Name: darinmeg reviewed Owl Correspondence on Jan 25, 2011 07:24 am
I am so glad to see an update although I would love to see some Ginny Draco.

Author's Response: They are coming, I swear it! :)
Name: Boogum reviewed Owl Correspondence on Jan 24, 2011 09:34 pm
This was a pleasant surprise. I'm sleepy, which means I'm too tired to be explicit in my review, but suffice it to say I enjoyed this chapter. ^_^

Author's Response: Haha, I'm glad you enjoyed it. That was an excellently to the point review! Thanks for reading!
Name: Rhianna reviewed Owl Correspondence on Jan 24, 2011 08:51 pm
Yea for updates! I'm very happy to see that you're continuing this, and excited to read as it progresses.

Author's Response: I'm happy to be continuing it as well. I can't believe I let so much time go by. Life is insanely busy if you're not paying attention. The good new is, there are eleven chapters left, all finished and simply waiting to be edited before I keep updating. I don't plan on another hiatus. Thanks so much for still reading!
Name: Rhianna reviewed Nothing Left To Hold To on Dec 16, 2010 06:06 pm
This chapter was hard to get through. I'm very happy Draco finally knows why she left. But, alas, I see it has been over a year since this fic was updated. Should we mark it as abandoned? I have enjoyed this story, and if that is the case, it is a shame.

Author's Response: I am crossing my fingers that it is not abandoned. I just wrote two new chapters the other day that my friend is editing for me, and I hope I can get the last four out before my classes resume and my life is too busy to think :) I am sorry it's been over a year, but conveniently, it was your review that made me realize that and I started writing it again the day I saw your review. Thanks for the wake-up call. It should be 29 chapters total, 24 and 25 are being edited right now. Again, thank you for your reminder for me to get on this story and finish it properly.
Name: Boogum reviewed Nothing Left To Hold To on Nov 02, 2009 09:05 pm
What a way to leave it. You sure have a knack for leaving things hanging. Well, I've finally caught up, and am now feeling rather depressed. I can't really see how things will work out, but I hope they do.

Author's Response: It'll all work out somehow. I promise that. I just can't promise WHEN I'll have those chapters out next, but there are only five left... :)
Name: Boogum reviewed King's Cross on Nov 02, 2009 08:49 pm
Bah. This is totally killing me. My heart is breaking here, I hope you know. This is just so painful and sad, and-- *sigh* I hope things end happily. Somehow...

Author's Response: They will.... it seems like a lie but they will... when I can find enough time to finish it that is. I'm trying, truly.
Name: Boogum reviewed Forwarding Addresses on Nov 02, 2009 08:38 pm
Lily sure cries a lot. Poor girl.

I've given up on studying until I finish this. I hope they don't actually leave.

Oh, and I'm glad that Rose finally got some happiness. I know I didn't really like her, but she's not so bad when she's not being spiteful. *laughs*

Author's Response: Haha, I'm glad she's not so bad at times, means she's slightly redeemable perhaps.
Name: Boogum reviewed Detentions Aren't Without Scheming on Nov 02, 2009 08:31 pm
Lily is only fifteen, right? That's very young to be running away. If I was her mother I would be completely horrified. I hope something can be sorted out. Don't they realise that their running away would only tear the families even more apart?

Author's Response: I think they're at a point that they don't see a way to not tear their families anyway. Its a fight or flight scenario
Name: Boogum reviewed What Can't Stay in the Past on Nov 02, 2009 08:21 pm
Okay, I officially hate Harry. I mean, I can understand why he did it, but still. That's a low blow right there. I want to slap him.

Poor Ginny having to deal with that. I can just imagine how terrible it would have been for her, to have such a choice forced upon her.

*sighs* This story is so sad.

Author's Response: What I think is really terrible is that Ginny not only had to choose but had to live with her choice as well.
Name: Boogum reviewed Healing Spells on Nov 02, 2009 07:53 pm
There was a lot of crying going on in that chapter. Sheesh, Albus certainly left his mark. I feel really sorry for them both in thinking that their parents had actually had an affair. Must be tough for the kids.

Author's Response: I can't even imagine being them though. I know I'm writing it, but real life would be so awful. Props to the kids out there who go through those situations. I very much doubt I could ever handle anything like that.
Name: Boogum reviewed Feathers, Letters, and Fists on Nov 02, 2009 07:47 pm
Damn it. AGAIN! Seriously. You need to stop ending at such dramatic moments.

Author's Response: No can do :P
Name: Boogum reviewed Yesterday's Robes on Nov 02, 2009 07:35 pm
Not another cliffhanger. You're killing me here. I suppose one more chapter won't hurt... (famous last words right there)

Author's Response: Famous indeed :)
Name: Boogum reviewed Close Another Door on Nov 02, 2009 07:15 pm
Damn you, Ginny. Why couldn't you just tell him? This is making me sad. Bah. I knew I should have read a cute, fluffy fic instead.

Author's Response: That will be the tag line of this fic. "I should have read a cute, fluffy fic instead"
Name: Boogum reviewed Coming Around on Nov 02, 2009 07:04 pm
Oh no. What's going to happen? Dammit, I need to study, though. One more chapter...

Author's Response: Haha, just like the last review, addicting?
Name: Boogum reviewed Aftermath and Argument on Nov 02, 2009 06:59 pm
I'm feeling so torn with this story. I want Draco and Ginny to be together, but then I don't want their families being torn apart. It makes things so difficult. *sighs*

I shouldn't even be reading this now. Turns out I'm not going out anymore, so I should really be studying for my exam tomorrow, but this story is so addicting...

Author's Response: I'm am so glad you think it is addicting though :) Means its working on my end of the deal
Name: Boogum reviewed The Fury of Tears on Nov 02, 2009 06:48 pm
Rose is such a spiteful cow! My gosh, I never thought a fic could make me hate a character so much. I don't know if that was your intention, but it certainly worked on me.

Author's Response: Glad to here that! Twas supposed to make you think such... characterizations will chanbe with time though ;)
Name: Boogum reviewed Snogging Sessions and Sneers on Nov 02, 2009 06:34 pm
Scorpius is such a teenage boy. *laughs* I love the way he got so brusque with Lily about the snogging.

I don't know why, but I find Rose really irritating in this. It's not really 'her', it's more just that she expects him to always be hers when she doesn't even try.

Author's Response: Lol, you really get the right words to describe everyone. Scorp-teenage boy, Rose-irritating. Very good job, lol
Name: Boogum reviewed The Dangerous Musings of Comparisons on Nov 02, 2009 06:22 pm
What would have happened, indeed? So I see we finally found out what happened between Scorpius and Rose. I confess, I don't have much sympathy for Rose. She's stupid if she thinks she can just say that she likes him but never want to have a 'real' relationship with him that her parents can know about.

Author's Response: Yeah it was stupid but it was also her taking everyone's reactions and the reality of their situation into account. It's kind of like being stuck between a rock and a hard place, she wants to let him go, she wants to be with them. She wants each of those for different things and can't make any progress.
Name: Boogum reviewed Apologies, with Tulips on Nov 02, 2009 06:12 pm
“My secretary’s husband’s brother… forget it!”

LOL! Now that cracked me up. I love it when people say those sentences.

Anyway, this was a great story. I'm really loving the Lily/Scorpius dynamic in this. It was so adorable seeing him apologise, and, of course, the parents all taking their turn at raging was hilarious. That being said, if I was in their position I would be just as furious. Kids can be so thoughtless and reckless.

Author's Response: Kids ARE thoughtless and reckless, lol. And I love the raging too!
Name: Boogum reviewed Doubt and Stupidity on Nov 02, 2009 06:05 pm
Oh my gosh! So I've been waiting for my ride to come and pick me up and decided to read a chapter while I was waiting. And then you had to go and end it like that. *dies*

Well, this was definitely an eventful chapter. I can't believe Scorpius kissed her like that (though the Lily/Scorpius shipper in me squeed a little, lol). I wonder what Rose and Scorpius talked about.

Author's Response: Eventful is definately the word, lol. Glad you liked it!
Name: Boogum reviewed Properly Feigned Innocence on Nov 02, 2009 04:35 pm
Well, that can't be good. I think Lily would be definitely regretting her choice to get her mum there now.

I would love to keep reading this, but I need to go study.

Author's Response: How I ardently hate and loathe studying...
Name: Boogum reviewed The Father on Nov 01, 2009 11:41 pm
It's so odd seeing Draco from this point of view. I haven't read a next generation fic in a while, so it's rather strange for me to see him as the father figure, all paternal and such.

Hrm, I wonder if they'll end up going to the ball, after all? Guess I'll have to wait and see.

Until next time. ^_^

Author's Response: Yep, Draco-the brat, the antagonist, the death eater, the world's greatest dad. Pretty strange, yes I can certainly see that!
Name: Boogum reviewed The Son on Nov 01, 2009 11:35 pm
Lily and Scorpius are so cute together. It's a shame, as obviously Rose likes him, so I feel like I 'should' feel sorry for her, but I don't. Oh well.

And now we finally get to meet Draco.

Author's Response: Haha, love the 'Oh well'! Thanks for liking them together!
Name: Eleoopy reviewed Nothing Left To Hold To on Nov 01, 2009 07:21 pm

wow, I know I havent read this for awhile, but didnt know I would miss out this much! 

I love Travis + Rose pairing!!!! LOL, totally loving every second of it.  I'm happy to see Rose being happy nad Lily with Scrop!  Now if there is such a thing as happy ending for the older generation...

Lucius in this chapter is a bit different than the Lucius we know in HP Series, then again, he shoudl be a chnaged man after all that happened to him.  I agree with him too, just b/c you discover the ugly truth, doesnt mean you have to go back and screw up everything that you have build up now.  What's done is done, but what we could do is to shape the future :)

Hope everything is going well for your work/classes!  I knwo midterms are coming up, so good lucK!

Author's Response: Thanks! Good luck to you too! And I'm really glad you liked how it's turning out!
Name: DevineCancerian reviewed Nothing Left To Hold To on Nov 01, 2009 02:43 pm
Loved it! I really hope Draco doesn't listen to Lucius. I want their marriages to break up even though it'll be horribly devastating for their kids and families. I think that they deserve a happy ending with each other.

Author's Response: Duly noted, lol. We'll see what happens!
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