Name: b1elliot reviewed 1 - 4 on Nov 15, 2013 07:56 am
Love these dribbles so far. Thanks!

Author's Response: Thanks for reading! Glad you're enjoying them! :D
Name: readhead1755 reviewed 1 - 4 on Jul 06, 2013 05:53 am
Please don't wait so long to update again. I have been reading this since the beginning!

Author's Response: I am almost 100% sure that I will never take two years to update again. Buuuut there are 60 more drabbles to go, so I can't promise that something won't happen. ^^;; Thank you and I'm glad you've been enjoying the story! There will be another set soon!
Name: hatebelow reviewed 1 - 4 on Apr 09, 2011 05:05 pm
Although this chapter included on four drabbles they are some of my absolutely favorites from any of the 100 days challenges that I have read and I have read quite a few. I think Broken is absolutely beautiful. I love how you describe anquish, regret and fear and how he tucks them away. I love that you dont just jump straight into draco and ginny and show hop around clips of their lives like a lot of authors do. You seem to be gradually introducing the notion as in quills. I love that his letter was anonymous and that ginny actually responded. simple and beautiful. But hope was my absolute favorite. Narcissa's love for draco is near and dear to my heart.

Author's Response: Thank you. n_n That actually means a lot to me, because the drabbles in some people's responses to the challenge were fantastic. Out of all the drabbles I have written so far, New, Broken, and Hope continue to be my three favorite, and I'm glad someone appreciates them as much as I do! Even though I probably made this challenge harder for me by trying to connect all the drabbles to create one story, I really just like the build up of their relationship and exploring aspects of the JKR's story that she couldn't include into the series, such as how the war affected everyone. And the tension between Draco and Ginny, on top of their suffering from the war, is interesting, to me, to explore. Thank you for the review. I'm glad you like these drabbles. n_n
Name: WolfStar reviewed 1 - 4 on Jul 13, 2010 12:55 am
These are ridiculously good!

Author's Response: XD Thanks, Wolfie!
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