Reviews For Dancing on the Bar
Name: shaded reviewed 3. Whitecastle on Apr 01, 2010 06:38 pm
Is there any chance of continuing this story? It's got a great plot and well thought out characterisation, not to mention the chemistry between Draco and Ginny. It would be a great shame not to see it continued!
Name: GlynnisGriffiths reviewed 3. Whitecastle on Sep 15, 2009 07:09 pm
This is really a fun read and intriguing - great balance of plot and mystery and charaterisation and tension. I look forward to the next chapter!
Name: twiddlekinks reviewed 3. Whitecastle on Sep 01, 2009 03:36 am
Eeeeee -- uber exciting, and a great idea for a plot. I'm looking forward to the next chapter. :)
Name: CCC reviewed 3. Whitecastle on Aug 28, 2009 02:19 am
The idea a serial killer who engraves symbols onto his victims skin is intense and disturbing. Ginny posing as a secret agent is a fun idea. I'm interested to see where this fic goes.
Name: Flipinpenname reviewed 3. Whitecastle on Aug 27, 2009 01:49 pm
of course she is. hahaha. update soon.
Name: becks_angel reviewed 3. Whitecastle on Aug 27, 2009 11:13 am
I really like this story. Creative plot; can't wait to see where it goes. Keep it up :)
Name: Sporkanator87 reviewed 3. Whitecastle on Aug 26, 2009 04:40 pm
Great chapter!
Name: citrusabby reviewed 3. Whitecastle on Aug 26, 2009 06:24 am
Wow, the ending scene was hot! Love it!
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed 3. Whitecastle on Aug 26, 2009 06:17 am
omg im dying to kno what happens next. plz update quickly. i kno when draco finds out her secret, he'll be pissed but i think she'll be more pissed when she finds out the baddie is actually blaise[i think] and that she ruined a perfectly good relationship. but oh this is good...
Name: Eleoopy reviewed 3. Whitecastle on Aug 25, 2009 05:33 pm
I love this story so far!! love the chemistry b/w Draco and Ginny!  Great job!!! I cant wait for next chapter!
Name: laurenembee reviewed 3. Whitecastle on Aug 25, 2009 08:25 am
I love it so far! Well written, different plot, and lots of mystery. Update soon!
Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed 3. Whitecastle on Aug 25, 2009 01:15 am
Evil!Blaise, huh? It certainly doesn't seem to be Evil!Draco, but I guess we can't really know at this point.
Name: patronus117 reviewed 3. Whitecastle on Aug 25, 2009 12:00 am
yay you finally updated! i really like this story idea - i can't wait to see what happens next!
Name: ginnyd reviewed 3. Whitecastle on Aug 24, 2009 08:16 pm
I'm loving it
Name: KarmaKiller20 reviewed 3. Whitecastle on Aug 24, 2009 05:49 pm
ooh, what an ending for the chapter :-D i really hope you can update soon. i have this story on my track list and was excited to see it had a new chap. i can imagine what the next one could start off with ;-)
Name: Akt5us reviewed 3. Whitecastle on Aug 24, 2009 03:38 pm
So I'm guessing that Blaise is the one who killed the other 3 women. But I'm curious to read about how Draco takes that Ginny is an Auror. I can't wait to read more! :)
Name: hummie reviewed 3. Whitecastle on Aug 24, 2009 02:45 pm
wow, gosh, i have been waiting for an update for this story! well done, but i truly wish the chapter were longer!
Name: choravenclaw reviewed 3. Whitecastle on Aug 24, 2009 02:01 pm
Please don't jump to next morning, please write thoroughly the scene played in the bedrooafter they entered it.
This should be greatly amusing and i wouldn't want to miss it for the world!
Can you please, please write that?
*shiny teary eyes*

This was AMAZING!
I loved the dance and cake!
Thank you for posting it!


Author's Response: sorry but I'm definitely not writing the scene in the bedroom. I'm awful with smut and I'd rather not put myself -- or my readers -- through it. Sugarbear, Anise and the Okelani sisters have some preeeetty sweet stuff in that department though, if you're looking for quality NC17! Thank you for your review :D
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