Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Chapter 18 on May 13, 2010 09:24 pm
It's frustrating to me too... :(

Author's Response: Don't worry, more info soon!
Name: MK Richie reviewed Chapter 18 on May 13, 2010 08:27 pm
The lines between reality and the alternate universe are slowly melting away....

This line: "Probably because she’s in his extended slag network!" made me laugh out loud! What a good one--all the lines about Harry were rather funny ;).

Secondly, I think I may have stumbled upon a major, repetitive character flaw that I see in Ginny (or a darker kind of hold Draco has on Ginny than any of us realize at this point). It first appears here:

"She looked at him narrowly as a thought occurred to her. “But you didn’t go along with everyone else’s opinion, did you? At least for a while, at least not at first. Isn’t that true, Malfoy?

A strange look passed over his face. He nodded. She found that she didn’t know why, so she didn’t ask. "

And then again later on in the chapter here:
“I don’t know why it was so important to you anyway,” said Ginny, half to herself. Was that a question? It certainly didn’t sound like one, which meant that Draco didn’t have to answer it, she supposed. She could turn it into one so easily. A strange, dark, closed look came over Draco’s face, and she knew that he was thinking the same thing."

--I think I've had an "a ha!" moment. Ginny constantly rants and raves that she never gets any information, but she's had plenty of opportunities like this. She's the one stopping herself from asking the right questions, all because of some look on Draco's face. Now either subconsciously she does not want to know the answer or physically can't ask those questions because of something Draco did in her past. Maybe? *shrugs*

I also LOVED:
"Tell me, just out of curiousity-- do you make a habit out of backing girls up against kitchen tables and demanding to know if they’ve ever fucked their boyfriends, when it’s none of your fucking business in the first place?”-- I was thinking "Get him girl!!!" whilst reading this. =]

I am not going to even comment on the imaginary/real conversation Ginny has in the rain--too many possibilities, truths, lies...who knows! I find it intriguing that Draco so casually lets Ginny know he knows what she did that night...

And my most important question of this review:
Didn't Draco say he killed Harry in the last chapter? Or was that a joke? Did Ginny forget that detail?

There is so much more I could speculate about, but I think this review has gone on long enough! Can't wait for an update =].

Author's Response: First of all, long reviews are good! Yay! Ahem. I LOVE that you picked up on this about Ginny, and I think that it's a big part of her character. I think that the tension between her desire to find out the truth and her *fear*of finding out the truth is very much key to what drives her in general, for one thing. I have a long, LONG essay about Ginny's unexplored canon character that goes into more detail about this (don't worry! I'm not dragging the whole thing out here! really!), and it has a lot to do with the CoS and Tom Riddle experiences. But in this fic, there is also a lot of background to that story, and it does have a lot to do with past actions by a Malfoy, let's just say. We'll find out more about what really happened with Harry in the next couple of chapters, and also why Ginny kind of forgot about it... ;)
Name: dancingonstars reviewed Chapter 18 on May 13, 2010 08:11 pm
oo cant wait to see what happens when a scantilly clad ginny and a naked draco have to keep warm together...
was the astoria malfoy slip on purpose? or what. im confused by that. otherwise great chapter. i love when draco and ginny have to tell the truth to each other.

Author's Response: Um... I went back and changed that because... never mind why right now. Yes, D/G warmth sequence coming up! ;)
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Chapter 18 on May 13, 2010 07:40 pm
LOL. They keep going around in circles and not answering anything. That is so frustrating.

Author's Response: Especially for Ginny. ;) But there are reasons why, and she will find out soon.
Name: Jack Tamara reviewed Chapter 17 on May 13, 2010 04:33 pm
Anise....I'm warning you......MARIE HAD BETTER BE GINNY IN SOME FORM BECAUSE I JUST CAN NOT ACCEPT THAT SHE IS DRACO'S FIRST LOVE. *sobs* It's just too terrible to even can you do that to me???? I thought we were....DG friends and affiliates, are we not??? And then you throw in this bit of wickedness and make me depressed for the rest of the day. I'm typing this while curled up in fetal position as we speak.

On the other hand, I really ADORED that bit of truth-telling on D and G's part, and that DG interaction and hotness that you gave to us. Smutty biscuits on the way, I hope?

Ooh, and that cliffhanger really makes me want to hunt you down so that I can force the next chapter out from you at wand-point.



Author's Response: It's okay!! REALLY. It will ALL be okay. (Offers freshly baked batch of theory chip cookies with milk.) Everything's going to be all right... I swear... have some chocolate... :) More soon.
Name: Emerald reviewed Chapter 17 on May 13, 2010 12:13 pm
I am speechless right now. (In a good way)

Author's Response: Thanks, and more coming soon. :)
Name: Dark__Angel reviewed Chapter 17 on May 12, 2010 09:49 pm
o wow great suspense very well writen

Author's Response: Thank you! More soon. :)
Name: maximumtrouble10 reviewed Chapter 17 on May 12, 2010 06:42 pm
Yay for the long chapter and stubborn Ginny, though I am sad that Draco's beautiful face has a red handprint on it (but not that Ginny slapped him :) )

Why didn't Draco think that Ginny's truth spell would work? (and that only Dark spells work on him?) Does that mean that he's too powerful/has some cool quality that makes him immune to a lot of magic? And why is he having such a reaction to the "in vino veritas" spell? And what was the spell that Draco put on Ginny's wine? And why isn't SHE affected?

Tricky insertion of Ginny's dream here. But maybe the dream isn't a dream, but actually a memory?

I quite admire Draco's circumlocution here. He "answers" Ginny by being deliberately vague or distracting her.

Also, how Draco is talking about Ginny doing anything for Harry (the boy she supposedly loved)? Maybe he's indirectly referring to himself, and what he (17 year old Draco) had to do to protect the version of Ginny he knew and loved in the past?

Did Draco really kill Harry? I can't say I'm particularly saddened by that, though Ginny's worry that Draco will be sent to Azkaban rather than the fact that Harry is dead is nice :)
Also, I do feel somewhat badly for Draco because his "true" of emotions of jealousy and anger are revealed, and he can't hide behind that cool, impersonal, aloof mask.

My fav quotes of the story:

“Oh? What is he then? Your little fuck-buddy? Little being the operative word, I’m quite sure!”
“No, no, oh, wait, yes to that one part—“

:) Please update soon!

Author's Response: Draco can be overconfident and a little arrogant (well, more than a little), which is why he thought that Ginny's spell wouldn't work on him. He doesn't know her as well as he thinks he does. ;) Draco didn't put a spell on Ginny's wine, just on his own, so that it would keep magically vanishing out of his glass. Very good guess about Ginny's "dream" of the night before from Chapter 6! And once again, that question about what Draco really did or didn't do to Harry... it WILL come up again.
Name: ElspethBates reviewed Chapter 1 on May 12, 2010 12:22 pm
Ohhhh you are wicked!! Stopping things right there was simply unkind to your poor readers!

I cannot wait to see where you take things from here. Hopefully Draco won't jump to the conclusion that Ginny only "made love" to Harry (shudder) and we will finally get to see him show her just how he really feels!

When is Ginny going to realize that Hermione is shagging Harry's tiny bits?

When she does will she do a happy dance in front of Draco while random bits of clothing fall away? (oops... little plot fantasy just escaped)

I love your crafty Luna, by the way. I'd like to see more of her in the near future!

Now... all I can do is sit back and wait till you post some more... please realize that most of your readers don't have much patience and take pity on them... er... um... me! LOL

Author's Response: More about Hermione and Harry soon.... and more of Luna and Blaise, too. And more D/G! ;)
Name: MK Richie reviewed Chapter 17 on May 12, 2010 09:53 am
Leave it to Ginny and Draco to misunderstand each other WHILST under truth serum. How is that possible? GUHH!! Just when it really starts to get juicy, they end up in an even worse fight than ever. If Draco really did kill Potter, which I imagine must be true to some degree a la truth serum, I don't really feel to bad for him, he was very annoying. I understood right away the questions had to be very specific in order for the "real" truth to come out, but I'm a little confused about the emotion part/effects on the caster? Because Ginny cast the spell that means it will reflect back on her? In a sexual way (when Draco said the kissing mummies thing, I sort of got this message). Do you mind explaining? Still, it was a great chapter, even though I still have so many questions! Are any of them definitely going to be answered in the next chapter? Also, I am very glad to hear that Draco was unwilling to act as Voldemort's pawn and did not like getting information out of people, which makes me slightly more confident about his character. And lastly, my very favorite line was: "Ginny stared at the young man sitting across from her, and she wondered numbly what kind of mind really lay behind that beautiful face." I love you're Draco because he's so very deeply complicated and controlled. Please Update quickly! =]

Author's Response: Oh, it's very possible... (cackles evil-ly...) Don't blame me; I'm just the author. (looks innocent) In vino veritas (as I understand it) is a very complicated spell, and as Draco pointed out, Ginny really did not understand what she was getting into when she cast it. Emotional truths come out too-- for example, Draco never planned to get so angry at Ginny because he ended up revealing too much.
Name: cindy reviewed Chapter 17 on May 12, 2010 09:49 am
i love this chapter!keep going..

Author's Response: There will be more! :)
Name: Nickii reviewed Chapter 1 on May 12, 2010 08:56 am
with good i meant got

(sorry, not a native speaker, just a dumb dutch girl lol)

Author's Response: It's all good. You're not dumb!
Name: Nickii reviewed Chapter 1 on May 12, 2010 08:56 am
I love maximumtrouble10's review, she's so right!

There are always certain parallels between your stories.. Draco was used to torture prisoners as a 16 year old, he's magnificent in bed, he really wants Ginny to be a virgin, wants her desperately, only loves her, and so on..

I think all of those things are going on here as well. He really wants her to stay pure, and I think he good so angry about Harry because she told him as Marie that she had never been with someone else, and that she'd wait for him, or something along those lines..

Ah well, please just post more :D

Author's Response: Well, it's always the same Draco and Ginny feeding me information about what really happened... um... (van pulls up. why do they keep chasing me with those butterfly nets?) I mean, it all comes out of original canon, and my imagination. That's it. ;) But there are some truly new twists about D&G's characters that will be revealed in this fic-- (oops they're getting out the straitjackets) okay, I think I'd better lace up my Rykas and start running. Anyway, there will be more soon!
Name: The Ordinary Princess reviewed Chapter 16 on May 12, 2010 12:03 am
I believe that the correct term is Man-ho... Anyway love the story keep writing please.

Author's Response: Man-ho is always a good word. :) More to come soon!
Name: crazinessishappiness reviewed Chapter 17 on May 11, 2010 11:45 pm
Oh my! I just absolutely cannot get enough of this story! This chapter was bloody fantastic. It was going so well, but Draco had to jump to conclusions! Oh man, I can't wait for more! Such a fabulous story. You're holding out on us! I really do hope they just get to it soon..hahaha. But I'm glad as well your home was not damaged and that all is well with you! Hope to see a new chapter from you soon! Keep up the fantastic job. =]

Author's Response: Thank you! Yes, Draco is good at that, isn't he? More soon...
Name: pitzi reviewed Chapter 17 on May 11, 2010 11:41 pm
Oh, Malfoy deserved that slap! And why was he thinking that Ginny brought Potter there on purpose? Jelous fool. Too bad that Ginny didn't press for further information about Marie, but of course it was hard for her to hear he loved her. She shoukd have tried the seduction part - then he'd be the one unable to resist. But probably she's not cunning enough to beat a Malfoy in this game, though now, that she is outraged perhaps she'll gain advantage on him. Seeing as this spell brings not only facts but also feelings out, I assume thatnoteverything sais by Draco is a strict truth but rather apart of it. Perhaps what he told about Harry wasn't what he actually did to him but what he wanted to do? Anyway, I think he also met Lucius outside. And that was a great chapter ending! Can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Very smart to pick up on the way that Draco doesn't tell the truth about *everything*... the question of exactly what Draco did to Harry will be very important later on. And a good theory about Lucius... ;)
Name: erinem reviewed Chapter 17 on May 11, 2010 11:22 pm
Awesome last line. Very nice tension throughout :).

Author's Response: thank you! I was hoping the tension worked. :)
Name: suzymaholic reviewed Chapter 17 on May 11, 2010 09:43 pm
NICE! this was a sweet scene! Holy Crap it's awesome! Awesome way of ending it too :) Crap, and you worked pretty much everything you'd want in a story into one chapter! You got the smut, info about plot, action, drama, comedy, a bit of horror at the thought of Draco murdering Harry (more about this later), anyways thats all I can think of right now.

About Draco murdering Harry? Did the spell wear off already for him? Or is he just being cunning with his words? Hmmmm....

Well good job all around as per usual. Happy writing!

Author's Response: Thank you, thank you! :) Did Draco actually murder Harry? What *happened* to Harry? That's a good question, and there will be more about this later...
Name: sjr reviewed Chapter 17 on May 11, 2010 09:36 pm
i was just reading some of the other reviews... is ginny really marie? i thought the blonde woman draco was dancing with was marie... this is quite the twist... i do love your stories. always so exciting and never predictable as a lot of D/G can be.

also, i like your draco. he's quite a layered character, and i am enjoying finding out more about him.

waiting with bated breath for the next update :)

Author's Response: More updates soon! :)
Name: sjr reviewed Chapter 17 on May 11, 2010 09:36 pm
i was just reading some of the other reviews... is ginny really marie? i thought the blonde woman draco was dancing with was marie... this is quite the twist... i do love your stories. always so exciting and never predictable as a lot of D/G can be.

also, i like your draco. he's quite a layered character, and i am enjoying finding out more about him.

waiting with bated breath for the next update :)

Author's Response: Thank you! This is a really fascinating Draco, I think, and there's so much more to come about him (Ginny too.)
Name: purrbecomesthenight reviewed Chapter 17 on May 11, 2010 09:26 pm
oh, just like to concur with GoldenFawkes - excellent way to finish the chapter.

Author's Response: Thanks! I liked the ending too.
Name: purrbecomesthenight reviewed Chapter 17 on May 11, 2010 09:25 pm
Oh my lord! this is the first review i've done in ages...if at all!
First of all, I am sooooo happy that people are still posting on this site. It literally made my day.

Second of all, UPDATE! I'm going crazy with all this excellent plot and teases!

Is lucius still alive??

Author's Response: Is he or isn't he... that's a good question.... (whistles innocently)
Name: musii reviewed Chapter 17 on May 11, 2010 07:49 pm
This chapter was fun fun FUN to read!
Can't wait for the next one!

Author's Response: I'm so glad it was fun!
Name: Tatiana reviewed Chapter 17 on May 11, 2010 06:08 pm
Well, Draco's jelly, that's for sure.
And Harry's dead? I can only assume so, as it seems to me that the vino veritas spell is still in effect. That's a plot twist I wasn't expecting. (However, I really can't complain, as he's extraneous now that the Dark Lord is dead).
And Go Ginny! He's getting nasty and she smacked him! I'm glad, because sometimes her self-preservation instinct is a little lacking. Yay for Ginny!

Author's Response: Ginny can be like that at this point in the fic, no doubt. But she's learning fast! And we'll find out what really happened to Harry soon...
Name: maximumtrouble10 reviewed Chapter 16 on May 11, 2010 05:13 pm
Excellent chapter as always. Why do I have the feeling that the mirrors will come up again? :)

And it's quite ironic that Ginny is cursing Marie, when Marie is actually her--I have evidence for this too! The way Tom Jones, whose been with the Malfoys for a while, recognizes her ("you look different but ol'Tom doesn't forget"), the fact that Draco calls her "M" when in the hospital years ago, and more (too much to be written here! :) ) I love how Ginny cunningly and stubbornly turns the tables on Draco...but I have a potential theory--maybe Draco wants Ginny to see him in the mirror because why else would he so obviously "rehearse" his actions?

Anyway, off to read and review the next chapter! Sorry this is so late--my review never posted, so I didn't have a chance to check and rewrite it until now :)

Author's Response: Thank you, thank you! Oo, good theories. (bites into warm theory chip cookies.) Keep them coming...
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