Name: TheTimeMachine reviewed Chapter 111 on Nov 09, 2011 05:21 pm
I'm going to wait for the next chapter before I flip out and start grossing out. LOL Very good chapter though despite the bad mental images Astoria is

Author's Response: I PROMISE that everything's going to be okay! Just hold on... more soon. ;)
Name: iliveilearnilove reviewed Chapter 111 on Nov 09, 2011 01:56 pm
Ok just read it again... his feelings could have been the ones that he has for Ginny which is why he responded! Just a thought but excited for the next chapter!!! :)

Author's Response: A very good thought, too. But I'm not going to say any more right now, because we'll learn a lot about that in the next chapter. :)
Name: iliveilearnilove reviewed Chapter 111 on Nov 09, 2011 01:52 pm
Wow this chapter had me a bit on edge, while I know the plan was that Ginny needed to sleep with him as Astoria. It revealed that Draco even though he was forced a part of him is still attracted to Astoria for the magic to work. Rather interesting to how this has played out... even though I had figured it would result in this.

Favorite line:
“Yes, yes, yes; I want you, I’ve got to have you, if I don’t fuck you, I’m going to die. I want you. Gods-damn you. Fucking bitch. I need to have you. You’ve won, Astoria.” I read these out loud hahahaha bring on the sex!

Author's Response: Well, that's kind of the question, isn't it (one of them, anyway)... Ginny is in Astoria's body, but she's still Ginny. So who is Draco really responding to? This will become very important in the next chapter. And, oh yeah, that line.... tender and romantic, wasn't it? ;) But we still have a LOT of surprises coming up as to how exactly this is going to play out. More soon, and much earning of an NC-17 rating!
Name: pitzi reviewed Chapter 111 on Nov 08, 2011 11:32 pm
I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THAT THEY ARE GOING TO SLEEP TOGETHER WHILE GINNY IS IN ASTORIA'S BODY. It wouldn't be fair to Ginny to have her first time like that! And Draco should have known by that kiss that it wasn't Astoria! And what happened to the bond? isn't he supposed to feel Ginny's presence?

The only thing left to me is to trust your assurance that everything will be all right!

Author's Response: It's okay! EVERYTHING is going to be okay. Just trust me.... truuuuuuuust me..... (passes out more Sleepytime tea.) Everything will be clear in the next 2 chapters, and all questions will be answered (except for the ones about why we can't sneeze with our eyes open... or how to solve a quadratic equation... ;)
Name: ladyro7 reviewed Chapter 111 on Nov 08, 2011 09:40 pm
No, you claimed that everybody's obvious prediction when the transformation first happened was wrong. You cannot go back on that now; it's too easy.

Author's Response: This review suddenly appeared as if by magic when I was answering the others! That'll happen sometimes. Anyway, it's getting answered right away. :) Oh, NOTHING is easy right now in DDD, and many things are not what they seem. But it will all be revealed very, very soon, and the way that the intricate puzzle pieces all fit into place will finally become clear. We'll certainly see the answer to the question of the two vows in the next chapter.
Name: Boogum reviewed Chapter 111 on Nov 08, 2011 12:49 pm
Mwhahaa, I was right. I knew there was only one way the vows could both be fulfilled. I have to say, I actually don't care if Draco and Ginny do shag while Ginny is in Astoria's body. Eventually Draco would realise who he is really shagging and all would be well. Or, at least, as well as it could be.

Look forward to the next chapter!

Author's Response: Well, you really can't be sure of *anything* around here... but let's just say that it certainly seems that way right now. It'll all come clear very, very soon. ;)
Name: diamondsf reviewed Chapter 111 on Nov 08, 2011 11:49 am
OHMYGOD PLEASE NO! Don't let her have sex with Draco in Astoria's body! Ach, he got so close to believing she was actually Ginny and then... ARGH.
The tension!

Author's Response: It's okay! It's all going to be okay! (passes around Calm tea.) Lots of things coming up in the next chapter, and it's coming pretty soon. :)
Name: Emerald reviewed Chapter 111 on Nov 08, 2011 10:27 am
Nooooooooooooooo. I know you wouldn't do this to us - make their first time be while Ginny is in Astoria's body. But you are killing me right now! haha. Such an awful, terrible cliffhanger.

Author's Response: I'm sorry about the cliffhanger... I REALLY am... but the chapter had to end somewhere. It couldn't end up being 6857596585.9 pages long! There's so much coming up in the next chapter, and we'll learn a LOT about... well, it's coming up soon. ;)
Name: purrbecomesthenight reviewed Chapter 110 on Nov 07, 2011 11:59 am
This is not a review - it is an explanation and apology as to why I dropped out of following this fantastic fic blow by blow earlier this year.

You know how sometimes (for me anyway) you come back to fanfic after a little while of doing other things inyour life and all of a sudden it's all consuming - you want more good fanfic and you want it RIGHT NOW! :)
Well, that pretty much happens to me every time I come back to D&G - so much so, that my university grades take a massive beating whilst going through one of these phases. 'I know I may have a 3000 essay on some insanely hard to interpret question due tomorrow, but I am still going to read fanfic!' kind of thing.

So, that's why. Not that I imagine you've missed my presence greatly, but I just wanted you to know I often daydream about catching up and am soooo excited when I finish my last exam on the 25th....then it's holidays baby!

Author's Response: Hi Purr! :) So happy to see you again... but you MUST know that no explanations or apologies are necessary. I basically drifted away from fanfic for quite a while right before starting DDD, so I think I know what you mean. I'm glad I returned to it, because it originally really was the beginning of coming back to fic writing in general for me. While I'm working more on original fics now, I hope to never abandon fanfic... in fact, I have a theory that ALL writing has elements of fanscript of one kind or another. Anyway! There's a lot of DDD to catch up on. Um... it's kind of grown and grown... anyway, I hope that we'll all see your fic at some point! (It's a wonderful fic. Everyone else will have to just take my word for it. ;)
Name: a_gypsys_dance reviewed Chapter 110 on Nov 07, 2011 09:42 am
Re: Leather Bar - I went on a similar essay/rant yesterday to my friend's cousin (who is admittedly only about 10) about how all we see is Harry's point of view and he's very biased, etc. But I was so confused when I saw that at the end of the chapter. I was like, "I vaguely remember this joke, but was it mentioned in this chapter? Or the last one? What did I miss?!" I was unsuccessful in finding it until I read your reviews.

To your reviewer: a. Do you have complete knowledge of Hogwarts? Cause I'm pretty sure JKR doesn't. Let's be real, if Hogwarts wants its tower to have a basement, it'll make it happen. b. I feel like the title of the club itself sounds like an elaborate joke, but maybe that's just me. c. Girl, why you so negative?

Anyway, sorry for this, I was just very put off by her reviews (and not just for this fic, 'cause I'm a snoop).

Also, I hope the female half of Hogwarts' population had a group like SMHSGLB, hopefully with a better acronym.

Author's Response: Good for you! It's never too early for your friend's cousin to learn, that's what I say. ;) The SMHSGLB ref was in Chapter 5, as you figured out. (That's how we know that the problem wasn't with the length of the fic... :P) Basically, the SMH... you know, group came about in a very organic way. A number of boys at Hogwarts were confused about their sexuality and gender preference, and it was not a welcoming place to discuss those kinds of questions. (While we never really knew anything besides what Harry knew, I do think there were a couple of clues in canon to that effect.) The name was an in-joke... I think the British term would be "kidding on the square"... and was based on something that a seventh-year a few years back had heard about a group in a magical school in Eugene, OR. That's where the basement ref came from, because (per Wikipedia)

In British English, the word "basement" is used for underground floors of, for example, department stores, but the word is only used with houses when the space below their ground floor is habitable, with windows and (usually) its own access. The word cellar is used to apply to any large underground room. A subcellar is a cellar that lies further underneath.[1]

Now, about the female counterpart... I'll try to find out. IF I can stay ahead of the psych ward techs with the straightjacket! (starts running again)
Name: Paige Rene reviewed Chapter 110 on Nov 07, 2011 07:37 am
I'm so exciiiiiiited! Keep it coming! I love your work. :)

Author's Response: Thanks! :) More soon. Draco seems to have a lot to say...
Name: pitzi reviewed Chapter 110 on Nov 07, 2011 03:07 am
I've been pondering Lucius's whereabouts. He's obviously in Azkaban but he obviously wasn't convicted and sent to jail since everyone believes him dead, so I think this sell in Azkaban is also a soft place belonging to Malfoys. Did Draco put him in there? Probably. Yet, Lucius exercises some degree of control over there, he is a Malfoy after all. And Astoria obviously has access because she is still (unfortunately) a Malfoy. I assume that was also a part of why she so desperately wanted to marry Draco - to have access to Lucius with whom she is kinda infatuated and whom she helps to execute his plans.

I can only imagine that Astoria's history with Lucius is not a pretty one. For starters, she IS younger than his son. With this kind of age difference mostly sad things happen. Did Lucius intend her for this pureblood plan of his at first?

I think I'll quit theorizing now and wait for what happens between Draco and Ginny.

Author's Response: Mm. VERY interesting pondering, there. The Malfoys do seem to have a room everywhere, don't they? ;) Lucius had a way of escaping from every place that Draco tried to put him, so Azkaban was the only location left. Since you've figured things out SO well, I'll say one other thing: Astoria knew that consummating the marriage with Draco would be the best way to have continued access to Lucius. But it may not be the only way. And yes, the L/A story is a sad one. I can't reveal it all, but Lucius figured out years ago just how useful she could be to him. He never intended for her to take Ginny's place in the pureblood plan, though. Anyway, more soon!
Name: iliveilearnilove reviewed Chapter 110 on Nov 06, 2011 01:47 pm
I almost spit out my drink when I saw the words The End hahahaha bizarre indeed. Interesting twists going on but it has me intrigued!!! Favorite lines are:
“Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods…”

“No gods here, I’m afraid. Perhaps a devil or two,” said Lucius."
Name: Boogum reviewed Chapter 110 on Nov 06, 2011 12:14 pm
I'm kind of happy right now that I guessed right and Ginny did run into Lucius again, but I DO wish Draco would see beyond his own eyes and realise Ginny is in fact standing right in front of him. Of course that wouldn't be easy. People don't generally assume the woman you love is inhabiting the body of the woman you hate, and I guess no matter how observant Draco can be, he is also just as easily blinded by hate and disgust.

I'm actually surprised Lucius is still keen on his 'pureblood supremacy' plan - or should I say I'm surprised he still wants Ginny for it. Obviously there is something about her bloodline that he finds especially attractive. And it seems like only Draco can be used for the ritual - is that because Ginny herself needs to be willing? Or simply because Draco and Ginny are the ones with the bond?

I'm very curious to see what will happen next. And I think it's a good thing Daphne managed to stop Astoria. Draco's not-so-lovely wife is one very determined woman.

Author's Response: Draco can't do that at this point for a variety of reasons, some of which are under his control (and some of which aren't.) But you're right; he could perceive the situation more accurately if he were willing to look past appearances. I don't see Lucius ever giving up on the pureblood supremacy plan; it's really all that's keeping him going at this point, and he's got too much invested in Draco and Ginny filling those roles. And... there's SO much happening next... (Anise starts cackling) Let's just Draco and Ginny have been waiting for this part for a very long time, and we're finally starting to get into it. But the path of true... whatever... will NOT run smooth.
Name: TheTimeMachine reviewed Chapter 110 on Nov 06, 2011 11:37 am
Yes, yes that would be a bizarre place to end the fic. Everyone would sit and wonder what exactly happened after that. LOL Very good chapter, excited for the next chapter! :)

Author's Response: Thanks! No, I don't think that would be the best ending... Anyway, more soon!
Name: pitzi reviewed Chapter 110 on Nov 06, 2011 12:56 am
I read this one on the end of my chair, it was so exiting!

The chapter was so dinamic! lucius is getting creepier and creepier. And I enjoyed Astoria beeing nervous about how Lucius treats Ginny.

Yay to Daphne for doing the right thing I suppose it wasn't easy going against your sister even a bitchy one.

Also, Ithought they were back to looking like themselves, that's why Astoria was trying Cambio again. Then why didn't Draco see she is Ginny? Perhaps it's dark in there and he couldn't see her clearly.
So when are Draco and Ginny going to "breed pureblood babies"? (kidding)

Author's Response: Don't fall off! (of the chair, that is. That would not be good. ;) Thanks! Yes, Lucius is remarkably creepy, and I think the Astoria connection is sad. (There's a backstory, of course...) Nope, there are still two "Astorias" running around. The real Astoria was trying to correct the completely screwed-up results of the last Cambio being mixed with Scimbare (Bill's spell.) If she'd succeeded, she would have looked like Ginny, but Ginny would still have looked like Astoria. The fact that she failed just meant that nothing changed. And... well... the first D/G fic I ever wrote was a baby fic. You don't even want to know. Really. You don't!
Name: KamiOnna reviewed Chapter 2 on Nov 04, 2011 11:33 pm
God forbid she just dumped Harry and not have the crap at the beginning of this chapter happen! Ugh.
Name: pitzi reviewed Chapter 109 on Nov 04, 2011 01:12 am
A very awful thought has just occured to me: please tell me Draco is not going to sleep with Ginny while in Astoria's body!

Author's Response: It's okay! Don't worry about anything. :)
Name: TheTimeMachine reviewed Chapter 109 on Nov 03, 2011 08:32 pm
Wow really screwed that up didn't you? Well...lets see what the next chapter holds. :)

Author's Response: Yep, he kind of did. But to be fair, there are some things we don't yet know about that Cambio spell. More soon!
Name: Boogum reviewed Chapter 109 on Nov 03, 2011 06:12 pm
Uh-oh. I had a feeling this wasn't going to go well, and I see I was right. Poor, poor Ginny. I can just imagine how utterly heartbreaking it would be to be so close to him yet have him treat her like Astoria. And now she's lost in the portal. I do wonder if she will meet up with Lucius again - that would certainly be interesting while she is in Astoria's body, but in a way I kind of hope Draco just goes after her and all is resolved.

Still curious to know about this ritual everyone has been talking about, and what danger it presents to the female taking part. Theo obviously doesn't want Astoria to be a part of it, but it seems like they're all quite resigned to it as well - except Ginny, of course, who has no idea what they're going on about.

I have to say, this was one chapter I wished would keep going. I'm completely hooked and want to know what will happen next.

Author's Response: This was a very difficult chapter for Ginny, no doubt about it. She knows that Draco cares for her as herself, but he still can't seem to see who she really is. (Even harder than my emergency visit to the dentist today... but luckily I get to rest at home and read reviews now... ;) You do wonder about the most INTERESTING things. (nudge nudge hint hint) About that ritual... I can't explain what it is right now. I'll just say that the ritual would only be dangerous to some women who might take part in it, but not for others. (Astoria never planned for Theo to know that she'd been considering it, and he instantly knew that she was one who shouldn't even be thinking about it. He caught her reading a parchment that contained the information.) More soon...
Name: diamondsf reviewed Chapter 109 on Nov 03, 2011 11:40 am
Ah! And to think that I thought Draco would be able to recognise Ginny!
Draco's moments of madness when with Ginny are really quite something; that bit about "you carry the sun in your hair", wow, some pretty potent stuff!
J'attends avec impatience le prochain chapitre! (< I'm practising for a french oral exam tomorrow!)

Author's Response: It's okay! Don't die! There's enough chamomile tea for everybody. :) Draco doesn't have much experience with admitting that he cares about anyone in that way. (And the last time he did, it didn't end so well...) So he had a tendency to kind of lose it when he does. Which means that when it finally ALL goes down, there will be much madness indeed. (does not know French) You're waiting with impatience for the next chapter?? Soon.
Name: Katrina_M reviewed Chapter 109 on Nov 03, 2011 06:24 am
Oh no oh no!!!!!! Wait maybe because she is really ginny she will get into the malfoy rooms and then draco will know she's not really astoria ans will have to listen!!! Right?!? I mean you aren't going to let anything awful happen when it was just getting good?! RiGHT?! I think im getting hysterical.. great chapter and cliff as usual! Cannot wait for more!

Author's Response: Calm down... it's ALL going to be okay... (serves chamomile tea) Okay, here's ONE promise: the next chapter won't end on the same kind of awful cliffie. :) I mean, I'm not guaranteeing that it won't *be* a cliffie or anything, but it won't be so extreme. More soon!
Name: pitzi reviewed Chapter 109 on Nov 03, 2011 06:18 am
Yay, yay, yay!!!!! A new chappie!!!!
...And you had to finish it like this - with a worse cliffhanger than before..."sighs".

Well, I suspected that it would be very hard for Ginny to convince Draco who she really is. I think that he just so doesn't expect something like this that it doesn't penetrate his mind. I really hope he'll find her soon wherever she fell into and finally remove this awful spell. Perhaps someone of the immortals will help them?

Ginny proved to be a good actor - neither Nott nor Draco (who is more astute) noticed it wasn't Astoria.

And I don't need to say how eagerly I wait for the next chapter...

Author's Response: Um... yes, I'll admit, this is a bad cliffie. ;) But we'll find out more VERY soon. There's a lot coming up....
Name: nononono reviewed Chapter 109 on Nov 02, 2011 10:37 pm
This update was so unexpected it 100% made my essay-writing-and-suffering-filled-night! this chapter did not raise any huge questions for me except for the nature of Draco's "spidey sences" when it comes to Ginny. Can't wait for the big reveal- hope Ginny manages it soon though we know Draco is not likely to want to sit round and listen to "Astoria's" explanations. Keep it up :)

Author's Response: Thanks! :) I worked out some issues with DDD, and I think there will be at least a couple of chapters in a row now... mm. Something VERY interesting is coming up next. Stay tuned...
Name: Boogum reviewed Chapter 108 on Oct 31, 2011 08:40 pm
Oooo, so very, very curious. I do wonder how this is all going to be resolved, and what ritual was Theo talking about?

Author's Response: Oh, it'll be resolved, all right. ;) CATCH! (throws crown) Another Review Crown for spotting the ritual ref. It'll turn out to be important.
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