Name: choravenclaw reviewed Doubt and Stupidity on Jun 01, 2009 11:49 pm
I NEED to knw what happens!
please update SOON!!!
I'm LOVING it!
Nice kiss and slap scene

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I LOVE, no, ADORE writing kiss and slap scenes. I've slapped a few idiots and somehow it's infected my story writing. It's really fun ;)
Name: Slytherin Wolf reviewed Doubt and Stupidity on Jun 01, 2009 09:49 pm
Dun dun dun, jealousy explodes galore! LOL Update soon please. I'm dying to know what Rose and Scorpius were talking about.

Author's Response: Being hormonal and emotionally unstable teenagers it was probably a real nice hissing fight ;) More to come to light later though your own imagination is probably as likely as mine. Thanks for the review and the dramatic 'dun dun dun' :)
Name: Nickii reviewed Advice and Answers on Jun 01, 2009 09:28 pm
Oh bugger, and here is was hoping Scorpius and Rose were getting together. He was just kissing Lily to get back at Rose for some reason, right? *hopeful look*

Author's Response: Those were his intentions yes. He didn't plan on Lily's reaction at all though with his 'OMG i'm an IDIOT' duh realization at the end.
Name: bee245 reviewed Doubt and Stupidity on Jun 01, 2009 06:19 pm
well that is just plain EVIL!!! :O:O:O

great, great addition to the story, great intrigue and drama :D I like that just because he's spending time with Lily he still liked Rose, even though to be honest she kind of pisses me off lol.

I also like that Astoria doesn't lie to herself :P but I'm just waiting for some intense interaction between Draco and Ginny :D

update soon please!! I know you can do it. I know that it's finished already :D


Author's Response: Oh Draco and Ginny is definately coming. Thanks for your review! And sorry the cliffie was so atrocious... Had to be done.
Name: citrusabby reviewed Doubt and Stupidity on Jun 01, 2009 06:18 pm
That's such an evil cliffhanger, teehee, but I'm glad they kissed, whatever the reason xP

Hopefully the next chapter will arrive sooner than the last ! :P

Author's Response: Yes, I did particularily enjoy that kiss scene... ;) And I update as soon as Miss Opal gets through all the editing. So hopefully a week.
Name: laurelin reviewed Doubt and Stupidity on Jun 01, 2009 06:11 pm
OH MY GOD! I *need* to know what Rose and Scorpius said to each other!

And of course...I need to know what happens next! ;D

Author's Response: All will be explained in the next few chapters, ;) cross my heart, well, sort of... Thanks for your review!
Name: Mourning Broken Angel reviewed Doubt and Stupidity on Jun 01, 2009 05:59 pm
Aww, thank you! That's very sweet of you (and my birthday was lovely). This is an excellent belated birthday present, well worth the small wait. *hugs* I loved this chapter, but...

that cliffhanger was VILE. And by vile I mean, of course, perfectly executed. I'm on tenterhooks, and I'm sure I'll pout for the next week or so until the next update. I actually enjoy this story more with every update. :) *gives Scorpius a vicious pinch for being such an unbelievable git*

Author's Response: Your welcome! I know, there will be more cliffhangers in the future I'm sure, but probably none with a car blaring its horn, lol. I'll update as soon as the beta gets back to me.
Name: Mourning Broken Angel reviewed Properly Feigned Innocence on May 28, 2009 04:19 pm
Would it be horribly pretentious of me to drop blatant hints about how tomorrow (29th May) is my birthday and how much I adore -no, want to marry- this fic? :D

Right. Of course it is. That little factoid, however, isn't stopping me. Consider this begging. *sends puppy dog gaze through the ether* Another fantastic chapter, btw. The characterization in particular was lovely. Can't wait for the next update.

Author's Response: Wow, I promise to try my very best to have the next chapter posted tomorrow. It's in my beta's hands tho, lol. Thank you so incredibly much for the compliment though, it made me grin like crazy. And Happy Birthday! Have a good one, hopefully I can update this fic for it lol.
Name: princessemalia reviewed Properly Feigned Innocence on May 26, 2009 10:01 pm
I absolutely love this story! The concept is so original and I'm totally caught up in the twisted storyline :)
I can't wait to see what happens next and it's killing me that I can't see where it's going. I hope Rose comes into it again soon, I feel awful for her!

Author's Response: Oh I'm sooooo disgustingly happy that readers don't know where it's going. I feel like I've succeeded somehow ;) Rose is coming back in the next chapter, she just missed EVERYTHING that happened at the party and is becoming thoroughly upset with her cousin's flirtatious sense of humor. Thanks so much for your review! It made me smile!
Name: DracoGinnyLover reviewed Properly Feigned Innocence on May 25, 2009 10:53 pm
I really do feel for Lily. I think that Scopius was a little too rough with her.

Harry is really a wonderful husband to stand beside Ginny like this.

Good Luck can't wait to read more. TTFN~

Author's Response: Thanks! I promise Scorpius will get his head on straight eventually, he's just acting as any seventeen year old boy suspecting his father of possibly cheating on his mum. At least, how I assume he'd act. Thanks so much for your review!
Name: laurelin reviewed Properly Feigned Innocence on May 25, 2009 05:26 pm
lovely chapter, can't wait to read more and see how the story progresses.

quick question: you might have mentioned this, but what years are lily, rose and scorpius in?

Author's Response: Actually I don't think I have mentioned that. My sister and I were trying to figure it out based on the epilogue when I first started writing this and decided that Rose, Scorpius (and Albus once he gets more involved) are all 7th years. Lily and Hugo (Rose's brother) are fifth years. I'll mention that in an author's note on the next chapter. Thanks for asking :) And thank you very much for your compliment on the chapter as well.
Name: citrusabby reviewed Properly Feigned Innocence on May 24, 2009 10:02 pm
Ginny, oh Ginny...

Author's Response: ;)
Name: Mistress of Potions reviewed Properly Feigned Innocence on May 24, 2009 03:52 pm
I have to admit that it's nice to see a fic on this site that has Harry & Ginny together and Harry's not abusive or crazy. Well written too, thanks.

Author's Response: Thanks!
Name: shezachica85 reviewed Properly Feigned Innocence on May 24, 2009 10:01 am
poor ginny

Author's Response: So true. Thanks for your review!
Name: johygurly reviewed Properly Feigned Innocence on May 24, 2009 09:14 am
This is so sad, but so good! All of the very real and very complex emotions and situations are what makes me like this story so much, I think. Keep it up!

Author's Response: Thanks a lot! I really appreciate that ;)
Name: waffenmac reviewed Properly Feigned Innocence on May 23, 2009 07:22 pm
Great chapter very wonderful read.please continue.


Author's Response: Thank you!
Name: bee245 reviewed Properly Feigned Innocence on May 23, 2009 06:58 pm
oh very fantastically depressing! I'm really really loving how easily you've incorporated that stupid, stupid epilogue.

this is making me hurt for them :(

update sooon please!


Author's Response: Haha, yeah this whole story comes from that epilogue, so I can't spite JKR too much since the twn or so pages that is helped me write a whole fic. ;) Thanks so much for your review!
Name: DGgirl reviewed Properly Feigned Innocence on May 23, 2009 06:20 pm
Hmm.. this chapter was so sad =( well, the ending. Im loving Lilly and her devlish ways! And, I can see how now that Scorpius is mad at Lil, he'll go for Rose (thanks for that! ^^")

I have to admit though, I'm slightly put off by Ginny's character because she seems like a sobbing mess all the time! I really want to know what happened with her and Draco to reduce her to this, when once she was a fiery spirit like Lily (in the books). I liked that Harry has his own jealousies in this chapter, because before he just looked like a Saint. I can understand how painful it must be for him having his wife love another, but him being himself, he takes the role of the hero once again. So, good job with that!

As always, I can't wait for the next chapter! I hope Ginny develops some strength and more of her history with Draco comes to light. xoxo

Author's Response: Wow, that was really insightful about Ginny's personality. I'm going to do a mental check real quick... Ha! (lol, I'm only able to do this because I've already written the whole thing, it's just updated as its edited) I can promise several scenes where Ginny has her normal fiery temperment, and quite a few more tearful ones. Hopefully they balance out, but I'd not really thought about the high level of angst in this for a while (probably cuz my mind is about ten chapters ahead). Thanks for your review and I'll let it keep stewing in my mind.
Name: atruenut reviewed Properly Feigned Innocence on May 23, 2009 05:36 pm
Oh God, I'm so terrible. For some reason I started reading this chapter before the others just to "scope it out" which I should NEVER EVER DO and now I HAVE TO read the earlier parts... IT IS SO GOOOOOOOOOOOD!!

Author's Response: Wow, thank you very much, that's a huge compliment. I hope you like it all!
Name: christy86 reviewed The Son on May 19, 2009 10:04 am
update soon can't wait for more chapters good work

Author's Response: Thanks, I'll get right on that ;)
Name: abby reviewed The Father on May 18, 2009 08:17 am
oooh, la-la! I hope they end up going! :D That would be cool ... I hope Rose and Scorpius get together, not Lily and Scorpius.

Author's Response: Well, you'll have to wait for the next chapter to see...
Name: bee245 reviewed The Father on May 17, 2009 11:21 am
gah! I feel so bad for them! and stupid Rose. too much like Hermione. not that that's bad heh I a part of me is hoping that Scorpius will end up with Lily :P

good chapter! update soooon!


Author's Response: Thanks, I'll get the next one out asap ;)
Name: DGgirl reviewed The Father on May 17, 2009 04:32 am
PS: THANKS for the Draco sighting ^_^ love him!

Author's Response: Haha, your very welcome. There will be more sightings in the future ;)
Name: DGgirl reviewed The Father on May 17, 2009 04:32 am
Oh! It's short, but I like it =) honestly, i wish ginny had said yes. And as much as I am loathe to admit it, I do think harry is too good to her... I mean, knowing she loves someone else too (while she is married to him)... well, unless he's having an affair, then he wouldn't mind, now would he? ^^
Anyways update soon! Can't wait to see what happens at the party ^_^ xoxo

Author's Response: She certainly does think that she doesn't deserve Harry. Ginny actually feels very guilty for still caring for Draco but Harry understands her situation and is simply trying to love her unconditionally, which as Ginny said to Rose in the beginning, was why she went back to him, because Harry is Harry. I like to think it's how he would've handled the situation (kinda how he wasn't happy that Cho cared for Cedric but he understood it). Thanks so much for your review, hopefully the Party in the next chapter won't disappoint ;)
Name: citrusabby reviewed The Father on May 16, 2009 08:10 pm

Author's Response: ;)
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