! :):) Had to go back and re-read Ch. 3 because I'd forgotten what happened! I take it that Harry will be entering the picture soon? And how long will it be before Ginny re-enters the pictures? One last question; will this still end up D/G? I can't picture it and though I love your interpretation of Draco so far, I'd hate for her to end up with Jerk!Draco! Oh, I can't wait!

I think it's sweet that Scorpius loves Molly and Arthur. And that he's living with them rather than Hermione and Ron - Awkward much? And it's great of you to reply to all the comments; I love reading through them and getting all the answers to the questions I didn't think to ask. :)

Author's Response: Heh, sorry about the delay. To your points: yup, you'll be seeing Harry soon. As for'll be a leetle longer, but her role will become very big again. As for the D/G ending....hahaha. I hate to give anything away, but I will say that I struggled with this. My firm belief (I say that a bit tongue-in-cheek) is that all D/G stories should end happily! Unfortunately, I found it very hard to envision any way in which these two people could possibly find happiness together, mostly because of how big of an ass I made Draco. OTOH, Ginny isn't the nicest girl in the world herself, and was with Draco despite his meanness (before he became the maniac he is now). So....I wrote what I ended up writing. I'll look forward to seeing what you think about the ending, when I finally get to posting it. Your last 2 comments: I love the Auntie/Uncle Weasley thing, too! I had a lot of fun seeing our canon character's from the perspective of someone in a younger generation--all the "Mr. and Mrs. Weasley"s and whatnot was just strange and fun. Lastly, thanks for noticing the review replies--I've been a long-time reviewer and not much of a writer up until now, and the conversations I got into with writers via reviews have been some of my most worthwhile fandom experiences. So this is the least I can do in return!
Name: xandiira reviewed Chapter 3 on Aug 16, 2008 08:03 pm
This has to be my favorite fic with Scorpius. Great job with the twist~

Author's Response: Thanks!!
Name: darkness_faerie88 reviewed Chapter 3 on Jul 07, 2008 07:13 pm
wow!! what a shocker!!! it's good i like it and please update soon!!

Author's Response: Thanks! New chapter's (finally) up.
Name: Shadow Rise reviewed Chapter 3 on May 21, 2008 10:40 am
Holy crap. That was really awesome! Update soon!

Author's Response: Thank you! I just did.
Name: ginevra_weasley reviewed Chapter 3 on May 10, 2008 06:31 pm
I was surprise Ginny was his mum. It came as a complete shock. Great job, update soon!

Author's Response: Thanks! Glad I surprised you.
Name: moerae reviewed Chapter 3 on May 08, 2008 04:14 pm
How could Ginny abandon her own child! She was so irresponsible in the way she left him alone... Of course, Draco has the biggest share of the blame. Although in many ways it seems like Ginny was the one who twisted the two Malfoys; she turned Draco into an heartless bastard and she abandoned Scorpius, condemning him to the same fate as his father. After all, she must know he would end up as cruel and heartless as Draco without her presence, but left him anyway. Oh well... I'm curious to see where you plan to take this. I'm confident we will see the reappearance of Ginny and the flashback to their brief love affair.

Author's Response: Mmmm, good point about Ginny. Thanks for being the first person to condemn her! LOL, nobody else minds that she left Scrap. You'll see in a later chapter why she wasn't worried about leaving him to become the same as his father.
Name: joliefille reviewed Chapter 3 on May 07, 2008 08:41 pm
oh good lord. at first, I was thinking she was her mother, but then I was, "nah, no way she'd leave her own kid." guess I was wrong.

The whole Scorpius-dating-his-first-cousin thing is a tad melodramatic, and wouldn't Rose have mentioned her boyfriend to someone in her family? well, I guess if Ginny didn't tell anyone about Scorpius, and if she's no longer around, no one would know enough to stop them. Thank god they're 14-year-olds and hopefully not beyond a bit of kissing. (well, but first cousins in the wizarding world may be acceptable. whatever. still.)

Draco's last line is (unintentionally, I think) hilarious, and I think the story has good potential. Keep it up!

Author's Response: Haha, yes I've realized that this chapter is very soap opera-esque. The last line in particular, though luckily some people are enjoying that line. I just wanted Scorpius' life to be shaken up in every way by the discovery that Ginny is his mother, and that had to include his school life. Plus, he's definitely got a bit of an Oedipus complex going on (OK, a major Oedipus complex), which was my initial reason in bringing in Rose. As for your question, no, nobody knows that Scrap is Ginny's son. And they are definitely too young to have done anything at all serious. I'm glad you think this story has potential, even if, according to Paul Varjak, that's the most damning word of all for a writer.
Name: alexandriaisariel reviewed Chapter 3 on May 07, 2008 07:41 am
This is really good :) I'm looking forward to the next installment.

Author's Response: Thanks!
Name: 0630938 reviewed Chapter 1 on May 06, 2008 01:06 pm
I'am sorry was this inspired by a movie in any way?

Author's Response: Mmm, definitely not. It was very heavily inspired by another fic, as I mentioned in the first chappie. Now that the secret's out about Ginny, I can go ahead and give much more extensive credit to Draigonfire, which I will do in the next chappie.
Name: christy86 reviewed Chapter 3 on May 06, 2008 11:53 am
update soon can't wait for more chapters

Author's Response: I'll do my promises though, after the fiasco of a gap between this chapter and the last.
Name: dristi reviewed Chapter 3 on May 06, 2008 09:43 am
hi, i feel so bad for them. your story is a fine example how parents, or in this case a father, can corrupt a child's mind. pls update soon

Author's Response: Thank you very much. You're quite right, that is very much what this story is about.
Name: abby reviewed Chapter 3 on May 06, 2008 05:20 am
“So you drove your own mother off. And now you’re dating your first cousin. I hope you’re happy. Now get out.”

My favorite line!!! :)

A large part of that was Draco's fault--cause he didn't tell Scorpius that Ginny was his mother--hmm, I wonder what he's going to do now? I hope he goes to find her--and I hope he stops dating Rose--to tell you the truth, I thought Rose was related to him anyway, and as soon as you said the line about the brown eyes I figured he was Ginny's son--cause you know--it *is* Draco&Ginny--update! I love it!

Author's Response: Glad you liked it! Yes, much of this story can be attributed to Draco being the a-hole that he is (this version of him, anyway). I'm so glad you noticed the hint about the brown eyes--nobody else mentioned it!
Name: ginatoms reviewed Chapter 1 on May 06, 2008 01:04 am
I feel like ive just taken an emotional rollercoaster, the first three chapters are amazing. I hope Ginny turns up again soon. I can't wait for the next chapter - keep them coming!!

Author's Response: Thank you! Emotional roller-coasters are my favorite kind of stories, so I take that as the highest compliment, LOL. Thanks for the review.
Name: snowfelon reviewed Chapter 3 on May 05, 2008 11:31 pm
omg, loved it! It's sad that he & Rose have to break up though haha but yeah... I'm hoping to see more D/G now that the truth is out, but I really wanna see Scorpius reunited with his mom too! in any case, definitely looking forward to the next chapter!

Author's Response: Thank you! Yeah, it's quite sad, but I did want Scorpius' whole life shaken up by this revelation, and that had to include his girlfriend. Pretty much everything you've mentioned in your review is coming soon, so don't worry! We'll get to know Rose a teensy bit, and there will be D/G later in the story.
Name: 0630938 reviewed Chapter 3 on May 05, 2008 06:03 pm
I'm speechless. Shock and sadness assaulted me in mega waves. POOOOOR DRACO! *wailing*, POOORR BABY BOY POOOR GINNY. This is terrible. Simply terrible. And I have to say the writing was pretty damm good, even if some times it's a bit tipsy. That would explain why he is in Griff. I'm an emotional bucket right now.

Author's Response: Hahaha thank you for your very involved review--that's the only way I know I'm really getting through to a reader! (I guess because that's how I feel when I'm reading stories I really like) I can't believe you said poor DRACO first, though, LOL! Thanks for the review, but what on earth does tipsy mean?
Name: shans12342002 reviewed Chapter 3 on May 05, 2008 09:48 am
Omg, wow...what a twist, poor Scorpious!

Author's Response: Glad you were surprised! Yeah, Scorpius' life--at least at home--kind of sucks. And I guess, now his life at school won't be as great as it was either, huh? LOL. Thanks for reviewing!
Name: wandap1016 reviewed Chapter 3 on May 05, 2008 07:11 am
OMG imelda this was an amazing chapter! It was definitely worth the wait! I love that Scorpius got sorted into Gryffindor. It was so nice to read about him finally fitting in somewhere even though I knew his world was about to come crashing down. I couldn't help but cringe when he mentioned his girlfriend Rose because I had a sneaky suspicion that they were related. What a double whammy for poor Scorpius! He's in love with his first cousin AND his beloved nanny is actually his mother! That was a horrible way for him to find out…shame on you Draco Malfoy :- (

I knew there was some back ground between Draco and Ginny! I hope you'll share/fill us in on why Ginny decided to turn Draco away. It's really heart breaking to see how bitter Draco is towards his son. I understand that Scorpius is a constant reminder of Ginny's rejection but that still doesn't excuse his poor treatment of him. I'm really hoping Draco has a change of heart soon before it's too late to mend all of the damage he's caused his son.

Oh God poor Ginny. It must have been torturous for her to stand in the shadows knowing Scorpius was her son. And then, after everything she sacrificed for him it must have been so painful for her to be treated like that by her Scrap. It's no wonder she's disappeared. So, do the Weasley's know that Scrap is actually Ginny's son? I'm guessing Ginny, Draco and Astoria are the only ones who knew the truth?

I can't wait to read more and will be anxiously waiting for your next chapter!

Author's Response: Thank you so much for your review! You've hit the nail on the head in a lot of ways. Draco should be ashamed of himself, but of course he's not. He just doesn't really care about Scorpius all that much, sadly. While Scorpius was younger, Draco was unable to bond with him once Ginny left for exactly the reason you said--because Scrap reminded him of Ginny. Later on, though, I think he just stops caring. As for D/G...mmm, we'll get there. LOL. Ginny had a very hard time of it, without a doubt. But see the response I wrote to the previous reviewer-- it's debatable whether her behavior was unimpeachable. Lastly, you're right in guessing that those 3 are the only one who know Scorpius' true parentage. You'll find out what the Weasleys think soon enough. Thanks for your review!
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