Reviews For Kismet
Name: lilactree reviewed Kismet on Dec 15, 2011 11:37 pm
Oh my goodness she was nutts :D Great fic!

Author's Response: I think everyone was a little nuts in this one, but it sure was fun to write. Thanks for the reviews! ^_^
Name: Eleoopy reviewed Kismet on May 29, 2011 07:17 pm
Love this story...not sure how i missed this one all this time!  You know, all along that last 4 chapters, I had a weird feeling that Draco either bribe Myrtle (since they were in Friendly terms in HBP) or somehow blackmail/force Myrtle to start this destiny stuff for Ginny.  I mean if Draco wanted to kiss Ginny for weeks, it only make sense that he would do something like this -- especially he IS a slytherin ;P  But I still like the ending anyhow and like Harry & Luna pairing!

Author's Response: I wonder that about reviews sometimes. I come back to reply to new reviews and discover there are old ones I haven't replied to. :(

In any case, I'm very happy you enjoyed this story (I know I definitely loved writing it!). Honestly, I don't believe Draco bribed Myrtle or anything like that (though I wouldn't put it past him to try if he knew that would have helped); it was Ginny's erratic behaviour after she heard about the prophecy that caught his attention in a more 'romantic' way - I think he really did just love to taunt her before that, though there had to have been 'some' feeling there - and I also believe he didn't really 'want' to like Ginny at first. By the end of it, he was just as resigned as she.

Yay, I'm glad you liked Harry/Luna! It was my first time writing them, and I have to admit I have grown rather fond of the pairing since.
Name: Iddoitallforthat reviewed Kismet on Dec 23, 2010 03:36 pm
Loved it!

Author's Response: Thank you! ^_^
Name: Gin Malfoy reviewed Kismet on Nov 24, 2010 03:00 pm
I loved it, but I still find it odd that Goyle, or was it Crabbe, made top marks on a charms test. ha! that would never really happen, but I suppose in this drabble it can happen. :D loved it. oh, I particularly liked the part where Luna mentioned pink haired babies and Ginny tackled Draco. hehe that was funny.

Author's Response: Ah, never doubt the powers of the mind. If Goyle really believed it was fate that he should get top marks on the Charms test, he would have the motivation and confidence to study and actually succeed in doing so. Or so I like to think. Poor Crabbe and Goyle get such little respect. I like to give them a moment to shine every now and then.

In any case, I'm glad you also enjoyed this one. I see you've been making the rounds of my fanfics today. ^_~
Name: cindy reviewed Kismet on Nov 12, 2010 09:55 am
Loved it!Loved it!Loved it!Thanks for this wonderful story:)

Author's Response: Glad you liked it. ^_^
Name: ReverseBeauty reviewed Kismet on Oct 21, 2010 09:01 am
:D Happy ending.

Author's Response: Of course. I love my happy endings. ^_^
Name: Kalira reviewed Kismet on Oct 17, 2010 10:41 pm
Loved it! Short and sweet and ever so fun. I liked how you wrote Ginny as an absolute nut most of the time, it was hilarious to read. I kind of assumed Myrtle was making it all up, but it was an entertaining concept nevertheless.

Author's Response: Yes, I don't know why my young Ginny tends to turn into a mental case. It has nothing to do with me, of course. *coughs*

Poor Myrtle. She only wanted a bit of attention, but I agree that it was pretty obvious she was making it up. I think that's the fun of it, really. The reader already knows she's just playing games, but poor Ginny gets sucked into it anyway.
Name: thistattooedbody reviewed Kismet on Oct 17, 2010 09:00 pm
Awwwwwwwwww!!! Loved it!

Author's Response: Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. ^_^
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