Name: indev reviewed Chapter 21 on May 26, 2010 01:18 am
im so obssese with your story i really apreciate you update so quickly it makes it all better

Author's Response: Thank you! Obsession is good. ;)
Name: Emerald reviewed Chapter 21 on May 25, 2010 08:25 pm
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Marie better be Ginny or I will cry. :( Also these cliffhangers are killing me!!! :( And I'm so mad Draco admitted he doesn't care about her. BOOO DRACO! He better change his mind like.......right now!!

Author's Response: It's okay! Don't cry! It will ALL be okay. Have some Kleenex. (passes around chocolate Draco cake.) Don't worry...
Name: Jack Tamara reviewed Chapter 21 on May 25, 2010 07:40 pm
NOOOOOOOOO! He still loves Marie! :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( And he wiped her memory! But he still loves Marie! Stupid slutty, whore Marie, who ISN'T GINNY! *sniffles* My heart is breaking, Anise. Fix it, please, and make Marie go away. And now, I'm not sure I want D and G to have sex, a least not until Draco learns to care for her, just because Ginny and every girl out there deserves her first time to be with a guy who cares for her, if not is in love with her. Oh, poor Ginny...poor, poor Ginny. Now, I'm torn between wanting Draco and Ginny to have sex and not wanting Ginny to have sex with him.

But all in all, best chapter yet! So many good revelations! And I have to say, I'm really loving the bit about Draco's obsession with her. I have a thing, you could say, for obsessive!Draco.

Wow, I just love this story more and more. I mean, the stories I've read from you are all really good, but this one absolutely takes the cake. I'm really worried that after this period of continuous updates, you may abandon this fic and not update it for a long while, like your other long fics. I really hope that doesn't happen because this is one of my favorites and on my personal classics list now.

Ah, more revelations, more about this Marie business, and more D/G please! (AKA, update soon!)


Author's Response: It's okay! Take deep breaths! (passes box of kleenex) (fixes breaking heart) Wow, that's a lot of frowny faces.

Don't worry TOO much. Big chunks of this fic were written before I ever started posting it (which wasn't true of any of the other long fics, sad to say), and the rest was outlined. DDD is a very organic fic; it's growing and evolving as Draco and Ginny explain it all (oh, they're chasing me with those butterfly nets again-- I hate it when that happens.) But it's also very structured, and it will all get written. Hang on tight-- it's going to be a bumpy ride!
Name: maximumtrouble10 reviewed Chapter 21 on May 25, 2010 04:33 pm
Wow. Great chapter. Love the kiss, even though Ginny won't be able to remember it because Draco is so (admittedly sexily) ruthless.

Fav quote:
His eyes were very, very bright, a brilliant silvery color, as if they shone with unshed tears as well.

Theories and Thoughts:
Draco knows less than I thought--were both Ginny and Draco obliviated in the past to somehow ensure that their future actions would not be affected by their past relationship/decisions? But Draco still has certain "feelings" that stem from past knowledge?

Astoria is a "red herring" for Ginny. Is that a hint to us (the readers) that we are focusing too much on her when we need to pay attention to other, more vital elements?

What drove Lucius mad? Does he seek vengeance? I noticed that Narcissa is RARELY mentioned--perhaps the reason/events that make Lucius crazy involve her.

Darn. I was semi-close with Astoria knowing something about Draco (though the "something" is Lucius) and using it as leverage against Draco (very, very, very tangentially :)) How/why did Draco need to "handle" Astoria in the past? DId she discover another secret (perhaps about Draco's obsession with Ginny?)

Also, Lucius' reminder of the "place she held" could possibly refer to Ginny and her "place" in Draco's heart or his head/thoughts.

I'm rather unhappy about the evidence in this chapter that suggests that Ginny is NOT Marie, so I'm going to twist the facts to support my theory that Ginny IS Marie instead :) When Draco refers to Marie as a "whore", maybe this is figurative--he hates/blames her and therefore insults her. Maybe because Ginny is Marie, when Ginny travels to the past, she promises to never leave Draco in a moment where he is emotionally unstable, but she does have to return to the future and therefore breaks her promise? And if "whore" is literal, maybe future/present Draco takes Ginny's virginity, but past-Draco doesn't know this. Or, maybe past-Draco is Ginny's first, but Draco is obliviated so he doesn't realize it?

(If I VERY begrudgingly and VERY VERY temporarily suppose that perhaps Ginny is NOT Marie, I admit that the word "whore" makes me think of the Crystal Palace. BUT, to stubbornly apply this to MY theory, perhaps Ginny had to work there when she goes to the past to find a way to survive/connect with Draco because she remembers his 16-yr old portrait mentioning that?)

Also, I did some snooping on the name Marie Tessier. Tessier means "weaver" so perhaps Marie (aka Ginny) weaves words (aka lying) or "weaves" herself into Draco's life. I also found that Emilie de Tessier was a French cartoonist with the pseudonym Marie Duval. Perhaps the combination of the part of the real name with the part of the pseudonym signifies that Ginny has to go under a fake name/appearance (see picture of her as blonde), but is trying to stay as true to her identity/character/personality as possible.

Wow. Long review. At least it matches the chapter length-wise, and hopefully is a tiny fraction of the superb quality? Please update soon!

ps. Eris, the plot bunny, advises me to tell you to add caramel sauce. She wants the extra sugar :)

Author's Response: Yay! What a wonderful review! and wonderful theories too. :) Oo, the one about both Draco and Ginny being obliviated in the past... and your picking up on the fact that it's important that Draco needed to "handle" Astoria before.

I LOVE the Marie research. Now, here's a short detour... (Anise buckles all the seatbelts)... one thing I CAN reveal about Marie is that her full name is Marie Jane, and that the inspiration for the name originally came from the characters of Marie-France and Jane Tessier in William Gibson's Neuromancer. This fic isn't going to be any kind of crossover with Neuromancer (kind of an interesting idea, though), and the plot isn't going to use Gibson's concepts (I can't imagine how insanely complicated DDD would get if it did), but there were certain things about the motivations of those characters that did get me thinking. Anyway, the whole truth about Marie is yet to come, and will be revealed in the richness of this fic's mysterious twists and turns... ;) (stirs the mystery and adds caramel sauce)
Name: crimnymsin reviewed Chapter 21 on May 25, 2010 02:12 pm
I must say that's quite convoluted, but rereading the beginning again makes things shift into place so wonderfully.

Quite dark and delicious. Poor Ginny having no clue as to her magnetism.

Author's Response: Thank you! Yes, I think that Ginny is kind of clueless right now, but she'll be getting some clues very soon...
Name: openskys reviewed Chapter 21 on May 25, 2010 01:06 pm
You are so evil and I love itso so much! This was deliciously hot and sexy and pure torture! I still wouldn't give a fuck how dangerous he was haha. Poor Ginny.

Author's Response: Evil? Me? It's all Draco's fault... (Anise looks innocent and laces up Ryka running shoes. If y'all thought this chapter was evil... just wait until the next one, and *especially* Ch. 23...)
Name: harrypotterchick4ever reviewed Chapter 21 on May 25, 2010 11:30 am
oh!! so many new things to ponder:):)
so i am still convinced that marie is really ginny in the future that travels to the past lol if that makes any sense
but i thought draco knew about this; however this chapter makes me think that draco doesnt know that they are the same person
i think that he does love ginny he just thinks he can't love hence him calling ginny marie-he feels the same way !!!
whew i can''t wait for more
and i KNOW that ginny's gonna remember this in the future and i can't wait when draco finds out about the chamber of secrets!!
so many good things happening
keep up these fast updates
love it!!

Author's Response: You might be right... you might not... not saying either way... ;) But Draco doesn't know as much as he thinks he does-- that's one thing we know after this chapter. Draco WILL eventually find out about the CoS tho. More soon...
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Chapter 21 on May 25, 2010 08:04 am
Ok, in the beginning Draco was behaving like a loon on loon tablets. He shouldn't have been so intent to wipe er memory, cause she will remember, Tom made sure of that.

Author's Response: I think I"ll be giggling about the "loon on loon tablets" thing off and on all day long. They may wonder about this at work. OTOH, probably not. Considering where it is, nobody will seriously even notice. And a very good theory about how Ginny will *eventually* have to somehow remember what really happened...
Name: Nickii reviewed Chapter 1 on May 25, 2010 06:31 am
Hmm, don't agree with one of the reviewers. I don't think that Draco doesn't love her. I think he does, but that he doesn't recognize the emotion as such, or doesn't believe that he can because of what happened with Marie.. Also, I'm starting to doubt whether Draco even knows Ginny is Marie.. He called her Marie several times (or started to), but with the conversation in this chapter you got me doubting it all.. I still stand by my previous theories though :D Also, cuz you said this will strictly be d/g except for a few lame ass relationships like h/g, I don't think Draco could love someone else than Ginny, let alone that she be the reason why he can't love Ginny!

Ah well, to much gibberish for one review. Update soon, I love it!

Author's Response: You may be right. ;) (I'm not saying yes or no...) Draco has definitely convinced *himself* that he doesn't care about Ginny, but whether that means he really doesn't or not, only time (and more chapters) will tell. No, Draco has never actually, literally thought to himself, "Hmmm... Ginny Weasley is the same person as Marie Tessier." (See? Marie even gets a last name.) But I'm not saying any of your theories are wrong... (or right...) (stirs the mystery pot of chocolate some more. I think it needs raspberry flavoring.)
Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Chapter 1 on May 25, 2010 03:16 am
Reading through the reviews... It seems many of your readers believe that Marie and Ginny are one and the same. I haven't seen any evidence pointing to that fact. Am I completely blind?

I've got a felling that I'm going to be drawn into the Aniseverse even deeper than before now that LOST is over. I need new mysteries to ponder. Will 6 years be enough time to solve the questions of the Aniseverse?

Author's Response: Nope, I don't think you're blind at all. (Anise wheels out one of those weird things optometrists have with all the lenses in it. 20/20! Oh, wait, I'm not qualified to use that at all... never mind... runs from the State Board of Health...) I've deliberately put in evidence that could point either way.

BTW, my brother revealed the ending of *Lost* to me last night, and I told him thanks, you now ruined the entire show for me if I ever wanted to watch it on DVD. >:[ But I guarantee, DDD won't take 6 years. The end is already written... ;)
Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Chapter 21 on May 25, 2010 03:13 am
I don't think you've ever written Draco so CLEARLY unstable. Yes, you've made it clear in other fics that he has serious issues, but I can't remember any other them being as convincing as this one. I am now completely certain that Draco is insane. He doesn't care about Ginny, aside from lusting for her and wanting her to purify him, and his retarded life has made him completely crazy.

I don't like this Draco as a person, but as a character... I think you've done an excellent job making him look unconditionally cruel. I hope that that was your purpose, because it's going to take a lot to convince me otherwise.

One error: "And he would have done it. He would have convinced the Dark Lord that I ought to have you, even though I’d failed at my task and I hadn’t killed Voldemort." Shouldn't it be Dumbledore that he failed to kill?

Author's Response: Excellent review!! Thank you thank you. I think that people are getting different things out of the fic at this point, which is kind of what I want, because I've never written a D/G fic that is so completely planned out as a mystery. The *ending* is a mystery, obviously, but the motivations of many of the characters are also mysteries right now. (This very much includes Ginny's motivations, in fact-- and the story's told from her POV.) Draco is able to completely compartmentalize his mind, which I do think is very much a part of original canon. A part of him can indeed be cruel. But there are a lot of parts to him, and one major question is whether they're going to come together, and if so, how. Does he actually care about Ginny? He's certainly convinced himself that he doesn't. And that's all I'm going to say right now... ;)

Oh yeah, and about that Dumbledore thing. Um, that was posted very, very late. I work nights, and it was about 3:30 am, I think... (Anise goes back and changes reality and time itself) All fixed!
Name: pitzi reviewed Chapter 21 on May 25, 2010 12:38 am
I was almost crying in the end, when he did that memory charm. The chapter was so intense! Ginny really learned more than she bargained for!
The interesting thing was that all the time in this fic we saw Draco who knows all the answers and knows what he's doing. But in this one we actually learn that there are quite a few things he doesn't know or doesn't understand. He is sure he's got the right way to handle his situation and Ginny but he really doesn't. And I think Ginny might have understood some things in this chapter more than him. I also think she is right and he really is underestimating Astoria. And from where exactly does the spell spart? She won't remember anything of what went on in the chapter or just from some point?
We had some revelations here that might be in favor of "Marie is actually Ginny" theory - Draco sais she suddenly disappeared (could be going back to her time) and that whatever there is between him and Ginny feels like they were together before. Only I thught at first that he knew they were together in the past but now it's obvious that he didn't. I'm still not 100% locked on Marie=Ginny theory though. From what Draco said she obviously wasn't a virgin when he met her (that's obvious taking her occupatio into consideration). So if Ginny is Marie she goes back in time after being intimate with Draco. I still can't wrap my mind about Ginny posing as a companion at Crystal Palace. I'll just have to wait and see what happens.
I was also wondering: during the events of the 1 chapter (Draco's encounters with Ginny) he already wanted Ginny but he also already was with Marie (he tried calling Ginny Marie on numerous occasions) so it's like he was drawn to both of them at the same time! (I know, I know, that could be two Ginnys but we must explore other possibilities)! I've been thinking about that part for some time now. And well,it looks like some of Draco's memories were also erased. I think he mentions it in this chapter.
And we don't know where Lucius escaped from and Draco returned him to. Also we don't know where he sent Harry. And we still have to see how this horrible night ends.
Seems like you've got pots and pots of bubbling mystery in your basement.Every time youreveal something you immediately pour some more mystery from those pots!
And my review ended up long again. Sorry.

Author's Response: You don't ever ever E.V.E.R. have to be sorry about long reviews. :)

Anyway, yes, Ginny learned a lot more than she thought she would. (And she's right about Astoria-- we'll find out more about that soon.) One thing she found out was that Draco was really putting up a front all along and pretending that he understood much more than he did. He never actually knew almost anything about Marie, for example. To clear up a LITTLE bit more re: what he knew about Ginny: he's been interested in/obsessed with her for a long time, but he never thought she was Marie. (Is she? Oh, come on, y'all KNOW I'm not going to clear that up at this point. ;) Anise stirs the bubbling pot of mystery in the basement and tastes it from the spoon. It needs more chocolate....)
Name: maximumtrouble10 reviewed Chapter 20 on May 23, 2010 08:24 pm
Hmm. Interesting chapter. VERY interesting. You're adding lots of plot-chocolate chips to this batter :)

Fav quote: “You know perfectly well,” said Ginny. “What I did that night was just awful and I know it, and you’ll never let me forget it now, and you’ll never forgive me, and you want to have posters made of how I sneaked into the living room and molested you on this couch and put them up at Flourish and Blotts and—“

Theories: I apologize if I repeat any of my previous theories, but I think that some are SIMILAR but with MODIFICATIONS. Hopefully :). Draco swore to himself in past to protect Ginny because something happened that involves Lucius and Ginny in peril. He therefore obliviated Ginny in the past (as this chapter shows, he is apparently used to doing obliviate and confundus), but it's beginning to wear off (evidenced through Ginny's new memories) because of Draco being close to Ginny. The reaction in between Ginny and Draco--the "rekindling" (the whole fire idea) of some bond made between the two and that's why it's a different kind of dangerous (other than the sexual tension that Draco's fighting against to potentially make sure Ginny's a virgin when she comes to him in the past) ?
And the "curse" that Ginny refers to (with regard to her lack of sex) is actually Draco either physically or magically preventing it?
Tricky Draco placing a spell on Ginny that won't let her ask/remember the questions she wants--maybe that's an important part of the story because when she goes back in the past, her goal is to find out certain answers, and asking the questions (and knowing the answers from in vino veritas) in the present would prevent her from seeking out such answers in the past, which would change history and cause a time paradox.

Let me know how I do! (and please update again soon!)

Author's Response: Some of the theories are surprisingly close, and some of them... aren't. (takes fresh batch of cookies out of oven.) Draco did swear to protect Ginny, and it was because of something that Lucius wanted to do to Ginny (and still does.) The rest of it... well, I'm not giving anything away. ;) The next chapter has a lot of revelations, though! Some questions just may be answered...
Name: purrbecomesthenight reviewed Chapter 20 on May 23, 2010 05:30 pm
two things: apologies for all my spelling errors in my first reviews. and i really like the line in the summary. ALOT.
Name: purrbecomesthenight reviewed Chapter 20 on May 23, 2010 04:32 pm
for a second, you had me hoping. i was like "YES! FINALLY SOME SEX!" you cruel woman. however, yay for draco's angsty control issues! totally dig that he's all torn up about whatever it is we don't know about and his want for Ginny...

so, i'm beginning to think astoria has a bigger part to play than i originally though - someone else bought up the fact that we don't know why draco called off the wedding. could this be in defiance of lucius? (who has escaped from where??/HMM????)

at least we know why ginny can't be asking the questions she wanted to. i'm looking forward to some haryr/draco pissing contest some time in the near future...that's always enjoyable. how long does the in vino vertitas spell last anyway?

sorry for the lack of detail in this review...just finised my first 45hr working week...why do we work again?

and as always, eagerly waiting....

Author's Response: Very VERY good theory about Astoria. ;) I was wondering if readers were going to pick up on the clues about her part here, and I think that some are starting to. Harry and Draco will eventually get into it, but I'm not saying when.. and don't give up on SOME sex quite yet. ;) The in vino veritas spell lasts until the morning. Yes, I have a 60 hour work week coming up.. fun fun... and I just finished the first 12 hours of it. (Why did I agree to work Janet's assignment again?? Why do I have to work with the annoying, bossy nurse? Why does Shannon get to go home because she says she's "sick"? The answers to these and many other boring questions will NOT be found in this fic. But another chapter is coming up soon, with lots of shocking revelations!)
Name: deecohan reviewed Chapter 17 on May 23, 2010 02:29 pm
oh my god has he really killed harry? ooh its good i love it
Name: deecohan reviewed Chapter 16 on May 23, 2010 02:18 pm
oooh i cant wait to learn more

Author's Response: Thank you so much for all the reviews! :) I decided to start posting on, but the fic is up to Ch. 20 here, and the next chapter will be up soon. Much more to come.
Name: deecohan reviewed Chapter 12 on May 23, 2010 12:56 pm
ooh i bet it was lucius under the charm too
Name: deecohan reviewed Chapter 11 on May 23, 2010 12:35 pm
aww i cant believe they fired poor Luna i really love this story now
Name: The darkness princess reviewed Chapter 20 on May 23, 2010 12:13 pm
I can't wait for more!
Update soon.

Author's Response: I'm working on the next chapter now. :)
Name: deecohan reviewed Chapter 10 on May 23, 2010 10:26 am
oh i hope he isnt upto anything :( i love this twist and cant wait to read more, i wonder what the deal with astorias parents is?
Name: deecohan reviewed Chapter 8 on May 23, 2010 09:44 am
oooh i wonder what draco wanted to tell her?? i love this and cant wait to read more
Name: deecohan reviewed Chapter 7 on May 23, 2010 09:32 am
ooh i cant wait to find out what is in the crates is it what the department of mysteries think he has??
Name: deecohan reviewed Chapter 6 on May 23, 2010 09:18 am
ooh i wonder if she will remember it wasn't a dream? but does that mean Lucius is actually alive?
Name: deecohan reviewed Chapter 5 on May 23, 2010 09:03 am
i was reading this on fan but couldnt stop reading it i love it so glad you post on here too
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