Name: diamondsf reviewed Chapter 102 on Oct 07, 2011 07:43 am
I literally CANNOT WAIT to see how this all turns out! It's shaping up fantastically and I'm so glad that the ends are all starting to meet (slightly)!
Ah please put up the next chapter as quickly as possible!

Author's Response: Thanks! The ends are starting to come together indeed. And Ginny is being more accommodating about letting me know what happened, for sure. ;) So I don't think the next chapter will take as long to come out. SO much coming up...
Name: ladyro7 reviewed Chapter 102 on Oct 06, 2011 10:50 pm
......there are no words....except that, much like Ginny, I knew it and yet I didn't.

Author's Response: Thanks! :) I was hoping that the Lucius/Astoria/plotting reveal would get that kind of reaction, because that's just what I'd been working towards.
Name: nononono reviewed Chapter 101 on Oct 06, 2011 03:53 pm
YES! I was sooooo hoping that she would get a butterfly wish note from Draco. I wish it had told us more of his secrets but I'm sure we will get to hear those in time.... :)

I'm checking back every day for an update- can't wait!

Author's Response: Thanks! I'm working on the next chapter. Ginny's being VERY difficult about exactly what happened, for some reason... ;) But it'll be out soon.
Name: Boogum reviewed Chapter 101 on Oct 03, 2011 11:07 pm
WOW! What a chapter! This was definitely intense, and I loved every moment of it!

Sadly, I have to get back to work, so this is going to be a short review. I look forward to reading more, though - whenever that may be!

Author's Response: Thanks! :) Yes, the intensity is ramping up, no doubt about it. As far as exactly when the next chapter comes along... I know what ultimately happens. But Ginny was a little shy about revealing exactly *how* it all went down. So I'm still working on... What?

(gets text message)

Sigh. They're chasing me with the straitjackets from the Happy Valley Rest Home AGAIN. More soon. ;)
Name: TheTimeMachine reviewed Chapter 101 on Oct 03, 2011 09:13 am
wow...that was intense. Looking forward to the next chapter. :)

Author's Response: Thanks! Yes, it's an intense chapter.... and there will be more. ;) Pretty soon!
Name: Paige Rene reviewed Chapter 101 on Oct 03, 2011 06:38 am
You are a brilliant writer. Your words come together beautifully, and it's a joy to read your works. Your very talented, thank you for creating and sharing such an enjoyable story.

Author's Response: Thank you! (Does Happy Great Review Dance. :) I've worked REALLY hard on the last part of DDD... (well, the last part of Book One of DDD.) That's why the next chapter is taking a little while. I learned that it happened a bit differently from the way I originally thought. But it'll be ready soon. :)
Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Chapter 1 on Oct 03, 2011 01:06 am
Don't know if I can post links here, but here's an article about (and picture of!) Loki in the new Avengers' film:

Author's Response: The link came through! It definitely makes me interested in the upcoming film... although I always pictured Loki as more blond. ;)
Name: Emerald reviewed Chapter 101 on Oct 02, 2011 05:43 pm
I really can't put my feelings into words besides... OMG OMG HAUIIUWFBIWFBF OMG.

"Ginny. I need you. Draco."
This line. Just about died. But holding on until I see your story through to the end. ;) I know daily updates can't continue forever, but I sure have been enjoying them whilst they last!

Author's Response: Okay, that's a whole new acronym... ;) I like it. And you can't die! You have to read the rest of the fic. There's much more coming soon!
Name: SometimeSelkie reviewed Chapter 101 on Oct 02, 2011 11:48 am
My thoughts? Too little too late, and things he would never express even if he had the chance (and he's had many). He wants and needs, but he doesn't love or cherish, even in his deepest thought. It's all about him, always talking about needing to talk to her but never actually talking. And I hate the rest of the Slytherins too. Screw you, Daphne, and your whining about forgiveness for sisterly love instead of saying anything useful about what's actually going on (we've known for months that Astoria would do anything to consummate).

I was hoping that Astoria was conferring with Lucius in the gardens; I'm disappointed to find out she was really with Draco.

Author's Response: I'm kind of picturing you marching up to Draco and giving him a long lecture while going like *this*.... (pictures it) (trust me, it's good. :) The boy could benefit from hearing it. Anyway, it's fascinating to get such different perspectives on what Draco is doing (well, the others, too), but I think there's validity in all of them. I was thinking about the meaning of the "Angst" tag (for all fics). One of the conclusions I came up with is that while it certainly doesn't mean that there can't be a happy ending, I think it tends to signify certain things about the characters. There are some very damaged people in DDD, without a doubt. But they are fighting for that ending, and I do think that Draco is struggling to become something more than what he is and has been (as is Ginny). Now, whether they succeed... we'll just have to wait and see. ;)

And, oh yes, Astoria! So much more about her machinations coming up.
Name: iliveilearnilove reviewed Chapter 101 on Oct 02, 2011 11:21 am
Love is such a dangerous thing, this chapter was full of wows and swoons... My favorite line has to be, “I swear by every god or demon or anything else there is that I’ll come to you as soon as I can. If you’ll just wait for me. Just this once.” Draco is one of those guys that girls should stay away from but simply are unable to.
I'm hoping Ginny doesn't get in too much trouble.

Author's Response: What a WONDERFUL summary of what's going on here. :) Yes, Draco's a dangerous one, isn't he? But as for how much trouble Ginny gets into... wait and see!
Name: humaira reviewed Chapter 101 on Oct 02, 2011 08:03 am

finally we saw what the dog wants i just don't understand why. she just seems like a money hungry bitch.

aww, that's so sweet. i don't really understand the part about the butterfly. explain please??


Author's Response: We'll learn a lot more about what Astoria really wants in the next chapters... it kind of gets slowly revealed as the plot unfolds. She's had some evil plans in the works for awhile. What Ginny doesn't know at this point-- and what she feels compelled to find out-- is whether or not what Blaise told her is really true. He said a couple of chapters ago that butterfly wish notes contain the unexpressed thoughts and wishes of the sender, and that they're sent only in the soft spaces. They often contain things that the sender would have had a lot of trouble actually saying without the note, and they usually don't even know that the note was actually sent. They tend to be sent in times of great emotional stress. Blaise sent one to Luna, and Dean sent one to Daphne. But nobody is better at hiding the truth than Draco. So Ginny does have her doubts. Could he possibly have actually meant everything he said?

In the next chapter, we find out the whole truth about that note... ;)
Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Chapter 101 on Oct 02, 2011 12:21 am
Finally the truth comes out! I'm so glad that butterfly finally got through. Ginny's been a bit stubborn about listening to Draco. Though I can't say I blame her. He's a frustrating guy.

Author's Response: Yes, some of the truth does come out on Draco's end-- because he really can't help it anymore. He hasn't been completely honest with Ginny for a long time now, but he's had some very good reasons not to be. And we'll find out exactly what they are! :)
Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Chapter 99 on Oct 02, 2011 12:06 am
Yes!! You're back! I was thinking about you yesterday because the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly showed up with The Avengers on the cover and I found out that the villain in that movie is going to be... Loki. Yes!!!

Author's Response: Yay! I'll have to check it out. :) He does make a good villain, doesn't he?
Name: msm_2011simonebb reviewed Chapter 101 on Oct 01, 2011 09:44 pm
this was such a wonderful chapie..... what going to happen to daphne & ginyy?? can dean help them?

Author's Response: Thanks! Well.... Dean's kind of stuck for awhile. But we'll find out about Daphne and Ginny in a little bit. Especially Ginny.
Name: msm_2011simonebb reviewed Chapter 100 on Oct 01, 2011 09:33 pm
a cliffie. not when the chapie is getting good....

Author's Response: But there was more pretty fast! ;)
Name: msm_2011simonebb reviewed Chapter 99 on Oct 01, 2011 09:19 pm
love it..i'm so happy that harry's plan backfired!!!

Author's Response: Thanks! Yes, it did... although he hasn't given up, and we haven't seen the last of that plan.
Name: TheTimeMachine reviewed Chapter 100 on Oct 01, 2011 04:36 pm
ok you'd think the first time she ran off from him in the crystal palace she'd have learned to at least stop and hear him out before she ran off. Well, I'm excited for the next chapter. :)

Author's Response: I am REALLY excited to see what everybody (well, reviewers, anyway) think of the next few chapters. Such a turning point coming up. I think there are a lot of interpretations that can be put on Draco's behavior right now, and they all have some validity, for sure. But there are a few things coming up that will change everything.... ;)
Name: SometimeSelkie reviewed Chapter 100 on Oct 01, 2011 04:29 pm
Good on you, girl. Oh, I just hate Draco so much by this point. Nothing he can say or do will ever make up for how poorly he's treated Ginny, how much he's taken from her, and how he still refuses to let her in even a little bit. His supreme arrogance, his completely unnecessary coldness, and asking her to once again trot after him and...ooooooohhhhh....*shoves Chapter Cake in mouth*

I think he's gone emotionally abusive at this point, and not even intentionally. He's disregarding her as a fellow human being with needs and feelings, constantly taking away her agency. No regard whatsoever for her emotional stability and well-being. Eminently selfish. Run, Ginny! Get a flat with Colin!

I always love your depictions of the soft spaces and surreality. I sound like a broken record, but it's true.

Author's Response: Okay, I HAVE to give Draco a *little* hug... ;) But I do see what you mean. However, I'll say this... Draco's right at the turning point. I *really* really want to see what you think of the next chapter. And thanks! :) Much more coming up in the soft spaces..... very soon.
Name: Boogum reviewed Chapter 100 on Sep 30, 2011 07:37 pm
Oh dear! I wonder if Ginny is really right in assuming that's what Draco wants from her, and if so, is HE right in thinking she doesn't understand? And what was with Astoria and Draco skulking around together? Did that actually happen or was Ginny just imagining things.

As a writer, I know that nothing is ever put in a story 'just because'. There has to be a point to all of this, but right now I honestly can't seem to puzzle it all out. And that is actually quite exciting. This is one of the few stories I genuinely just don't know what is going to happen next, and I do love to be surprised.

Looking forward to see how this all plays out and whether Ginny will stay true to her word (and if that is even the right choice in the grand scheme of things).

Author's Response: Well, I CAN reveal a few things here... ;) No-- Ginny was wrong at this particular moment. I certainly wouldn't say that Draco doesn't want her in the way she thinks (which isn't exactly what you'd call a shocking reveal), but that's not what he's referring to here. The answer to the A&D question is coming up in the very next chapter. And there's a point to everything, all right... ;) It will all fit together like a big puzzle. (cackles with glee while fitting pieces into place)
Name: Mungihead reviewed Chapter 100 on Sep 30, 2011 06:51 pm
Firstly, my laptop decided to lose power while I was in the middle of my review for the last chapter. Basic summary: awesome chapter, 'oh snap!'- Harry and Nott got burned, and Draco is going around hiding things again.

Now on to this chapter. First of all, chapter 100, whoo-hoo! Cake for everyone!

I love Ginny's independence at the end. I'm not sure if that's the wisest thing for her to do, seeing as Draco knows a whole lot more than she does right now, but it is nice to know that she's easing up on her dependence a little bit. Hopefully, out of all of this we might get a confession or an explanation out of this from Draco, which is all the better for us!

Awww...I love Daphne and Dean together. That's too sweet. :)

I think Pansy's trying to help Ginny out, but from the way Draco talked about it, I'm not exactly sure.

But probably the most confusing part (and the part that I am super excited to see explained) is how Draco appeared to be in two places at once. Do the soft spaces twist dimensions, or conjure hallucinations, or something?

Can't wait for more!! And these daily updates have been a pleasant surprise, and although they might be impossible to keep up with and may no longer continue- they are most definitely appreciated beyond a doubt. LOVE THIS CHAPTER! :)

Eagerly anticipating more!

M :)

Author's Response: Thanks!! :) Ginny goes back and forth, I think, and she may not always be wise-- but then, who could be when presented with the situations she'll have to deal with during the rest of DDD? ;) Yes, Pansy was trying to help Ginny, but I think she already knew that it was a lost cause. Actually, the explanation for what Ginny perceived is fairly simple, in a way-- she's in the soft spaces at a very tricky time, and it's very difficult to keep track of what you're seeing and when, as she'll find out. More soon....
Name: TheTimeMachine reviewed Chapter 99 on Sep 30, 2011 09:22 am
whooohoooo you updated!!!! Very nice work yes indeed. I can't wait for the next chapter! :)

Author's Response: Thanks! :) (looks into crystal ball) Something tells me that the next chapter just MIGHT be coming along rather soon.... ;)
Name: Emerald reviewed Chapter 99 on Sep 30, 2011 08:40 am
:D An update! Yay yay yay. The final chapters begin. ;)
I loved this one, as per usual! The suspense to what is going to happen next is killing me.
And haha at Harry for getting his plan foiled, but I'm sure his revenge for this is not going to be pretty.
And what is up with Astoria and Nott?? Can't wait to find out exactly what is going on between them!
Hope you update again soon :D

Author's Response: Thanks! :) But don't die from suspense. That would not be good. Also, you couldn't read the rest of the chapters. ;) Much more coming soon...
Name: Boogum reviewed Chapter 99 on Sep 29, 2011 11:11 pm
I always thought Harry's big plans to get Draco in trouble were a bit weak. I'm glad everyone else was able to see that as well.

Very curious to see what Draco meant by saying it made no difference if Astoria and Theo were seen together. Something seems to have changed, which I guess means that Draco no longer feels obligated to maintain the 'happy marriage' front. The fact he asked Ginny to stay behind also has me wondering what exactly he is planning. Very curious indeed.

In any case, this was a great chapter. I'd love to know what Shacklebolt and Humperdink were really up to in that room with Theo and Astoria, but I guess it might be a while before we know that. Either way, I'm just glad Harry was given a set back. Knowing the stubborn mule that he is, I doubt he'll stay that way for long, but for now they can have some kind of respite. I hope. Although there is still Lucius lurking about. Hrm . . .

Author's Response: Harry's plans weren't well supported, but you're right about his not having given up. In fact, there's more to consider than just Harry.... but you'll see how that's going to go rather soon. ;) Just so that you're NOT wondering about it, Theo and Astoria dragged Shacklebolt and Humperdinck into a room to convince them to listen to their little presentation after the sketches. S agreed, and he also knew that Harry would turn up. All three of them had the right to present evidence, but S had a pretty good idea of just how thin it was beforehand.

Yes indeed, something has changed on the D/A front. We'll find out much more very soon.... :)
Name: iliveilearnilove reviewed Chapter 99 on Sep 29, 2011 04:41 pm
Yessssss, suck it Harry and Theo! I love this chapter, Astoria surprised me I had been prepared to call her out her name hahaha. I am doing a happy dance that everything is coming together and the drama is coming to a close at the moment... or is it? We still have to see how things will play out with Ginny and Draco, see if Harry is full of empty threats, and if the Crystal Palace will take them for a wild ride once again...

Author's Response: Snerk! Yes, they all got the smackdown for now, but as for later... I make no guarantees. ;) Um... about that "drama coming to a close" thing... (eyes possible exits) Lots and lots more to come. :)
Name: humaira reviewed Chapter 99 on Sep 29, 2011 04:35 pm

This was beautiful. I think it maybe one of your best chapters so far. Everything flows perfectly, and I feel like you've wrapped up a lot of loose ends.


I have been faithfully checking for updates, and look what I get! I've been doing economic and math and finance problems all week, and I get to read! woooh!

Thanks again.

Pleasepleaseplease update soon!

P.S. I'm so lost as to what's happening with your MRIs? What exactly do you have? I hope you get better with whatever it is :)

Author's Response: Thanks!! :) (Does Happy DDD Dance.) I'm glad it helped the project of relaxing from the math-related-stuff... (runs far, far away from frightening math. Kudos to you!) There will be more very soon. And re the P.S.... it's a long story involving many journeys into medical facilities. :P Email me if you really want to know more! But yes, I'm getting better. :)
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