Reviews For Buttercup
Name: 4everdandg reviewed Sugar Cookies on Apr 15, 2009 06:27 pm
wow! true love's kiss! how cool is that.... =)

Yey Serena!

Author's Response: Very very cool.
Name: Dracogirl reviewed Sugar Cookies on Apr 15, 2009 06:04 pm
I always enjoy when I see that you have updated. I love the interaction between the characters. The banter when everyone was in the bakery was great. I know I said it before, but I really love how her brothers have rallied around her; and also how they have even tried to foster something with Draco-even if it's for Serena and Ginny.

The kiss was a surprise; the Sleeping Beauty part was cute. The biggest surprise for this chapter (I was as shocked as Bill), Draco would have married Ginny if he had known about her being pregnant. Yay Draco!!

Author's Response: Draco believes in family and he knows he has a duty to his family. As for Ginny and her brothers, well they're her brothers and they'll do anything, except maybe kiss Draco, for her.
Name: Akt5us reviewed Sugar Cookies on Apr 15, 2009 05:38 pm
That was the best scene-how Ginny woke up when Draco kissed her! Just like in a fairy tale! I can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: You kind of have to think that DG really is a fairy tale because it's such a perfect pairing. IMHO, that is.
Name: ReverseBeauty reviewed Sugar Cookies on Apr 15, 2009 05:36 pm
Yay. :)

Author's Response: Lol, yay for your yay.
Name: dgloves70 reviewed Prologue on Apr 15, 2009 05:32 pm
It was a good chapter and yes, I could not stop laughing at Serena's theory on how Draco would be able to save her. It was great. I love them, all three and I cant wait til Pansy screams out that she is having Ron's bebe.
Name: crazinessishappiness reviewed Sugar Cookies on Apr 15, 2009 05:00 pm
Ohhh you're a clever one aren't you! That was brilliant. Not what i was expecting at all..and i loved it! I was actually suprised when she woke up. That was a fun little twist. You're good.

Author's Response: Clever and good, all in one review. You spoil me.
Name: Aireanhuefar reviewed Sugar Cookies on Apr 15, 2009 04:56 pm
I love your ginny, and your draco... both believable yet filled with d/g goodness!!

keep it up! thanks!

Author's Response: No, thank you. =]
Name: psyche reviewed Sugar Cookies on Apr 15, 2009 03:42 pm
I am now officially in love with this story and its characters! =D That Sleeping Beauty bit is pure genius! I love how you weaved it into the story. And cheers to Serena for coming up with cunning plans to get her parents together! She really is a little Slytherin princess. As for Tracey, I can't wait to find out what Draco has in store for her. Do update soon! =)

Author's Response: Who else could get Draco and Ginny to look past their stubborness but their daughter?
Name: oxymoron8 reviewed Sugar Cookies on Apr 15, 2009 12:31 pm
Woot. Serena is so Slytherin when she grows up. Glad that she is awake. I think that I would like to see Gin beat down on Tracey but whatever Draco has planned will be worse then what she could do. Good to see that the boys didn't destroy her bakery. Happy writing. :)

Author's Response: Ginny may just get her chance. You will see why in the next chapter.
Name: shezachica85 reviewed Sugar Cookies on Apr 15, 2009 12:06 pm
every time i read a chapter i die a little when i dont see a next at the bottom.. this story is amazing KEEP WRITING!!!

Author's Response: I'm sorry about that but thank you. It's a wonderful compliment.
Name: Nevermindme reviewed Sugar Cookies on Apr 15, 2009 11:53 am
I've really been enjoying this story. I get excited every time I see you've updated so thanks for updating so quickly lately!

I wonder how Ginny will really feel when Draco "takes care of it." Perhaps Tracey will just end up getting double the punishment.

I really liked the idea of the boys taking care of the bakery. Still, I like to think that Ginny's sweets would always taste better because she was the one making them.

I love what you do with Serena's character. She's such a great mixture of Draco and Ginny and she will most definitely be a Slytherin.

Author's Response: Well, Ginny's sweets only taste there best when she makes them but the others will do for now. As for double punishment, well, Draco and Ginny will definitely make sure that Tracey recieves a beating of all beatings.
Name: laylaelaine reviewed Sugar Cookies on Apr 15, 2009 11:21 am
I love it I love it I love it!

Author's Response: I love you for loving it-not in a weird creepy way or anything. I promise.
Name: Flipinpenname reviewed Sugar Cookies on Apr 15, 2009 10:30 am
see the sleeping beauty thing works. serena is totally brilliant. update soon!

Author's Response: She is the brightest of the bunch.
Name: LovelyHava reviewed Sugar Cookies on Apr 15, 2009 09:58 am
Sleeping Beauty... I love it! Great chapter!

Author's Response: Thank you.
Name: LuvWabbit reviewed Chocolate Muffin on Apr 13, 2009 05:51 pm
Poor Ginny. Sigh, when is Draco going to get his act together? I love your take on Ron and Pansy. Also, why is it that I'm suddenly hungry for sweets after reading this? I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response: Yes, I've tried not to dwell too much on the bakery because of my diet. But it will always be in every chapter. As for Draco, he just needs a bit of a push.
Name: Dracogirl reviewed Chocolate Muffin on Apr 12, 2009 06:44 pm
Great chapter and thanks for the quick updates. It's good that he "cares" for her but doesn't "love her" at this point. They had a physical relationship but there's no indication it was anything more than that. This is more realistic. Also I love that her brothers are by her side; although I noticed Ma and Pa Weasley aren't there. Maybe this will be how Mr. Weasley starts to rebuild his relationship with Ginny.

I know this is wrong, but I kinda want Serena to get a hold of Tracey. She's a mix of Draco and Ginny which means between her temper and ability to hex she should be more than a match for Tracey; darn, if only she had a wand. If not Serena than how about a beat down from Pansy, and two pregnant women-Luna & Hermione. (Bad, bad, Dracogirl for advocating violence. ^_^)

Author's Response: Ginny's parents are complicated characters in this story. They'll be making appearances soon, though. Of that I am sure of. As for Tracey's beat down, well, let's just say I will have total and extreme fun with it. Advocating violence is the way to go, by the way. Life wouldn't be as much fun if we all got along as lovely as it would be.
Name: sparklingapplepie reviewed Chocolate Muffin on Apr 12, 2009 06:55 am
just wanted to review and say that i'm really enjoying your work can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response: Aw, well, thank you. I appreciate the review.
Name: VegaBlack reviewed Chocolate Muffin on Apr 12, 2009 05:51 am
Bless you and your frequent updates! This story is evolving really nicely, I like that Draco truly doesn't have any interest in Ginny. Now when they do hook up it'll be awesome and wonderful and beautiful and not too fluffy. Great job, please keep writing!

Author's Response: It will be a hook up like no other. I'm kidding. I probably won't be able to write an epic hook up. I'll try though. And what more can one ask for? I guess you could ask for perfection...
Name: draco_and_ginny_4evr reviewed Chocolate Muffin on Apr 12, 2009 01:01 am
good point

Author's Response: Thanks.
Name: crazinessishappiness reviewed Prologue on Apr 11, 2009 06:48 pm
I adore this piece so far. You have a brilliant talent for writing. I truly enjoy reading each chapter. I started reading this just after chapter three was posted and since then I've found myself checking every day to see if you have updated. It's truly a joy to read this. I love how you tie in food to each chapter, and the bakery, it's fantastic. Keep up the good work, and hope to see more soon! Thank you so much for writing this wonderful story.
Name: dgloves70 reviewed Chocolate Muffin on Apr 11, 2009 05:52 pm
I absolutely love this story. I am truly looking forward to the next chapter. I love Serena and I am in awe of Hermione and Ron and those you have in love with. I want to know if Ginny is going to kick Tracey's ass..

Author's Response: Well, you'll have to wait and see.
Name: ElspethBates reviewed Chocolate Muffin on Apr 11, 2009 03:48 pm
They say that hunger is the best sauce... woman... you've got me starving! LOL

Author's Response:'s funny because I'm writing about the it? Thank you for the lovely compliment. I hope my attempt at humor wasn't too not funny.
Name: ReverseBeauty reviewed Chocolate Muffin on Apr 11, 2009 12:13 pm
I hate Tracey. But I liked this chapter. Update soon.

Author's Response: I agree with the Tracey hating, must start club.
Name: shadieladie reviewed Prologue on Apr 11, 2009 09:10 am
I like the fact you are taking a more realistic approach to their relationship. Bit of an anti climatic ch. after the last one though!
Name: shezachica85 reviewed Chocolate Muffin on Apr 11, 2009 07:56 am
ha ha desk. thats bad lol.. this just gets more and more entertaining

Author's Response: Leave it to Pansy and Ron to provide comic relief...I love them.
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