Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed 17 - 20 on Aug 04, 2010 06:21 am
This is a story, even if told in drabbles. I thought it was just drabbles from the title, and it kept me away for a good while.

Author's Response: Yep. It is quite literally a story told in drabbles. :D
Name: icthestrals reviewed 17 - 20 on Aug 01, 2010 09:58 am
I really enjoy these and I like the bit of continuity to your drabbles. Good work!

Author's Response: Thanks! Glad you're enjoying them. ^^
Name: WolfStar reviewed 17 - 20 on Aug 01, 2010 02:37 am
I enjoyed Questioning because I feel anybody who's suffered a loss has those same questions echoing in their minds. I certainly did. And I hope that Draco and Ginny's letters will help them get through their separate trials and recovery after the war. The way that drabble ended just seemed so poignant.

Emotions warred within him as he thought of it. On one hand, he was embarrassed to have spoken so highly of his father in the past, when now people only associated him with a criminal. On the other hand, he was his father, and nothing would change that. Draco still wanted to please him. He still wanted to admire him.

I think that was my favorite part though. I think sometimes people forget that some of our criminals were, in some ways, regular people. I liked how Draco sees his parents, especially his mother, in a new light.

Author's Response: I like writing the parts that were left out of the books, especially since there were so many repercussions from the war, but we skipped right over all of that emotional turmoil to get to the epilogue. :P Which was a legitimate thing for JKR to do, and totally leaves us lots of room for interpretation and creativity. Thanks for the review. :)
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