Reviews For Omega-13
Name: AranelAlasse reviewed Oh, the Trauma on Apr 08, 2012 03:38 pm
I'm sad this story is offline... Any chance it'll be back soon? Just the description by itself sounds very intriguing... ;)

Author's Response: I'm actually not sure. I hated to take it offline and left the placeholder in the hopes that it will return. If it does, it will be probably be in the fall.
Name: serinah reviewed Oh, the Trauma on Sep 24, 2011 05:28 am
Very curious about where you are going with this. I have a couple of ideas and can't wait to read on. :)

Author's Response: Oh! Definitely read on! Ginny has a devious plan - well, not so devious, and she kind of keeps messing up along the way. :) You'll love it. :)
Name: DracoxXxGinny reviewed Oh, the Trauma on Dec 13, 2010 05:42 pm
hahaha i love how she used to time turner to prevent but actually helped her hook up with Draco XD, perhaps a sequel/another chapter? :D

Author's Response: thank you! I haven't thought of a sequel but it would be fun, wouldn't it? Perhaps how she deals with Ron the next day. :D Unfortunately, I have promised myself to not start a new project until I've finished my others.
Name: Len reviewed Oh, the Trauma on Aug 16, 2010 10:37 am
Such a lovely and cute story! Very funny too.
I absolutely love it!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! It was a fun story to write. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Thanks so much for letting me know! :D
Name: aerileigh reviewed Oh, the Trauma on Jan 14, 2010 11:32 am
Gah! I loved it!

This was amazingly cute, Gidge! You captured young Ginny so well--the sweet impulsivity, and the way she didn't think her actions through quite all the way. Very lovely. And Draco was sublime. I loved the way he kept an eye on her the whole time.

I loved your descriptions of the physicality, too. You always excel in that area--it helped capture the awkwardness of the situations well, particularly when she tried to confront Draco in the hall.

I enjoyed the simplicity of this story, too. The straightforward plot let your characters really shine, even down to Goyle and Seamus. You're absolutely brilliant. :)

Author's Response: You are too kind, my dear. But thank you. I had a great time writing it. It was nice to work on something more simple for a change. As soon as I read Time-Turner, I seemed to remember being embarrassed in school over some insignificant thing and how I wished I could erase that moment, and how as a teen we blow it all out of proportion. The story came to life from there.

Thanks again for your lovely feedback.


Name: scubarang reviewed Oh, the Trauma on Jan 14, 2010 11:13 am

That was a thoroughly lovely story.  It had humour, romance, UST, and the time travel was well woven.  We knew all along what would happen, but it was such a fun journey along the way.

You did really well with Ginny's character and it was totally believeable as she morphed into the girl that could live with the kiss and even look forward to more.

I loved that her travel back was likely the whole cause for him being the one to come into the library first.  You can't fool Fate.  And in the end, they both embrace it.

Lovely, as always.  Your writing is always a great pleasure to read.

Author's Response: Oh thank you! I'm so humbled by your words. I was amazed at how easily this story came. I'm so glad that the way she changed flowed smoothly. I love that you used the term "morphed" because it was so what I was aiming for.

As always, I'm so grateful for your kind and thoughtful feedback.


Name: shadieladie reviewed Oh, the Trauma on Jan 14, 2010 07:17 am
oh i love the story!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I loved writing it, and I'm so glad you enjoyed reading. Best wishes! -G
Name: msm_2011simonebb reviewed Oh, the Trauma on Jan 11, 2010 08:50 pm
a great plot!! i need more stories like this one from u...

Author's Response: Thank you. I'll see what I can do. :)
Name: Dragonness186 reviewed Oh, the Trauma on Jan 11, 2010 05:48 pm
hahahahaha this was amazing!

Author's Response: So glad you enjoyed. Thank you.
Name: Leah Black reviewed Oh, the Trauma on Jan 10, 2010 08:55 am
Uh THAT was SO great!
It's awesome and so funny!
A sequel would be really nice :))) *Please*
Next thing I'll do is go and check your site ;) Maybe you've written more of this great stuff!

Author's Response: So glad you enjoyed!!! Faerie Tales is probably closest to the style of this one. Also, if you can tolerate my very early, raw style of writing, check out The Enchanted on (it's got to many flaws to post here, but I love the storyline) Thank you so much for your feedback!
Name: Januarybaby reviewed Oh, the Trauma on Jan 09, 2010 12:36 am
That was wonderful. A short, fluffy piece which I believe was totally in character for both of them. :)

Author's Response: Thanks so much! I do try to keep them believable. :D Fluff is so fun to write.
Name: Kalira reviewed Oh, the Trauma on Jan 08, 2010 11:02 pm
lol... I love how it totally backfired on her, and managed to turn out wonderfully.

Author's Response: Thank you so much!!! Glad it gave you a laugh. :D
Name: psyche reviewed Oh, the Trauma on Jan 08, 2010 10:01 pm
I love how you were able to connect the past and the present. And that Ginny brought about everything that happened. =)

Author's Response: I seem to do that a bit, about making mistakes and facing the consequences. Just my style, I guess. Thanks so much. So happy you enjoyed it.
Name: ginnywitch reviewed Oh, the Trauma on Jan 08, 2010 08:02 pm
great use of time turner and excellent characterization of both draco and ginny =]

Author's Response: Thanks so much! I'm quite sure I never would have written a time-turner story if not for the contest. I'm amazed that the plot came about so easily. This was a real treat for me to write. :) So happy you liked it.
Name: Incognito reviewed Oh, the Trauma on Jan 08, 2010 07:25 pm
SQUEE! Heheh, this was so adorable. I loved it. It so reminds me of something Kim (Boogum) would write -- not to detract or take away from your wonderful writing. I just really really liked this!!

He smirked at her. “Was it everything you expected, Weaselette?” -- Best line, ever!

You did a great job like this. You should write more one-shots. I demand it. ^_^

Author's Response: *blushes* I don't mind being compared to Boogum/Moogle at all! She's one of my favorite authors, and way back I thought that my style was similar to hers. It's quite a compliment that you thought so too! I may be forced into more one-shots. The long ones are very, very time-consuming to put together, since I tend to do complex plots. Thank you so much!!!!
Name: penfold reviewed Oh, the Trauma on Jan 08, 2010 05:49 pm
Loved this! Love that you named it after something out of Galaxy Quest (Rickman love!), and that even though she used the Turner, that it still worked out the same way. Sweet, thanks! :)

Author's Response: You can thank my hubby for the title. I told him I needed a title, and that it was about a girl trying to undo a mistake, and he immediately said "Omega-13". It was so perfect, I couldn't resist. :D I just told him now about the Rickman connection. He's rather pleased with himself.
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Oh, the Trauma on Jan 08, 2010 05:24 pm
I LOVED THIS STORY! i loved that in an attempt to undo the incident, she actually brings it about, completely enticing draco in the process. brilliant and soooooo funny. especially when she's staying away from the library but stalking her. so cute. great job.

Author's Response: All the time I was writing this, I could just picture her stalking the halls of Hogwarts in desperation. Thanks sooooo much.
Name: jessica k malfoy reviewed Oh, the Trauma on Jan 08, 2010 05:21 pm
I love it. i love kissing draco/ginny and i adore how the time turner worked in this situation, making it the cause AND solution to the problem! Love it!

Author's Response: Thank you!!! It all just sort of fell into place. Not quite sure how I did that, but so glad that you enjoyed!!! Of course, your awesome beta skills truly brought this story out to be better. Thank you!!!!!
Name: Jack Tamara reviewed Oh, the Trauma on Jan 08, 2010 05:13 pm
Ah, this was so amazingly cute! I just loved it. D/G banter was so good, and I love how Ginny set back time to confront Malfoy and sotp the situation from happening, but ended up making everything fall into place. Everything just worked out so perfectly, like the puzzles finally fitting together. Possibly my favorite of all the things you've written! I wish I was creative enough to think of something like this. Good job!


Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm not quite sure where the idea came from, but the story was surprisingly easy to write, and possibly took less time than almost anything else I've written. I guess that means that I'm growing as a writer. Thank you again!!!!
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