Reviews For Not This Time
Name: Nakita reviewed His Pain on Dec 17, 2008 07:00 pm
I really like this so far!! I can't wait for an update!

Author's Response: Thank you! You're definitely getting one!
Name: silver rose reviewed His Pain on Dec 17, 2008 06:50 pm
omg! awesome! i love stories that start out with draco/ ginny being friends...can't wait for the next!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I like them, too, and recently something just really inspired me about the idea, so I put pen on paper, figuratively, as soon as I could.
Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed His Pain on Dec 17, 2008 05:45 pm
I'm confused. What's going on here? I don't understand what's happening between the scenes.

Author's Response: These are vignettes, actually, and nothing special is going on in-between the scenes, therefore they aren't in the story.
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